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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Lets see what the pie and bovril experts make of it first , Captain had already dissed it

Captain has pretended to diss it, deep down the good Captain will be swinging between rage and tears as tries to comprehend whats happened.

First they got skelped over the EBT's and now this, the P&Bers will be off to Erskine tonight :lol:

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Captain has pretended to diss it, deep down the good Captain will be swinging between rage and tears as tries to comprehend whats happened.

First they got skelped over the EBT's and now this, the P&Bers will be off to Erskine tonight :lol:

I fear for 00killie , can see a bottle of asda's own brand vodka getting done in tonight as he batters his pish stained keyboard .

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'Mon Bennett, I'm waiting. And as I've the works doo tonight I would like to get pished sooner than later :)

Sorry never noticed this. You have the works pigeon :blink:

I won't be buying any shares until the accounts are out and Charlie and friends prove themselves 1st. I don't have the expertise to advise anyone on shares, other fans will have to look into it and decide for themselves.

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No need to listen to anyone. Just look at the facts.

Liquidation, new club, 3rd Division, no Champions League, no League Cup seeding, James Traynor, Rangers red card protest "no to liquidation", etc, etc. :lol:

''The organisation considers the club’s history to be continuous regardless of the change of company.''


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Sorry never noticed this. You have the works pigeon :blink:

I won't be buying any shares until the accounts are out and Charlie and friends prove themselves 1st. I don't have the expertise to advise anyone on shares, other fans will have to look into it and decide for themselves.

Ta , so by your

While Rangers fans tend to think for themselves and wait until somethings been proven rather than jumping the gun.

logic, the issue is doomed to failure. Interesting take I must say.

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Captain has pretended to diss it, deep down the good Captain will be swinging between rage and tears as tries to comprehend whats happened.

First they got skelped over the EBT's and now this, the P&Bers will be off to Erskine tonight :lol:

Aye,Rangers 2- The Haters 0.

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''The organisation considers the club's history to be continuous regardless of the change of company.''


To save searching back on the thread, is this the org that Oldco were appealing to afore their death (April/ May / June??)? If it is the one that only (from memory) had Celtic, the dead club, Aberdeen and Hearts as members is it that important?

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To save searching back on the thread, is this the org that Oldco were appealing to afore their death (April/ May / June??)? If it is the one that only (from memory) had Celtic, the dead club, Aberdeen and Hearts as members is it that important?

You never told us about the company pigeon, so spill the beans?

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The original aim of the IPO was to raise £20M from all parties, if they achieve this would you consider that to be a success or failure?

If £20m is raised at launch I would consider it a successful floatation. And stick that in your sig if you want.

The consequences are kinda irrelevant, as someone said earlier today it is win/win.

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They have 207 Members from 53 associations

I would hardly class that as only

Do you want me to list the rest?

Why are you asking the question?

'Cos I looked at their site when the oldco were whining like bitches about appealing to them......can't even remember why though I suspect it was to do with transfer of membership.

And to save me going back again, what do they actualy doo (:)) ? Ie what clout do they have?

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Captain has pretended to diss it, deep down the good Captain will be swinging between rage and tears as tries to comprehend whats happened.

First they got skelped over the EBT's and now this, the P&Bers will be off to Erskine tonight :lol:

EBT isn't over yet as you well know, so sure the P&Bers have been skelped by Greene being correct and transparent all along, a few questions see if you can answer sensibly without the usual deflection

1) Where's the accounts, whats the REAL picture off the field

2) Where's the title deeds? Who actually owns the assets.

3)Where's the ticketus debt gone? Who's really going to make money out the share campaign.

4)Where's the truth? Greene stated they were debt free-Lie, Greene stated he wasn't involved with Ticketus/Octopus - Yet the company is all over the prospectus, Greene ststed TUPEing weas illegal _ Players legally left, Greene stated he had never met or dealt with Whyte - Yet Whyte seems to dispute this and seems to have evidence to back this, Greene stated he had a consortium - Yet hasn't been able to name them.

5) Probably most importantly who is Greene actually working for? Ticketus, Whyte, Murray, some other dodgy guy that hasn't been named as anyone who thinks he's here himself is deluded

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