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He was convicted of hitting his wife.

That makes him in my book a horrible individual.

Do you disagree?

Was it a mixed marriage? ....................


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He was convicted of hitting his wife.

That makes him in my book a horrible individual.

Do you disagree?

And that's what you're judging him on. If someone said "he's a wife-beater", then they're quite correct.

Now, go and read the link Bennett posted. Even from that, you'll see there's a wee bit more to it than that. To those of us who are more au fait with the events prior to this incident, perhaps the word "damaged" would be more appropriate. Maybe, maybe not.

Don't for fucksake go trying to find out more before making snap judgments on someone you don't know. I mean, that would be daft, right? Bennett told you he's a horrible man, so it must be true. You know Bennett - the cheeky chappy who thought it was a jolly jape to suggest suicide to a poster he disagreed with. Your best mate on here. I hope you're very happy together.

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Its ok, you do not have to make excuses for your posting habits, they are extremely clear, you are simply one of many.

and still completely irrelevant.

2 posts all season :lol:

Not excuses, facts....I know you lot have difficulty understanding facts, I know you like to ignore facts and resort to petty ridicule.

Never mind.

^ ^ ^

Looking for a fight IMO dry.gif

Looking for relevance more like. :rolleyes:

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Up in court twice in the space of a few years for battering his wife and then his daughter.

And guess what oor Norman defends him :o

Are you by any chance related to him?

Can you two not just meet up and fight it out?

I'd say to invite the tedi guy but he'd probably spend the whole time trying to shag bennet.

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Can you two not just meet up and fight it out?

I'd say to invite the tedi guy but he'd probably spend the whole time trying to shag bennet.

Nah, I'd rather not breathe the same air as him. If he's half as odious in real life, he must be quite a specimen. I'll keep him as an Internet eedjit, ta very much.

He cannot even find it in himself to discuss, preferring to slander, deflect and ignore anything that doesn't toe the party line. There's a slack period on the BRALT, so the more he carries on with his lying, bigoted, snide pish; the more he'll get it back.

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Looking for relevance more like. :rolleyes:

More like looking for two neurons to connect together and getting upset about it.

You know it's bad when he only wants to pick flaws in other peoples posts to make them look thick and getting more often than usual he is picking arguments that have feck all to do with the main topic of the thread.

TEDI ! the main topic of the thread nowadays is whether Rangers fielded improperly registered players or not,and also which of the list of punishments the big bad SPL & SFA will impose on your team.

I want to throw into the mix that Charles Green has already seen evidence of dual contracts when he met with the SFA,he knows that title stripping is on the cards and has had a wee whip round from the fans to pay for the millions of pounds the SFA will want back from the cheating B@stards as they will be branded.

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It was a simple enough question.

Does this make him a horrible individual?





I don't know. From that statement, he hit his wife.


With what?

What were the circumstances?

What was his mental state?

Is your appraisal of him likely to remain constant, no matter what the answers to my questions are?

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Diddy sticks up for Plastic

Plastic sticks up for Diddy

How cute


Do you see what I pointed out Tedi !

I put a thread related topic in to discuss and you went loco and replied back about the sum of feck all about whether Green has already seen the evidence first before he took the licence up the arse.

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Do you see what I pointed out Tedi !

I put a thread related topic in to discuss and you went loco and replied back about the sum of feck all about whether Green has already seen the evidence first before he took the licence up the arse.

You might as well try to plait fog as keep Tedi on topic.

My thoughts recently have been along the lines of Charlie leaving a shitload of threads tying his mob to the dead club, in the hope that the 20 odd million he's just scooped up will be enough to do a deal and claim continuation, even at the expense of a few titles. The indignation from the horde will keep the solidarity (and the dole cheques) going long enough for them to get back to TV-land, whatever it is by that time. By then, he'll be off to Dunshysterin and taking three baths a day to clean the grime from his soul. rangers? they'll have their history, a few less pots, and no fucking money. Probably having to stump up their subs to hire the pitch for home games, and all.

Mental? Of course it is, but not a lot of this has made any kind of sense for the last year. Why start now?laugh.gif

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Yes I know about facts.

Its a fact that you care more about Rangers, a team playing in the 3rd division, more than you care about the team in your Profile

You have made 2 posts about Morton :lol: and 800+ posts about Rangers, which makes the statement above undeniable.

Oh look, ignoring the facts and resorting to petty ridicule.

Dear oh dear.

Do you see what I pointed out Tedi !

I put a thread related topic in to discuss and you went loco and replied back about the sum of feck all about whether Green has already seen the evidence first before he took the licence up the arse.

He did, but he ignores things and resorts to petty ridicule.

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I don't condone anyone hitting a female under any circumstances . However quite frankly the papers nor the courts ever know the true picture.

What I find more sickening is wee weasels like yourself using it for cheap point scoring. A bit like the Orcs and their love for the forces. (Bennett excluded - he has a legit reason)

I've had my ex-wife throw a glass at the back of my head and slapped me 3 times and harassed the shit out off me one night and had to remove her from a door she was blocking ! it was the front door and I was leaving.

The courts charged me with assault and convicted me even though she was the aggressor :blink: fucking justice eh ? :lol:

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You might as well try to plait fog as keep Tedi on topic.

My thoughts recently have been along the lines of Charlie leaving a shitload of threads tying his mob to the dead club, in the hope that the 20 odd million he's just scooped up will be enough to do a deal and claim continuation, even at the expense of a few titles. The indignation from the horde will keep the solidarity (and the dole cheques) going long enough for them to get back to TV-land, whatever it is by that time. By then, he'll be off to Dunshysterin and taking three baths a day to clean the grime from his soul. rangers? they'll have their history, a few less pots, and no fucking money. Probably having to stump up their subs to hire the pitch for home games, and all.

Mental? Of course it is, but not a lot of this has made any kind of sense for the last year. Why start now?:lol:

Nah WRK ! after thinking last night I think he's seen the deeds :blink::lol: the durty deeds that is and the evidence and has been given time to rally the orcs before a big massive shit is thrown at the fan at Ibrox.Green will be allowed to spew his obvious bile at the SFA & SPL to keep the orcs happy but the punishments will come and has been told what the punishments are before hand and this SPL commission is all a big sham to keeps internet warriors like us happy something is being done.Green won't go to court of course claiming there's feck all he can do and his hands are tied by the corrupt establishments and aw that.

It is going to be fun watching the obvious meltdown ! "noo oor titles man thu cannae take wur titles"

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He was in your own words convicted of wife beating, obviously the circumstances were already disclosed, he was still convicted.

This makes him a horrible individual, this kind of behaviour is unacceptable in my book.

The only logical explanation to anybody not accepting this conclusion is (1) they accept this kind of behaviour and perhaps even participate in similar behaviour themselves (2) they have some other reason for not condemning the man, perhaps he is a relation.

Either way they would have shown their true colours, a nasty vindictive sort, and I pity those that have to share existence with such a person, hopefully they are few.

So you damn someone on the basic premise then? OK, try this one on for size:

You followed rangers, and follow the Tribute Act. Therefore you are a bigoted c**t with no morals.

Same justification, and possibly accurate. Not necessarily so, however. Kincardine, Youngsy, a couple of blunoses I know, one of the No.8s have shown this not to be the case.

You, however, try to pull a Bennett and suggest by sly inference that, by considering there may be more to the case than initially seen, I am either

(1) Someone who condones, or participates in, violence against women or

(2) May have an ulterior motive for defending Malky McCormick.

Neither of the above are true, but no doubt will be added to the Amigos' Fantasy Life Of WRK file.

I don't believe I've ever hidden my true colours on this site, or elsewhere for that matter. I detest both celtic and rangers for strangling the life out of our game, and rangers for quite a lot more.

Fans of rangers and their Tribute Act who couldn't be arsed turning up until Okey Dokey Day are particularly despicable.

If you think you can find anywhere I've wavered from this stance, good luck to you.

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It would depend entirely on the reason as to whether he was horrible or not.

Hypothetically speaking .. Let's say a bloke has two year old son in his arms, his wife's an alcoholic and she is an violent, angry and abusive drunk. She flies at him fists flailing and he's cornered with the infant .. what should he do?

Whack her one to subdue her or let her possibly injure the child?

If he hits her do you

a) condone it?

b) think he is horrible?

Now run along you little cretin ..

f**k me, if you're going to throw moral dilemmas at Tedi, you'll have to give him a clue. Which one's wearing the celtic top?

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So you damn someone on the basic premise then? OK, try this one on for size:

You followed rangers, and follow the Tribute Act. Therefore you are a bigoted c**t with no morals.

Same justification, and possibly accurate. Not necessarily so, however. Kincardine, Youngsy, a couple of blunoses I know, one of the No.8s have shown this not to be the case.

You, however, try to pull a Bennett and suggest by sly inference that, by considering there may be more to the case than initially seen, I am either

(1) Someone who condones, or participates in, violence against women or

(2) May have an ulterior motive for defending Malky McCormick.

Neither of the above are true, but no doubt will be added to the Amigos' Fantasy Life Of WRK file.

I don't believe I've ever hidden my true colours on this site, or elsewhere for that matter. I detest both celtic and rangers for strangling the life out of our game, and rangers for quite a lot more.

Fans of rangers and their Tribute Act who couldn't be arsed turning up until Okey Dokey Day are particularly despicable.

If you think you can find anywhere I've wavered from this stance, good luck to you.

Yep, cowardly, pathetic little weasels.

But somehow, great entertainment as well. :rolleyes:

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