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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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No it's not, you claimed that Rangers fans only started posting on this thread when we were admitted into SFL3 and you included me in that. Thankfully some random person took the time out (couple of hours) and done the leg work required to show that you were telling porkies.

AAnnd...another lie.

Lenin/Goebbels technique again.

I've tried treating you as an adult, Bennett. Obviously wasting my time. Lord alone knows I give anyone enough ammo to have a pop at me, and I'll respond accordingly. Many posters on here will attest to that, I'm sure. Sometimes I'll make a c**t of myself, sometimes someone else will make a c**t of me - it's a bit of fun, a game if you will, to distract us all from real life.

Simply lying, abusing and throwing insults, though? Just f**k off and play with the children if you can't handle debate.

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AAnnd...another lie.

Lenin/Goebbels technique again.

I've tried treating you as an adult, Bennett. Obviously wasting my time. Lord alone knows I give anyone enough ammo to have a pop at me, and I'll respond accordingly. Many posters on here will attest to that, I'm sure. Sometimes I'll make a c**t of myself, sometimes someone else will make a c**t of me - it's a bit of fun, a game if you will, to distract us all from real life.

Simply lying, abusing and throwing insults, though? Just f**k off and play with the children if you can't handle debate.

Normans been caught lying again and resorts to his usual petty and chilidish attacks.

Next you'll be telling us that Rangers owe HMRC £94 million, you just can't help but lie.

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I don't know,enlighten me.

And then explain exactly what any of that has anything to do with densboys complete rejection and non- recognition of a lawful tribunal verdict.

Well, depending on which figures you believe, it's somewhere between 10 and 15 million pounds, including NIC, which we'll treat as the same - given that they would also be paid to the Treasury. Strangely enough, it also includes VAT, which has absolutely f**k all to do with wages or earnings.

Example of what can happen

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Normans been caught lying again and resorts to his usual petty and chilidish attacks.

Next you'll be telling us that Rangers owe HMRC £94 million, you just can't help but lie.

They do...they just hid the evidence really well. :rolleyes:

Edit...should say, "they did", as rangers are no more. :D

Edited by beermonkey
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Normans been caught lying again and resorts to his usual petty and chilidish attacks.

Next you'll be telling us that Rangers owe HMRC £94 million, you just can't help but lie.

No, I've been accused of lying by you, you mendacious, slandering ape. Now off you go and greenie your little chums and leave the grownups out of your pathetic little circle-jerk, there's a good Orc.

I have NEVER done anything remotely resembling a chilid. Cock.laugh.gif

(I like it when he gets rattled - the keyboard conspires against him to make him look thick. Must be a kheyboardlaugh.gif)

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You honestly believe that the verdict as delivered completely exonerates your old club .. yes or no.

The PLC had the finding handed down in their favour so in that respect then under the tribunal ruling yes. However it seems that you can't accept a legal ruling if it goes against your opinion,which makes you a hypocrite. At the end of the day though a legal verdict was reached,i accepted it,i would also have accepted it if it went against the PLC,maybe you should try and do the same.

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They do...they just hid the evidence really well. :rolleyes:

Edit...should say, "they did", as rangers are no more. :D

Porn star accountants don't grow on tree's you know.

That never grows tiresome, still as fresh as the first time i heard it.

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They do...they just hid the evidence really well. :rolleyes:

Edit...should say, "they did", as rangers are no more. :D

Hush, lad. They think they've won - and they're pretty funny, wondering when they'll get out the red carpet for their glorious ascent to the Euro Super League, leaving the ashes of Scottish Football behind them.

Anyway, they're innocent, you know. Like OJ. And Michael Jackson.

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Shred-it: Owed £444.00

"By the way poor wee Shred-it Glasgow Ltd. one of the many creditors wont get their £444!"

"It is not accepted that there had been no deliberate concealment of the side-letters, in view of how the first side-letter only came to light through the seizure of Mr Berwick’s file nearly four years into the enquiry. It is not accepted that the nondisclosure of the side-letters arose from a ‘credible’ view that Mr Red considered the side-letters irrelevant to HMRC’s enquiry. As a former Inspector of Taxes, Mr Red knew, or should have known, that the side-letters were highly relevant to the enquiry. The side-letters showed a form of contractual arrangement, and they proved linkage between the sums contributed into the sub-trusts at the appointed dates and their withdrawal as loans from the sub-trusts as contemporaneous transactions."

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Well, depending on which figures you believe, it's somewhere between 10 and 15 million pounds, including NIC, which we'll treat as the same - given that they would also be paid to the Treasury. Strangely enough, it also includes VAT, which has absolutely f**k all to do with wages or earnings.

Example of what can happen

All well and good but can you tell me what this has to do with another posters complete rejection of a lawful tribunal verdict?

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No, I've been accused of lying by you, you mendacious, slandering ape. Now off you go and greenie your little chums and leave the grownups out of your pathetic little circle-jerk, there's a good Orc.

I have NEVER done anything remotely resembling a chilid. Cock.laugh.gif

(I like it when he gets rattled - the keyboard conspires against him to make him look thick. Must be a kheyboardlaugh.gif)

Norman gets caught lying and he picks out a typo and starts name calling, now i'm sure he's complained about that in the past.

A liar and a hypocrite but very observant, which must come in useful when doing your secret agent stuff.

P.S The part i've highlighted makes you look a bit Saville like, not your brightest idea.

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Fascinating stuff.

Who's behind this piece? Obviously they'll be dismissed as a tarrier with an agenda, but it makes interesting reading and makes me feel slightly less pessimistic about the title stripping prospects.

I think he's a retired legal type who understands the language that the judgement is written in. He's made some very perceptive contributions to various blogs. Stuart Cosgrove mentioned him once on Off the Ball. I doubt if anyone in the press could pen a piece as thoughtful and nuanced as this. Yes, not all is as it seems at first glance.

Edited by Danish Pastry
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Gematria has been around for thousands of years. The english language has only been around for 550 years. Therefore the following results in gematria could not have been fixed or set up by human intelligence. I am a former professional poker player. All my decisions in poker were based strictly on Mathematics. The odds on the following results are astronomical to say the least and Ive been told they break the reasoning of mathematics. The names that add up to the same number will always add up to the same number no matter what the base is and no matter what the progression is. The sumerian civilization Believed in gematria and used 6 as the base and 6 as the progression. There is another reason to use 6 as the base and 6 as the progression but i cant get into that now. Once again it wouldnt matter what number you started with.

A=6 B=12 C=18 D=24 E=30 F=36 g=42 h=48 i=54 j=60 etc etc etc. Look at these results and explain.


GEMATRIA = 444 Mark of beast = 666 Basketball = 510

ENGLISH = 444 Stubborn = 666 jordan = 372

JEWISH = 444 witchcraft = 666 bulls = 396

MESSIAH = 444 Sorceries = 666 chicago = 276

JESUS = 444 Illusion = 666 pippen = 456

Y'SHUA = 444 New york = 666 jackson = 438

JOSHUA = 444 corrupt = 666 bestever = 576

CROSS = 444 Slaughter = 666 allstar = 498

GOSPEL = 444 Computer = 666 arena = 234

PREACHER = 444 Insanity = 666 slamdunk = 570

PARABLES = 444 treacheries= 666 superstar = 822

Lucifer = 444 santaclaus = 666 winners =612

What are the odds on the first 11 on the left side. Calculator doesnt go that high? I was confused on why lucifer added up to 444 until god led me to read Ezekiel in the old testament. Ezekiel called lucifer a cherubim and described a cherubim as 4 creatures with 4 heads and 4 wings. I refer to a cherubim as a 444 angel. Here are some others.


FRUIT = 444

THE KING = 444


ENERGY = 444



Since Lucifer=444 returned from abyss in 16th century he has taken control of this God forsaken earth, and has turned humans against each other, as he deceives them and fools them and entice them for war against each other in the name of good, bad and evil/ugly. As Lucifer=444 takes control of every single Government and nation on this earth, not a single nation can escape him, as he cashes in human's ultimate weakness to lie, cheat, while being greedy and selfish. As human race is now without the mercy of God in the powerful clutches of Lucifer=444 and they live/survive just like animals, like creepy crawling creatures (Geneses 3.14), and they survive by Darwinian rule 'The survival of the fittest'.



Edited by SS-18 ICBM
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No, I've been accused of lying by you, you mendacious, slandering ape. Now off you go and greenie your little chums and leave the grownups out of your pathetic little circle-jerk, there's a good Orc.

I have NEVER done anything remotely resembling a chilid. Cock.laugh.gif

(I like it when he gets rattled - the keyboard conspires against him to make him look thick. Must be a kheyboardlaugh.gif)

Norman gets caught lying and he picks out a typo and starts name calling, now i'm sure he's complained about that in the past.(1)

A liar and a hypocrite but very observant, which must come in useful when doing your secret agent stuff.(2)

P.S The part i've highlighted makes you look a bit Saville like, not your brightest idea.(3)

Oh dear God, I think we've nearly broken the Uber-Amigo. He'll be resigning again if we're not careful.wink.gif

1. "Caught lying"? You mean accused of lying by someone who continually lies, then conspicuously fails to provide any sort of proof of his accusations.

2. Ah, Wee Bendarroch's contribution to the wit and wisdom of the Orcs. Shame there's at least half-a-dozen posters who knew exactly what I meant, and the position I'm in. The longer the pair of you keep this up, the bigger fuckwits you look. "Norman" wore out quite awhile ago, but this one is fucking funny - except you don't know why!laugh.gif

3. What the f**k is it with you lot and paedophilia?

Attention Devlin, there may well be a vacancy......laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif

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Oh dear God, I think we've nearly broken the Uber-Amigo. He'll be resigning again if we're not careful.wink.gif

1. "Caught lying"? You mean accused of lying by someone who continually lies, then conspicuously fails to provide any sort of proof of his accusations.

2. Ah, Wee Bendarroch's contribution to the wit and wisdom of the Orcs. Shame there's at least half-a-dozen posters who knew exactly what I meant, and the position I'm in. The longer the pair of you keep this up, the bigger fuckwits you look. "Norman" wore out quite awhile ago, but this one is fucking funny - except you don't know why!laugh.gif

3. What the f**k is it with you lot and paedophilia?

Attention Devlin, there may well be a vacancy......laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif

I love you number everything so that the P&Bers can try to understand it all, you're some guy.

Anyway you lied and got caught (again), then posted some uber dodgy stuff which makes you look a bit suspect. All in all another normal Norman day.

Typo's supplied for your benefit

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