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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Stolen from another thread, decided to post it in here as it's bang on the money

Dont see any support for this from anyone other than Rangers fans. What is worrying is that a bit of an ungodly thirst is developing. A thirst for an ethereal lynching of HMRC and RTC. The sad thing is......and what Rangers fans fail to realise.....is that ALL of this would have been avoided if you had simply paid your taxes like every other Scottish club, which is Rangers own fault. Tax payment would not have been an issue had Rangers not accumulated an overdraft of over £50 million with Bank of Scotland, which again is Rangers own fault. They would also recieve more sympathy/leniency if they hadn't shafted small businesses, the ambulance service, charities, face painters and newsagents, while now claiming to be the same club, again, the trail of debt was Rangers own fault. Their silly little dance of "Debt? That was Oldco.....History? Well that is Newco's now." just angers those who felt that acceptance of responsibility and feelings of remorse may one day eminate from Rangers fans.

But Rangers fans STILL dont get it. They still dont understand why the fans of the 40 other clubs are united in their condemnation and now, dislike, for Rangers. They brag and boast about "winning" the big tax case...........but still offer no apology for the "wee tax case", the national insurance contributions or the £9 million of unpaid PAYE that they ARE guilty of and STILL havent paid. "But....but......that was the old company, no Rainjurz!". They still offer no appreciation for the fact that after all that went on in the summer, we turned a blind eye to their lack of three years audited accounts and their failure to meet the membership criteria, and decided to let them enter the bottom tier anyway. They run around holding up their big tax case "win" ( Not even a conclusive win by the way, the appeal was upheld in principal by majority decision and Rangers were still found GUILTY of misadministering over 30 EBT's which is being pursued by HMRC. ) they run around and BRAG about how the other £50 million of debt died with the holding company and how the club is now debt free. They say we went out to "destroy" them......even though we allowed their new club into the third division. They say the SFA & SPL are against them.....even though Regan and Doncaster fought for newco entry DIRECTLY into the SPL. Now they are going mental......because the league reconstruction ( which doesnt even AFFECT them ) is not what they thought it would be ( Or what Ian Black, Charles Green and Dorian Goian claimed it would be.....) they are thumping their chests and baring their fangs again.

In a nutshell......Rangers go from the 4th tier to the 3rd tier EXACTLY as they would have under any other reconstruction model - but they are raging at this.

Rangers will be crowned Third Division Champions and be presented with the same prize money, a trophy and the record of being the last ever third division champions - but they are still raging at this.

Rangers will be presented with the opportunity to play big clubs from the top leagues QUICKER thanks to the split and "mini-league" permutations of the proposed re-structure which gives Rangers access to bigger financial rewards, increased revenue, more televised match opportunities SOONER than in the alternative model proposals - yet again, something they are raging about.

The only downside is that although they will still recieve "de-facto" promotion, from fourth tier to third tier,it will not "technically" be a promotion. Like saying a Christmas tree isnt really a Christmas tree without baubles.....but everyone knows it is still a Christmas tree.

So when fans of other clubs see all the wailing and babyish gnashing from Rangers fans.......it makes it hard for us to support Rangers fans in any endeavour.

The truth is, Rangers were put in this position by THEMSELVES. By their own supremacist ideology and sense of entitlement in Scottish football and by their need to equal Celtic's "nine in a row" which led to the big spending ( of the banks money ) during Walter's first era. Then they spent more of the banks money during their misguided pursuit of European success which manifested itself in the Advocaat years and an £80 million bank debt. So they did all this to themselves......then spend the last 10 months blaming everyone else, blaming Scottish football fans, blaming all the "bitter enemies of Rangers" that make up the St Mirren, The Kilmarnock, The St Johnstone fans etc. They spend the last 10 months screaming about HMRC conspiracies and Peter Lawwell and the BBC and this elaborate organised conspiracy that involves all non-Rangers fans and all the fans of every other Scottish club.

So do Rangers fans SERIOUSLY expect support from the fans of other clubs when they have done so much harm to Scottish football and wont even serve their penance with the "dignity" that Rangers fans are supposed to care so much about?

Sorry, but I think this petition is doomed to failure simply because the actions of Rangers and their fans, from the day David Murray walked into Ibrox to Charles Green's last paranoid and noisy rant, have utterly destroyed any good will or support that may have once existed within Scottish football. The sooner they do what they said they were going to do ( led in chorus by their overweight greetin-faced pie-fan-in-chief, Obese Sal ) and quietly take their medicine and work their way back up then the sooner we can rebuild all those bridges.

Until then......Rangers fans.......you are on your own.

Edited by Enrico Annoni
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It is not bang on the money, virtually every paragraph is stuffed full of inaccuracies or things which simply are not true, the 50 mill, 3 years accounts, restructuring the same as promotion, the list goes on and on.

Basically it is bang off the money and just another (rather long) anti rangers inaccurate and extremely tired piece of drivel.

didn't read it to be fair, far too long and too small a font.

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It is not bang on the money, virtually every paragraph is stuffed full of inaccuracies or things which simply are not true, the 50 mill, 3 years accounts, restructuring the same as promotion, the list goes on and on.

Basically it is bang off the money and just another (rather long) anti rangers inaccurate and extremely tired piece of drivel.

More about the attitude of Rangers and it's fans

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how about we look at the attitude of some other fans.

Now tell me, faced with this kinda dross that gets branded and applauded every day, is it surprising that it gets met with a swift f**k you along with a measure of splendid defiance?

Could you repeat that, Tedi, it's kinda hard to hear from up here in the SPL....laugh.gif

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It is not bang on the money, virtually every paragraph is stuffed full of inaccuracies or things which simply are not true, the 50 mill, 3 years accounts, restructuring the same as promotion, the list goes on and on.

Basically it is bang off the money and just another (rather long) anti rangers inaccurate and extremely tired piece of drivel.

I might even be inclined to believe this, if your own position wasn't that nobody likes you because you're just so TOTALLY AWESOME and everyone else is crazed with jealousy, and perhaps overly fond of Celtic.

And that's it - that's the entire explanation for why only Rangers fans think you've been badly treated, and everyone else thinks you've got off lightly, if anything. Unsurprisingly, it's not an argument that cuts much ice outside your own support.

I mean, back when Man United were first having their troubles with the Glazers, I remember a lot of folk having a good laugh at their expense. Loads of folk thought it was payback for their We're-It-You're-Shit attitude over the years. Now, there was a case where you could legitimately say, well, a lot of that was down to envy, even if a much of it was down to the club's own behaviour.

But even there, even when United have basically crushed 99% of the teams they've met for decades, there wasn't anything like the unanimity about United's predicament that there is about your club's total bawbaggery.

Now, isn't that odd.

Why do you think that is?

(Prediction - this is because Rangers are relatively more awesome than United, and Scotland fifty times diddier and more resentful. I expect these responses because they keep the causes of Rangers' woes conveniently external to the club itself).

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I might even be inclined to believe this, if your own position wasn't that nobody likes you because you're just so TOTALLY AWESOME and everyone else is crazed with jealousy, and perhaps overly fond of Celtic.

And that's it - that's the entire explanation for why only Rangers fans think you've been badly treated, and everyone else thinks you've got off lightly, if anything. Unsurprisingly, it's not an argument that cuts much ice outside your own support.

I mean, back when Man United were first having their troubles with the Glazers, I remember a lot of folk having a good laugh at their expense. Loads of folk thought it was payback for their We're-It-You're-Shit attitude over the years. Now, there was a case where you could legitimately say, well, a lot of that was down to envy, even if a much of it was down to the club's own behaviour.

But even there, even when United have basically crushed 99% of the teams they've met for decades, there wasn't anything like the unanimity about United's predicament that there is about your club's total bawbaggery.

Now, isn't that odd.

Why do you think that is?

(Prediction - this is because Rangers are relatively more awesome than United, and Scotland fifty times diddier and more resentful. I expect these responses because they keep the causes of Rangers' woes conveniently external to the club itself).


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1358512082[/url]' post='6994901']

It is not odd, it is bullshit.

Nobody in England apart from Manu fans had any sympathy for them at any point, I don't think the Manu fans really cared about this anymore than we do.

There are some differences, in England there are many big clubs, in Scotland nobody outside our insignificant country gives a damn.

How does fit in with Greens Rangers global audience of 500million then?

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It is not odd, it is bullshit.

Nobody in England apart from Manu fans had any sympathy for them at any point, I don't think the Manu fans really cared about this anymore than we do.

There are some differences, in England there are many big clubs, in Scotland nobody outside our insignificant country gives a damn.

Bennett Mode Engaged - Expert on English fans, now, are we?

FYI, I and a lot of other fans down here had plenty of sympathy for those Man U fans who we've known, gone to games with and recognise that, just because their team is enjoying a successful period, they're fans just like the rest of us.

I am afraid, Tedi, that is not the image the vast majority of your support project. And when the club's representatives issue threats and groundless accusations against their fellow clubs, any possibility of sympathy flies out of the window.

Scum, pure and simple.

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Bennett Mode Engaged - Expert on English fans, now, are we?

FYI, I and a lot of other fans down here had plenty of sympathy for those Man U fans who we've known, gone to games with and recognise that, just because their team is enjoying a successful period, they're fans just like the rest of us.

I am afraid, Tedi, that is not the image the vast majority of your support project. And when the club's representatives issue threats and groundless accusations against their fellow clubs, any possibility of sympathy flies out of the window.

Scum, pure and simple.

What is wrong with you?

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Bennett Mode Engaged - Expert on English fans, now, are we?

FYI, I and a lot of other fans down here had plenty of sympathy for those Man U fans who we've known, gone to games with and recognise that, just because their team is enjoying a successful period, they're fans just like the rest of us.

I am afraid, Tedi, that is not the image the vast majority of your support project. And when the club's representatives issue threats and groundless accusations against their fellow clubs, any possibility of sympathy flies out of the window.

Scum, pure and simple.

Roughly my position at the time - schadenfreude for the famous prawn-sandwich eating glory-hunters, but a lot of sympathy for long-term fans who had been saddled with a massive debt by predatory billionaires who didn't care at all about the club's best interests.

And to be fair, there was actually a lot of sympathy among Scottish fans for a many of the Rangers supporters who weren't utter bawbags 100% of the time. Funnily enough, that sympathy has almost completely ebbed away over the past year or so.

I wonder why that might be? Jealousy, is it? Or is there a more credible explanation?

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That is simply not true, I lived in London for several years and did short term contracts in many English city's, I have a close friend who is a Manu supporter and lives in Burton upon Trent, I have been to old trafford with him several times and we talk football often, he is of the opinion that Manu are the most hated club in the UK, I know this does not bother him in the slightest.

We are perfectly aware of what the rest of Scotland think of us, this is not a new sentiment nor has the past year intensified this, it is a constant but the vast majority of football fans in England do not give the situation up here any thought.

Rhyming Slang?


I dont think Man United are the most hated club in the UK. i would also so that if they are, its for a completely different reason as to why Rangers are hated.

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That is simply not true, I lived in London for several years and did short term contracts in many English city's, I have a close friend who is a Manu supporter and lives in Burton upon Trent, I have been to old trafford with him several times and we talk football often, he is of the opinion that Manu are the most hated club in the UK, I know this does not bother him in the slightest.

Okay, I'll bite.

Assuming you're right - this Man United hatred exists... why? Jealousy? Anti-Manchester bigotry? A free-floating, generalised dislike, mysteriously infecting the populace like a virus?

Or, could it be that people have sound reasons to dislike Manchester United that can be rationally understood, and even perhaps be justified?

We are perfectly aware of what the rest of Scotland think of us, this is not a new sentiment nor has the past year intensified this, it is a constant but the vast majority of football fans in England do not give the situation up here any thought.

I would've thought that even you would be forced to admit that Scottish football fans generally have a far more negative view of you and your club now than they did a few years back, when you were winning trebles and destroying their teams.

If you're right and this resentment is caused by jealousy, can you explain why lots of people clearly find you more repellent now that your club's been castrated and cast into the outer darkness than they did just a couple of years ago, when you represented some kind of actual threat?

Because that's a seriously damaging anomaly in your theory, there.

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Tom English supporting the plastics in their crusade :lol:

Which one of the P & Bers are Bon Scott?

Bon Scott ‏@BonScott_1

@TomEnglishSport Tom, have you managed to ask Companies House, HMRC, SFA & UEFA for definitive status of RFC as new club or not?

Tom English ‏@TomEnglishSport

@BonScott_1 Yes. I also asked the CIA, the FBI and the UN and they all said: "Get a life"

Bon Scott ‏@BonScott_1

@TomEnglishSport Ah,you can't be bothered.Why write a piece that it's the same club when you haven't thoroughly checked?Credibility at stake

Tom English ‏@TomEnglishSport

@BonScott_1 I checked. Kofi Annan insists that it's the same Rangers. Move on...

Bon Scott ‏@BonScott_1

@TomEnglishSport No fan of ANY club outwith RFC believes it is same.You are either part of the conspiracy or you investigate with integrity.

Tom English ‏@TomEnglishSport

@BonScott_1 If they're a brand new club with no trophies and no history then how come you sound so obsessed by them?

Well and truly bitchslapped :lol:

The greens and greys are now convinced that English is on the Ibrox payroll :lol:

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Given your comprehension skills nobody will be surprised.

We know you've got really good cmprehension skills and you're a good lad.

Can we all give young Dhensboy some praise for his top notch comprehension skills :)

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A few weeks back I was looking at old match threads from 2007, there was a piece and several replies on why Rangers are now hated more than they ever have been, I do not sense any change in the level of malevolence now than I did 20 years ago.

Well, let's put it to an ad hoc poll, for fun.

Who thinks Rangers were more generally disliked by fans of all Scottish teams in

a) 1993

b) 2007, or

c) 2013?

I'd bet on c), myself.

And if you sense less "malevolence" now than in 1993, can I suggest that this might be because you're a division three team who are lucky if they can keep ICT to less than five goals when you meet in cup competitions?

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Well, let's put it to an ad hoc poll, for fun.

Who thinks Rangers were more generally disliked by fans of all Scottish teams in

a) 1993

b) 2007, or

c) 2013?

I'd bet on c), myself.

And if you sense less "malevolence" now than in 1993, can I suggest that this might be because you're a division three team who are lucky if they can keep ICT to less than five goals when you meet in cup competitions?

Does that rule Celtic fans out then?

...and what about our SFL chums Berwick Rangers?

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