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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Lolz, they have decided "tomo" ain't a rangers hater now

"The problem with Alex Thomson is he doesn't fit the mold. He is not a typical Rangers-hater, doesn't come from Scotland or Ireland and is not really part of the established anti-Rangers mafia. Tomo is a leftie-leaning journalist with a crush on Irish Republicans and a desire to ingratiate himself with that community in some contrarian way. That has tumbled him towards pleasing certain factions who express their own support for the "cause" by engaging in virtually full-time propagandising against the hated Glasgow Rangers."

Edited by Enrico Annoni
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http://www.thecoplandroad.org/2013/02/ready-for-tomo-and-rest.html?m=1 Lolz, they have decided "tomo" ain't a rangers hater now "The problem with Alex Thomson is he doesn't fit the mold. He is not a typical Rangers-hater, doesn't come from Scotland or Ireland and is not really part of the established anti-Rangers mafia. Tomo is a leftie-leaning journalist with a crush on Irish Republicans and a desire to ingratiate himself with that community in some contrarian way. That has tumbled him towards pleasing certain factions who express their own support for the "cause" by engaging in virtually full-time propagandising against the hated Glasgow Rangers."

"Who are these people? We demand to know their names!" (*paraphrasing ally)

b*****dos!!!! (io parlo Italiano :)). I'm on the list!

*Note to tedi et al, I know you'll probably come out and say "ally never said that! Show us the proof that ally said that!." But, I, like you lot, can take liberties whilst paraphrasing. :P

Note to self; Oh No! That's done it. They'll come back now with, "show us the proof that we've been paraphrasing (whatever that means)!" ;)

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Oh I think I have pretty much covered all my bases on P & B, any meltdown will be a private matter, I am however quietly confident, which is a definite change in my thinking.

IF it goes against you, anything you post that day will be regarding as either a meltdown, just pure seeth or on the verge of tears You know how P&B worls

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Paraphrasing is a bit different then just blatantly making something up.

Yesterday Clonmel Bhoy accused me of making something up when I was just passing over information reported elsewhere, he later admitted I had got it from a rag, so not made up at all, hardly the same thing as the likes of Hellbhoy saying the the SFA changed rules in Feb 2012 when he was looking at a 1994 rulebook last updated in may 2009 :D or that Rangers (PLC) exited admin in Jun 2012 when in fact it was Oct 2012 :D, these are just convenient porkies that everyone knows are bullshit.

I am still not sure if he deliberately lied or just did not bother checking his facts exit strategy provided, he seems to have vanished ;)

Tedi I work in a church all day on Sunday I did not disappear you lying git.

Now how stupid you can be at times :1eye you claim a 1994 handbook last updated in 2009 is irrelvent and can only be used in 1994 ! is this not the very same rulebook that was updated just before June 2012 ? I mean they updated the 2009 version to the one we now have today.And how the fcuk can it be a 1994 handbook if it was last updated in 2009 to be applicable from 2009 onwards be irrelevent ? :1eye your an idiot then and an idiot now and always will be an idiot as well as a proven liar at times posting pish.

I proved to you without a shadow of a doubt that the corrupt SFA and most likely the SPL have bent over and hastely changed their rules which stood for over 100 years by the way ! and killed off many good clubs by liquidation,have now made it law in their rulebooks just for Rangers by the way that the club escaped death by liquidation !

I posted the 2009 to 2012 rule about "a member club entering any form of liquidation" meant instant termination of their SFA licence and you went into meltdown mode as per usual.That rule was still apllicable to all member clubs at the time Rangers went into admin.So the SFA went and changed the rules just to accomodate fans like you before the liquidation order was given in June the club can now be according to them now is separate from the company.

If you actually read your new rules you will find "1st June 2012" this is where we now the latest date line on your new bent over backwards rulebook is dated from Tedi,it means that just before the 14th of June 2012 the SFA have published new rules but only because Rangers killed themselves.

Now the real corruption that will infuriate a lot of fans ! these new rules have been shown to Lord Nimmo ! Lord Nimmo will use these new rules and applied them to the SPL commission when he chaired it.The SFA & SPL have pulled a flanker on Lord Nimmo here by deliberately changing the rules and goalposts that every other liquidated club suffered before February 2012 to somehow show the club and separated it from the company.It's a sham and a blatant one at that just to accomodate the biggest and most corrupt club in Scottish Footballing history just fans like you can boast and brag that legally Rangers did not get liquidated and put to death unlike all the other clubs before it.

For P&B to look at ! before last February this is the rule in the SFA handbook that should have applied to Rangers effectively killing them off on the 14th of June 2012.No matter what Tedi tries to post this rule was law until Rangers went into meltdown last February.


You will notice in 17.7 that any club entering any sort of liquidation procedure will render it's membership licence terminated,suspension is not an option there and is applied immediately by the board.Also notice it says member club entering liquidation and not any sniff of a company entering one !.

Now these days we have Tedi banging on about the new rules :blink: the ones that were implemented last year before June to do only one thing ! keep a cheating corrupt club in business retaining it's shameful past glory.Tedi's new rules now have club &company separate and even goes as far to even aid Rangers by adding that a club changing from one company to another ? SPL clubs in debt should take advantage of this before the end of 2013 where there is a clause that will most definitely be closed and retain their history but be able to completely wipe out their debt.See below.


In the above the SFA are doing everything in their power there towards Rangers and that section is only applicable to Rangers :blink: but has end of 2013 ! are they going to close this loop so that other poor clubs will be liquidated but not Rangers ?.

You have to laugh at Rangers fans claiming the SFA should be investigated because it's punishing Rangers at every opportunity but here we have definitive proof that they are actually bending over backwards for Rangers so they can legally keep their history,escape death by liquidation and ditching huge amounts of debt in the process.

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Oh I think I have pretty much covered all my bases on P & B, any meltdown will be a private matter, I am however quietly confident, which is a definite change in my thinking.

I think there will be a verdict that doesn't completely exonerate Rangers, but which stops short of title stripping. The upshot of this will be that it'll effectively equate to an exoneration.

I'll be interested to see what happens when a wee club next screws up the paperwork for a Cup-tie.

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I was well aware of the newspaper article..you never mentioned it.


I feel dirty sticking up for Tedi, but, he was quoting me, and my point had been with regard to the article which I had posted a few posts earlier.............

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Cannot say I really agree, even a slap on the wrist will be seen to many as guilty of 10 years of cheating, I would rather they just go the whole hog or say not guilty.

But a definitive verdict in either direction will not stop people seeing things in a way which suits.

For me, titles either get removed, or Rangers have escaped scot-free from the whole player registration situation.

We'll all continue to snipe regardless of what's found, I suppose. The point is that the stripping, or the leaving well alone, of titles, are the only verdicts which matter. Something more nuanced is almost irrelevant - it's which of the two it falls on, which counts.

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Cannot say I really agree, even a slap on the wrist will be seen to many as guilty of 10 years of cheating, I would rather they just go the whole hog or say not guilty.

Don't kid yourself, Tedi. Even if we get a verdict of innocent on all accounts from the panel - it will result in instant proclamations of guilt from the P&B diddies and plastics.

We all know it.


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You did even know the new rulebook existed.

You thought the rulebook you were reading from was the current up to date rulebook, it was not, you did not even check.

1, You say now the NEW rulebook was updated in June 2012, you have no idea what was changed in June 2012.

2, You also claimed the rulebook was changed in Feb 2012, how could you know this when you made this claim before it was pointed out to you that the rulebook you were quoting from was out of date. You just made this up....you lied.

3, You have proved nothing with regards to the SFA being corrupt, it is simply a figment of your imagination, a wildly imaginative and wildly ignorant suggestion with zero proof, as I said earlier tic fan in paranoia shocker.

4, How many times do you need told the liquidation process did not start until the admin period ended OCTOBER 2012, the transfer of membership had already occurred in July 2012, so even if your rule that you lied about being in place in Feb 2012 still existed it would be completely and utterly irrelevant as the membership had already been transferred prior to Liquidation beginning.

Are you trying to prove how thick you can be Tedi ? I have numbered my replies in order.

1, I have no idea what they have changed ? how stupid are you Tedi ? here are the two links to both handbooks !

The handbook that was law until up to end of 7th June 2011 last amended 2009, http://www.scottishfa.co.uk/resources/documents/SFAPublications/SFAHandbook/09Articles.pdf

Your handbook from 7th June 2011, http://www.scottishfa.co.uk/resources/documents/SFAPublications/ScottishFAPublications2012-13/SFA_HANDBOOK_53-136_Articles_of_Association.pdf

Now Tedi when you have both documents then you damn well know what rules have been changed ! because the two can be compared side by side.

The first link if it wasn't revised by the SFA would have Rangers liquidated on the 14th of June 2012 when the order to liquidate was given.PURE & SIMPLE.

2, Another stupid remark from an idiot because you cherry pick only what you want to believe,the former handbook has on the bottom of the first page that the rules may be amended from time to time from 1994 ! and was last amended in 2009 and was still law until "now amended" 7th June 2011.Your link clearly shows when the handbook was completely rewritten into it's new format from 7th June 2011 and has been amended from time to time since.My link was the law until 7th June 2011 8 months before Rangers went into admin.

3, The SFA corrupt :1eye you claim it is bub and so do all the orcs and what's more Tedi who become the SFA President on 8th of June 2011 the day after the SFA completely rewritten the SFA handbook ? Campbell Ogilvie ! coincidence or what Tedi ? the EBT recieving former Rangers director became the SFA president and on that day admitted to recieving EBT payments.So there you go Tedi rules that were in place for over 100 years were systematically reformed and changed months before Rangers went into admin,that's just a coincidence as far as you are concerned eh ?.Rules have been put into place before Rangers died but under the old rules months earlier Rangers would most definitely be liquidated and resigned to the history books and you claim I've made it up ! :lol:

4, ORC PROPAGANDA PISH ! as in 3 above the rules bent to accommodate Rangers impending demise and the people at the top must have known for sure Rangers were heading into liquidation early in 2011 when Murray was about to sell Rangers for a pound to the shyster.

Lastly up until the 7th of June 2011 Rangers FC would have been resigned to history and death on section 17.7 in the SFA handbook.12 months Tedi from rule change to Rangers liquidation order and it's not fantasy it's fact.

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