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He was convicted of hitting his wife.

He was never charged with assaulting his daughter.

Bennett's train of thought derailed before it even gets out of the station this time.

I think he's finally looked around his bedsit and realised that yes, this is his life.laugh.gif

Or maybe he's just not that clued-up on traditional family structure.....

Oh well it's only his wife, thats ok in Normans book

My mistake it was his daughter in law he was charged with hitting, is that also ok in your book?

Domestic violence is wrong, plain and simple.

The 'man' appears to be a bit of a bully,

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Whatever happened to the quintessential one ?

Same as all the pop-ups - they work themselves into a Loyal frenzy as the Diddies and Plastics blaspheme against the Great Chuck, then....


Never mind, he'll be back as BillStruth1690 or BillykingLoyal once the meds kick in.

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Horrible Individual and the WKR is sticking up for him.

Must be related, makes sense really.

I know i've had my run ins with Norman but even i'm shocked at him and young Dhensboy defending this 'man'.

I'd say it's a fair possibility that they are related, Normans to agitated about this for my liking.

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Oh well it's only his wife, thats ok in Normans book

My mistake it was his daughter in law he was charged with hitting, is that also ok in your book?

Domestic violence is wrong, plain and simple.

The 'man' appears to be a bit of a bully,

At least you're a more practised weasel than your little mate. "Appears" - I agree. The situation isn't quite as simple as first glance, I think you have to agree. And if you don't, then there's no point debating the issue.

Yes, you made a mistake. Not really OK - totally different person. And "charged". Your club was charged with tax evasion. Were they guilty?

Just leave it now, Bennett. If you want to play "look whose fans are the scummiest", your mob might finally get to be Champions of Europe.

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I know i've had my run ins with Norman but even i'm shocked at him and young Dhensboy defending this 'man'.

I'd say it's a fair possibility that they are related, Normans to agitated about this for my liking.

Agitated? Not at all. Just pointing out that labelling people without the full facts can lead you to look like a bit of an idiot.

Why would you assume that we're related? That would mean I'm related to the woman as well. In which case I'd want the book thrown at him, surely? Yet the stance I took, and still take, is that the case is nowhere near as black and white as you'd like to make it, as the Judge said in the story you linked to. Your link, yet you seem not to have read it. The possible recurrence* years later seems to me to suggest someone with problems - whether he's a simple misogynist, as you obviously want to believe, or a man who went off the rails when his son was nearly killed.

*I can't find any record of a trial, and the mates I've spoken to in Killie have no recollection either. They're not exactly news-hounds, but I's have thought this might make a dent in their consciousness.

ETA: My last word - posting when you backed off. Now, about those b*****ds at HM/SPL/The Vatican - what are they up to today?

Edited by WhiteRoseKillie
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Oh well it's only his wife, thats ok in Normans book

My mistake it was his daughter in law he was charged with hitting, is that also ok in your book?

Domestic violence is wrong, plain and simple.

The 'man' appears to be a bit of a bully,

And what has this to do with your club and this thread Benny ? :rolleyes:

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Given their obvious personality defects then this does not shock me in the slightest.


The response was fully expected and unsurprisingly easy to elicit.

And yet we've not heard a sensible response from.. now what's his name....used to bang on about stars.... oh aye, you, Tedi.

The response from a few posters seemed to come down on the side of "learn a bit before passing judgment, as few cases are clear-cut". I paraphrase, obviously. Even Bennett admitted as much, and backed off.

Are you happy to accept that you are a streotypical, knuckledragging, TBB singing, catholic-hating, rangers fan?

Or is there more to you than that?

Shall we judge you on "my team:"?

Is that all there is?

Now, back on topic - if you can.wink.gif

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B.B.b.ut wur titles! Ye cannae take Charlie's wur titles!crying.gif

There's one title I'll wager they will never want even though they won it on merit !

Biggest cheats Scottish Football has ever seen or likely to ever see the likes of again :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Show me one post where I defended the guy .... LIAR.

Wasting yer time Dhen. Once he gets his teeth into something, he'll paint himself into a corner until another Amigo comes on to take the heat off. Again, they've mistaken attacks on their kneejerk pigeonholing as defence of something they decide is wrong.

Fucksake, they won't even let me attack rangers or their stupid acolytes! It's always defending celtic, because that's the way they're wired.

ETA: Tedi's gone. And as if by magic - Hello Bendarroch! I was off to kip, but I don't want to miss the pearls of wisdom. Anybody wanna play diddy/plastic/sporting wing bingo?

Edited by WhiteRoseKillie
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There's one title I'll wager they will never want even though they won it on merit !

Biggest cheats Scottish Football has ever seen or likely to ever see the likes of again :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

World Record for titles stripped?

Biggest football-related fine for fielding ineligible players?

Most useless manager ever to be employed in Scotland (at any level, ever, going all the way back to 1873 oops, 1872)?

I'm sure they'll be at 50+ like the old club before long.laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif

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Show me one post where I defended the guy .... LIAR.

Why did i think of you when i read this?

US geneticist George Church told German newspaper Der Spiegel he was close to being able to clone a Neanderthal but would need a human woman to lend her womb to the project.

But the birth may not be quite what a human woman was used to, Gawker reported.

While Neanderthal children didn't need to rotate to get to the birth canal, their mothers generally had a wider birth canal than human women.

The baby would also be expected to have a longer head than a human child.

But despite the potential birthing difficulties, Professor Church said Neanderthal children could be very intelligent and may become a craze.

"Let's say someone has a healthy, normal Neanderthal baby," he told Bloomberg Businessweek last year.

"Well, then, everyone will want to have a Neanderthal kid.

"Were they superstrong or supersmart? Who knows.

"But there's one way to find out."

Professor Church has collected enough DNA from fossil bones to reconstruct Neanderthal DNA.

He said new technologies made the cloning project a realistic dream.

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Why did i think of you when i read this?

US geneticist George Church told German newspaper Der Spiegel he was close to being able to clone a Neanderthal but would need a human woman to lend her womb to the project.

But the birth may not be quite what a human woman was used to, Gawker reported.

While Neanderthal children didn't need to rotate to get to the birth canal, their mothers generally had a wider birth canal than human women.

The baby would also be expected to have a longer head than a human child.

But despite the potential birthing difficulties, Professor Church said Neanderthal children could be very intelligent and may become a craze.

"Let's say someone has a healthy, normal Neanderthal baby," he told Bloomberg Businessweek last year.

"Well, then, everyone will want to have a Neanderthal kid.

"Were they superstrong or supersmart? Who knows.

"But there's one way to find out."

Professor Church has collected enough DNA from fossil bones to reconstruct Neanderthal DNA.

He said new technologies made the cloning project a realistic dream.

Way to get the thread back on topic.

Div, seriously, when do we get the facepalm smilie?

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