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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Remember the Scottish football authorities have already found us guilty, we've all seen the letter that Green gave to STV where they wanted him to hand over 5 titles in return for a license/membership.

Can they afford to fight this, the gauntlet has been thrown down.

:lol: what a pile of pish Benny if it were a letter from the SFA demanding the titles back I'd believe you.Naw it's a letter from Green to the STV :blink: we all know that Green is a raving loony when it comes to telling the truth these days.

Green signed a contract to take any punishments from the oldco only ! and title stripping is not a punishment to the newco,it's more like fines,suspensions,points deductions and the like that actually affect the newco.

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Now chaps this is why you shouldn't believe everything you read on message boards.

All me weans are asleep so I can't read it to them. However, can someone please read this sentence aloud to another responsible adult and ask them if it makes even a milligram of sense?

Hell, even read it out to your self. It says absolutely f**k all.

:lol: typical Gers fans reply when it comes to the truth :blink: deflect and ignore and try to rubbish the post as if it means feck all because it does not follow orc talk propaganda party line.

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Guest Kincardine

Remember wee Hell bhoy possesses a razor sharo legal mind, he knows what he's talking about :lol:

He does indeed and has brought shock and awe to the thread. Such is the capacity of his forensic mind that he delighted us all with this little bon mot:

RFC 2012 is the lawfully legally recognised entity the courts will only consider as it was the club & company that won the trophies as far as the law courts are concerned.

A work of genius!

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Rarely has there been a bigger crock of shite written by one individual. :lol:

The court will not be interested in your laughable old club new club childish argument, the court will only be interested in the investigation, evidence, verdict and punishments as carried out, handled, judged and handed out by the corrupt SPL and its mickey mouse commission.

That was encoded in pish Tedi in a poor attempt to ignore,deflect and rubbish my post.

So your the legal expert on here nowadays EH ? :lol: some legally known entity must be represented in law court that the court recognises as the victim as you would put it.

Remember Green publicly stated out loud his new club has never played in the SPL so how the fcuk can you go to court if the club has never played in the SPL to keep said titles ?

Only the oldco RFC 2012 under law will be recognised as the club/company that won said SPL titles because there is proof & evidence that club/company played in the SPL.

It's not too hard to work out if your not a thick orc !.But you'll just reply with deflected pish anyway won't you :lol:

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Perhaps you should peruse the decision from the three man SPL Commission in which it clearly states that there is a distinction between club and company. As in Lord Nimmo-Smith,Nicholas Stewart QC, and Charles Flint QC, The Commission appointed by resolution of the Board of Directors of the Scottish Premier League,dated 1st August 2012 in relation to RFC 2012 PLC and Rangers F.C. Paragraph 3 details this. Then read para 7 where the Commission clearly state that NEWCO became the operator of Rangers F.C. Also paragraph 9 has clearly distinguished between club and company when stating "The Notice of Commission was served on OLDCO,NEWCO and RANGERS F.C".

We're moving from a commission to the courts of law here to retain titles aren't we ?

Courts only work within the law and as far as the courts will be concerned is that RFC 2012 club & company and legally known entity that won said titles and cups.

The court won't be concerned with some fanbased petty argument as the club is separate from the company and the club was apparently saved blah blah.

Legally under the law Rangers the club aKa RFC 2012 was the club that won them honours.

All the SFA's,SPL's and Scottish media propaganda that the club is separate from the company goes right out the window if the RFFF take this to court.

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He does indeed and has brought shock and awe to the thread. Such is the capacity of his forensic mind that he delighted us all with this little bon mot:

RFC 2012 is the lawfully legally recognised entity the courts will only consider as it was the club & company that won the trophies as far as the law courts are concerned.

A work of genius!

I'm glad you agree :lol:

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We're moving from a commission to the courts of law here to retain titles aren't we ?

Courts only work within the law and as far as the courts will be concerned is that RFC 2012 club & company and legally known entity that won said titles and cups.

The court won't be concerned with some fanbased petty argument as the club is separate from the company and the club was apparently saved blah blah.

Legally under the law Rangers the club aKa RFC 2012 was the club that won them honours.

All the SFA's,SPL's and Scottish media propaganda that the club is separate from the company goes right out the window if the RFFF take this to court.

There is not now nor has ever been a club known as RFC 2012. Under administration,The Rangers Football Club PLC was changed to RFC 2012 PLC (the company),and is quoted as such by BDO and other authoriteis,such as the three man SPL Commission. You see this is not a fan based argument,as you put it,but it has been determined by three very eminent legal minds who collectively came to this conclusion. So in that respect,i much prefer to go with said legal summation than your own,if that's all right.

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Guest Kincardine

The court won't be concerned with some fanbased petty argument as the club is separate from the company and the club was apparently saved blah blah.

Legally under the law Rangers the club aKa RFC 2012 was the club that won them honours.

All the SFA's,SPL's and Scottish media propaganda that the club is separate from the company goes right out the window if the RFFF take this to court.

More ignorant word-salad from the thread's legal expert.

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I can just imagine Tedi the lawyer in court trying to defend a dead team

Judge: Lets here an opening statement from QC Tedi

Tedi: Mlud we are ra peeple, the SPHELL stole our titles and we want demand em back. Lawell has got an agenda...

Judge: NEXT CASE!!!

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Bring it on

RANGERS Fans Fighting Fund announce tonight that they will be underwriting costs incurred in the battle to protect the club's 54 titles.

The Fund are fully committed to defending Rangers' history, which includes all honours.

Rangers fans have already paid in more than half a million pounds to the Fund and after tonight's meeting a spokesman said: 'It is absolutely crucial that Rangers' titles remain untouched.

'But because there has been a long-running campaign in the media and within certain other clubs to punish Rangers we must do everything within our power to protect the club's proud history.

'Every fair-minded person knows where these titles belong and we will not sit back and allow anyone to have them removed.'

Suggest better uses for this cash - sending it to the Lance Armstrong defence fund, or making origami flags for Belfast city hall. Or maybe just setting it on fire, which will likely prove just as effective.

BTW, I can imagine fans of many other clubs being utterly impervious to reason, if their team was forced to forfeit ill-gotten trophies after being caught cheating. I can imagine them being irrational and stubborn and self-pitying...

But I can't imagine any other support in the land going anything like as totally mental as the Zombies have, not even the English clubs whose fans have really bad reps for hooliganism.

I guess it all boils down to this - if your motivation for following a football team is that it spends so much time shouting at everyone about how it has the biggest dick in the universe, and waving it in everyone's face 100% of the time, then you're going to respond badly to anything that looks like a pair of scissors.

Or something.

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We are perfectly aware that the majority of Football fans in Scotland could not give a fcuk about how many honors Rangers have won, the number is so far beyond their tiny aspirations that they do not even think about it. We are also aware how much the plastics covet our crown, this is obvious from the sheer weight of rabid blogs salivating about tile stripping along with the relentless failed haranguing of the football bodies and trading standards :lol: to declare our history non continuous, these sentiments were so painfully displayed to all with Harper McLeod's 'you stole our fucking titles' outburst.

It does not surprise me therefore that the plastics are beeling about the reality that even if their Kangaroo court is successful then ultimately it will all be taken away on appeal.

This isn't the strongest denial we'll ever read against the accusation that your fans are weirdly fixated upon being the Supreme Emperor Dalek of the universe, in a way that strikes fans of practically every other club on Earth as bizarre, unhealthy and not a little bit sinister.

Also, not exactly a categorical denial of the implicit accusation that your mania for shoving your Herrenvolk mythology down everyone else's necks is what prevents you all from recognising any objective reality outside your own loopy worldview.

Otherwise, pretty much the same Woe is us, everybody is inexplicably crazed with hate and out to get us for no sane reason whatsoever horseshit that we've long since come to expect.

Edited by flyingrodent
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We are perfectly aware that the majority of Football fans in Scotland could not give a fcuk about how many honors Rangers have won, the number is so far beyond their tiny aspirations that they do not even think about it. We are also aware how much the plastics covet our crown, this is obvious from the sheer weight of rabid blogs salivating about tile stripping along with the relentless failed haranguing of the football bodies and trading standards :lol: to declare our history non continuous, these sentiments were so painfully displayed to all with Harper McLeod's 'you stole our fucking titles' outburst.

It does not surprise me therefore that the plastics are beeling about the reality that even if their Kangaroo court is successful then ultimately it will all be taken away on appeal.

tile stripping

I'm off to patent a title stripping machine.........

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Stolen from another thread, decided to post it in here as it's bang on the money

Dont see any support for this from anyone other than Rangers fans. What is worrying is that a bit of an ungodly thirst is developing. A thirst for an ethereal lynching of HMRC and RTC. The sad thing is......and what Rangers fans fail to realise.....is that ALL of this would have been avoided if you had simply paid your taxes like every other Scottish club, which is Rangers own fault. Tax payment would not have been an issue had Rangers not accumulated an overdraft of over £50 million with Bank of Scotland, which again is Rangers own fault. They would also recieve more sympathy/leniency if they hadn't shafted small businesses, the ambulance service, charities, face painters and newsagents, while now claiming to be the same club, again, the trail of debt was Rangers own fault. Their silly little dance of "Debt? That was Oldco.....History? Well that is Newco's now." just angers those who felt that acceptance of responsibility and feelings of remorse may one day eminate from Rangers fans.

But Rangers fans STILL dont get it. They still dont understand why the fans of the 40 other clubs are united in their condemnation and now, dislike, for Rangers. They brag and boast about "winning" the big tax case...........but still offer no apology for the "wee tax case", the national insurance contributions or the £9 million of unpaid PAYE that they ARE guilty of and STILL havent paid. "But....but......that was the old company, no Rainjurz!". They still offer no appreciation for the fact that after all that went on in the summer, we turned a blind eye to their lack of three years audited accounts and their failure to meet the membership criteria, and decided to let them enter the bottom tier anyway. They run around holding up their big tax case "win" ( Not even a conclusive win by the way, the appeal was upheld in principal by majority decision and Rangers were still found GUILTY of misadministering over 30 EBT's which is being pursued by HMRC. ) they run around and BRAG about how the other £50 million of debt died with the holding company and how the club is now debt free. They say we went out to "destroy" them......even though we allowed their new club into the third division. They say the SFA & SPL are against them.....even though Regan and Doncaster fought for newco entry DIRECTLY into the SPL. Now they are going mental......because the league reconstruction ( which doesnt even AFFECT them ) is not what they thought it would be ( Or what Ian Black, Charles Green and Dorian Goian claimed it would be.....) they are thumping their chests and baring their fangs again.

In a nutshell......Rangers go from the 4th tier to the 3rd tier EXACTLY as they would have under any other reconstruction model - but they are raging at this.

Rangers will be crowned Third Division Champions and be presented with the same prize money, a trophy and the record of being the last ever third division champions - but they are still raging at this.

Rangers will be presented with the opportunity to play big clubs from the top leagues QUICKER thanks to the split and "mini-league" permutations of the proposed re-structure which gives Rangers access to bigger financial rewards, increased revenue, more televised match opportunities SOONER than in the alternative model proposals - yet again, something they are raging about.

The only downside is that although they will still recieve "de-facto" promotion, from fourth tier to third tier,it will not "technically" be a promotion. Like saying a Christmas tree isnt really a Christmas tree without baubles.....but everyone knows it is still a Christmas tree.

So when fans of other clubs see all the wailing and babyish gnashing from Rangers fans.......it makes it hard for us to support Rangers fans in any endeavour.

The truth is, Rangers were put in this position by THEMSELVES. By their own supremacist ideology and sense of entitlement in Scottish football and by their need to equal Celtic's "nine in a row" which led to the big spending ( of the banks money ) during Walter's first era. Then they spent more of the banks money during their misguided pursuit of European success which manifested itself in the Advocaat years and an £80 million bank debt. So they did all this to themselves......then spend the last 10 months blaming everyone else, blaming Scottish football fans, blaming all the "bitter enemies of Rangers" that make up the St Mirren, The Kilmarnock, The St Johnstone fans etc. They spend the last 10 months screaming about HMRC conspiracies and Peter Lawwell and the BBC and this elaborate organised conspiracy that involves all non-Rangers fans and all the fans of every other Scottish club.

So do Rangers fans SERIOUSLY expect support from the fans of other clubs when they have done so much harm to Scottish football and wont even serve their penance with the "dignity" that Rangers fans are supposed to care so much about?

Sorry, but I think this petition is doomed to failure simply because the actions of Rangers and their fans, from the day David Murray walked into Ibrox to Charles Green's last paranoid and noisy rant, have utterly destroyed any good will or support that may have once existed within Scottish football. The sooner they do what they said they were going to do ( led in chorus by their overweight greetin-faced pie-fan-in-chief, Obese Sal ) and quietly take their medicine and work their way back up then the sooner we can rebuild all those bridges.

Until then......Rangers fans.......you are on your own.

Edited by Enrico Annoni
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It is not bang on the money, virtually every paragraph is stuffed full of inaccuracies or things which simply are not true, the 50 mill, 3 years accounts, restructuring the same as promotion, the list goes on and on.

Basically it is bang off the money and just another (rather long) anti rangers inaccurate and extremely tired piece of drivel.

didn't read it to be fair, far too long and too small a font.

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It is not bang on the money, virtually every paragraph is stuffed full of inaccuracies or things which simply are not true, the 50 mill, 3 years accounts, restructuring the same as promotion, the list goes on and on.

Basically it is bang off the money and just another (rather long) anti rangers inaccurate and extremely tired piece of drivel.

More about the attitude of Rangers and it's fans

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