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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Of course. And neither does it become yours. Other than chucking football altogether, there's nothing I can do about the subsequent distribution of match revenues.

I have my opinions on what they should be. And let's not forget the SPL neither want or need us. Why on earth would you still want our money?

The SPL board or Club chairmen have come out and said the don't want The Rangers in the SPL?

I must have missed this.

Listen mate, don't get upset, I'm sure if you progress through the leagues and you conform to all the rules, they will welcome you in like any other promoted club.

I'm sure you've just misheard something.

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Of course. And neither does it become yours. Other than chucking football altogether, there's nothing I can do about the subsequent distribution of match revenues.

I have my opinions on what they should be. And let's not forget the SPL neither want or need us. Why on earth would you still want our money?

We're not getting any of your money, so I don't see what you are getting at.

Do you want to play Celtic 36 times a season? Or do you want to be included in a competitive league set up?

In a historical sense, Rangers and Celtic have soaked up most of the TV money and prize money for themselves. Imposing top heavy payments for league placings and conditions on the distribution of TV money. Along with various other things like surcharges for selling tickets.

You don't seem to realise that without other teams to compete with, you wouldn't get a brass farthing.

So if you've never wanted us, why did you quite happily use us to negotiate deals and keep most of the money?

Now you also want to keep all the gate receipts from home cup games as well.

I'm not surprised.

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So if you've never wanted us, why did you quite happily use us to negotiate deals and keep most of the money?

Now you also want to keep all the gate receipts from home cup games as well.

I'm not surprised.

It should be clear to anyone that Rangers and the plastics generate the most money in Scottish football and only right they get the benefit of it.

And - for the third time - my suggestion was that cup ties become home and away, two-legged ties. More money generated over all, each club benefits from their home gate and all arguments about the rights and wrongs of gate-sharing are erased.

I see nothing wrong with a club like Hibs relying on their own support for income.

And, if it's a competitive league you are interested in, then I'll restate my case that the best solution for all would be to see Rangers and the plastics leaving the Scottish leagues.

A Scottish league with Hibs, Hearts, Aberdeen and the wee Hibs being genuine title contenders would be much more attractive and I'm certain crowds would soar. Did Hibs not have a massive boost in crowds the last time they were relegated and went on to win promotion?

I'm sure they did - being able to be genuinely compete for a title was a major attraction. And why wouldn't it be? It's pretty much the same for most sports the world over - people want to see the best. And they'll pay to do just that.

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A Scottish league with Hibs, Hearts, Aberdeen and the wee Hibs being genuine title contenders would be much more attractive and I'm certain crowds would soar. Did Hibs not have a massive boost in crowds the last time they were relegated and went on to win promotion?

Like this season you mean?

Maybe if rangers came back up and lived within their means.

The prize money was distributed fairly.

And tv money the same.

Rangers could be part of that competitive league?

Half the SPL has proved this season that you dont need to overspend to compete with Celtic.

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It should be clear to anyone that Rangers and the plastics generate the most money in Scottish football and only right they get the benefit of it.

And - for the third time - my suggestion was that cup ties become home and away, two-legged ties. More money generated over all, each club benefits from their home gate and all arguments about the rights and wrongs of gate-sharing are erased.

I see nothing wrong with a club like Hibs relying on their own support for income.

And, if it's a competitive league you are interested in, then I'll restate my case that the best solution for all would be to see Rangers and the plastics leaving the Scottish leagues.

A Scottish league with Hibs, Hearts, Aberdeen and the wee Hibs being genuine title contenders would be much more attractive and I'm certain crowds would soar. Did Hibs not have a massive boost in crowds the last time they were relegated and went on to win promotion?

I'm sure they did - being able to be genuinely compete for a title was a major attraction. And why wouldn't it be? It's pretty much the same for most sports the world over - people want to see the best. And they'll pay to do just that.

aye, both sides of the shitey arse disbanding into extiction would suit us all fine.

(can I interrupt myself with a 'well done lat night Celtic, bye ra way')

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Like this season you mean?

Maybe if rangers came back up and lived within their means.

The prize money was distributed fairly.

And tv money the same.

Rangers could be part of that competitive league?

Half the SPL has proved this season that you dont need to overspend to compete with Celtic.

And Celtic, Manchester City and Chelsea have all proven this season in different ways that you don't need to overspend to compete in European football. smile.gif

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Charles Green you were the one who put new Rangers in division 3 so stop being a fucking twat and get your pension fund.

Aye, but why did he want a CVA to start with? if he could have simple "bought the history" on the cheap? rolleyes.gif

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Aye, but why did he want a CVA to start with? if he could have simple "bought the history" on the cheap? rolleyes.gif

You know his time is running out and is going spout more pish to the bigot dome at Naebrox so the zombies can get all their hard earned giro to Chuckle vision scam.

He accepted a 5 way agreement, and the FTTT stated that those loans we're contractual. So i will be pleased that the SFA give us the Scottish Cup 2009 final back. :D

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Oh, come *on* mate - you know fine well that Charlie has previously stated that you're just best buds with Motherwell, no hard feelings. Not only that, but you know that I and *everyone on P&B* knows this as well!

Seriously, what do you imagine there is to be gained by the pretence that you don't know this?

The fact that you're pretending not to understand perfectly obvious points makes it *even more* obvious that you're at it, not less. And the fact that you and your fellow Teds can't even agree on why you're boycotting the game and keep offering contradictory rationales means that it's already pretty obvious that you're at it.

I actually prefer Bendarroch's mental supremacist approach of declaring that Rangers are the true rulers of the universe, then issuing fatwas upon everyone who has ever had the temerity to disrespect the club. At least his "logic" is internally consistent and isn't quite so utterly reliant on pretending that we've all been afflicted with amnesia after a nasty bonk on the head.

He's straight enough to plain act like a man who's boiling with rage because his club is dead, and just make it clear that he wants revenge on all the other clubs out of nothing more than sheer seething spite. It's direct, at least.

Whether Green stated this or not isn't the issue here. Leaving Green aside this is more about the majority of Rangers fans looking to boycott most SPL clubs,that includes Motherwell. As for Rangers fans agreeing with issues or not as re; boycotts' again as far as i'm concerned if there is an ongoing boycott of those away games then i'm quite prepared to go along with it. All very well for those clubs not to allow us to remain in the SPL but it's very hypocritical for them to try and parachute the club into the first division,where was this sporting integrity then. Once again i have to say that your last paragraph is nonsense.

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Whether Green stated this or not isn't the issue here. Leaving Green aside this is more about the majority of Rangers fans looking to boycott most SPL clubs,that includes Motherwell. As for Rangers fans agreeing with issues or not as re; boycotts' again as far as i'm concerned if there is an ongoing boycott of those away games then i'm quite prepared to go along with it. All very well for those clubs not to allow us to remain in the SPL but it's very hypocritical for them to try and parachute the club into the first division,where was this sporting integrity then. Once again i have to say that your last paragraph is nonsense.


Feck me, where's this tool been ?

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That question has been answered many times,search and you will find.

Why did he bother wanting a CVA to start with? What difference would that have made, unless he really wanted to pay back the creditors you stole from?

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Feck me, where's this tool been ?

Like to explain that? Let me guess,more nonsense about new club. The part in bold,were Rangers in the SPL last season and was there a vote as to whether they would remain in the SPL,a yes or no will suffice on that question.

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