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Although it is perfectly clear that a lot is beyond your comprehension, I know you'll be choking when we are fast-tracked back to the top.

Worth it for that alone I'd say.


Like next season?.

Promotion to the 3rd tier whatever happens with reconstruction or not.

I wonder though how much operating losses Rangers will have by this time next season, not self sustaining by any means at that level. Lessons not learned.

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The dispassionate view of an outsider..... http://www.twohundredpercent.net/?p=22223

Fabulous article. Shows that Sevco, have indeed got away with murder due to some poorly written rules and using that as a technicality. I am shocked that the Sevconians are so triumphant about not losing titles etc when their (former) club was found guilty on all charges and was handed a (admittedly rather pointless) £250,000 fine.

Anyone with an interest should read this.

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Although it is perfectly clear that a lot is beyond your comprehension, I know you'll be choking when we are fast-tracked back to the top.

Worth it for that alone I'd say.


Tbh it might prove to be absolutely brilliant,i dont think there is a single team in the SPL,barring Motherwell of course,that i'd put my dosh on you to beat,when you cant beat Stirling Albion in the 3rd do you honestly think for one second that you'll do well in the SPL,you would be thrashed week in week out.

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It seems you might be under the impression that Rangers supporters give any kind of f**k what other fans think of our club.

You think we might be unpleasantly surprised after the last year?


how many rangers fans have now stated the 'diddies' (yes i know, a 3rd division team referring to others as diddies) are full of hatred and bigotry ?

you sing that no-one likes you and you dont care, yet clearly you do.

we thought you should be in the 3rd, you are in the 3rd and are wanting to league hop and be 'back' in the spl - despite chucky claiming otherwise.

you claim the history of a dead club, why? cause you give a f**k about what other fans think of your club...

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Fabulous article. Shows that Sevco, have indeed got away with murder due to some poorly written rules and using that as a technicality. I am shocked that the Sevconians are so triumphant about not losing titles etc when their (former) club was found guilty on all charges and was handed a (admittedly rather pointless) £250,000 fine.

Anyone with an interest should read this.

Have a guess as to whom Alexander Sandy Bryson supports.:)

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The dispassionate view of an outsider..... http://www.twohundredpercent.net/?p=22223

Very enlightening. A must read. It also confirms the notion among fans of other clubs, that the SFA (rather than being an 'enemy' of rangers) bent over backwards to accommodate and protect them. Fkg shocking. Worth printing to hand out to to any gloating 'we are so innocent' gers fans. I'll certainly be distributing a few copies.

Edited by Apache Don
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Same protest as the last time you say?


Please do it. Pretty please.

The best bit about that protest was that the majority of the P&Bers claimed they were going to attend it and show us what for :lol:

A bit like their pledges to support their teams this season i guess :)

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Thought i'd add a post here that maybe Rangers fans can help me out with.

As reported a 7 million loss is pretty bad. What I concerned about is how season ticket money has come in. As we know, this is plonked on the start of the year and then has to sustain its-self until the next round.

As there was a "world record" sum on season tickets purchased this year, there won't be as many people paying at the gate. Gate money will be small as the majority of people going have already paid the company the privilege to see the game.

Some clubs do a deal where you pay for your season ticket perhaps quarterly or something, so Rangers might get some money based on this, but I doubt in. Does anyone know if Rangers offer this type of deal?

In order to break even this year, Rangers will need a cash injection. I see this through the new sponsorship deals (which I reckon will be over 7 million if you include the stadium) and selling players off. However, no clubs will come in for any of the third division players, so this looks unlikely.

Green sounds like he didn't expect the overheads to be this much. Hence why the share issue, the stadium renaming and the need to cut the wage bill.

I'm not financial expert, but I see how our companies finances work. It is essential to get as much money in as early as possible at the start of the financial year - hence the big season ticket drive at the start of the season - but now he is struggling to make ends meet.

The reason for this is obvious, it's Sally's inability to proceed in the cups. Had they won the Ramsden cup, they would have sold out Hampden as well as winning money. Had they not gone out earlier in both competitions, there would have been more gate money.

Again, I don't know much, but I'm just throwing my piece in, if anyone wishes to comment back.

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Thought i'd add a post here that maybe Rangers fans can help me out with.

As reported a 7 million loss is pretty bad. What I concerned about is how season ticket money has come in. As we know, this is plonked on the start of the year and then has to sustain its-self until the next round.

As there was a "world record" sum on season tickets purchased this year, there won't be as many people paying at the gate. Gate money will be small as the majority of people going have already paid the company the privilege to see the game.

Some clubs do a deal where you pay for your season ticket perhaps quarterly or something, so Rangers might get some money based on this, but I doubt in. Does anyone know if Rangers offer this type of deal?

In order to break even this year, Rangers will need a cash injection. I see this through the new sponsorship deals (which I reckon will be over 7 million if you include the stadium) and selling players off. However, no clubs will come in for any of the third division players, so this looks unlikely.

Green sounds like he didn't expect the overheads to be this much. Hence why the share issue, the stadium renaming and the need to cut the wage bill.

I'm not financial expert, but I see how our companies finances work. It is essential to get as much money in as early as possible at the start of the financial year - hence the big season ticket drive at the start of the season - but now he is struggling to make ends meet.

The reason for this is obvious, it's Sally's inability to proceed in the cups. Had they won the Ramsden cup, they would have sold out Hampden as well as winning money. Had they not gone out earlier in both competitions, there would have been more gate money.

Again, I don't know much, but I'm just throwing my piece in, if anyone wishes to comment back.

You lost credibility there.

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The dispassionate view of an outsider..... http://www.twohundredpercent.net/?p=22223

I can't as yet post links, I would suggest you post this on other threads, such as:- 'Apology from SPL' and 'Sally says it was an admin error' and put it in fans' general discussion forum (not everyone reads the rangers forum and this deserves wider distribution). :thumsup2

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You lost credibility there.

I don't think so.

A loss that massive compared to turnover is bad. If Rangers had done 100 million quid worth of business, that's still a loss of 7%.

I reckon next season they will either make a small profit or at the least break even.

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I don't think so.

A loss that massive compared to turnover is bad. If Rangers had done 100 million quid worth of business, that's still a loss of 7%.

I reckon next season they will either make a small profit or at the least break even.

It's not bad, it was expected and it's not even a problem. Only in Scottish media is it even a talking point.

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You lost credibility there.

He's right about cup runs though. I'm convinced Green was expecting to go far in the cups and maybe entertained the thought of winning one and I bet he thought they'd get at least one crack at Celtic. All the pish from McCoist about 'the cups not being relevant', garbage. Those players were not signed on SPL wages to win SFL3. They could have won that league on a quarter of that wage bill just as easily and therefore, be in a better financial condition.

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You lost credibility there.


So you disagree with that part of his post.

Why don't you instead of posting a one line piece of piss "look at me" answer address the rest of his perfectly reasonable question.

If you haven't got a clue then please say so and we will wait for one of the rest of the rangers minded people on here to have a stab at it.

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It's not bad, it was expected and it's not even a problem. Only in Scottish media is it even a talking point.

I don't think so. When companies start up, they accumulate customers via word of mouth.

As Rangers is already an established brand, and everyone knows about them, they have that already. There is also the point that football fans are a different audience to market to than any other industry - it's much easier to make someone change what brand of fizzy drink they buy than which team they support and spend money on.

What really concerns me is that this company which has no debts has made a loss already. Next season, they will have to make enough money to break even alongside the 7 million they have lost this season, or the debts will gain interest, which will in turn add up.

Maybe you aren't concerned, as it's only the companies first year, but I was wondering if you have any idea where 7 million extra will come from. Perhaps if you have any ideas other than season tickets sales and sponsorships?

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He's right about cup runs though. I'm convinced Green was expecting to go far in the cups and maybe entertained the thought of winning one and I bet he thought they'd get at least one crack at Celtic. All the pish from McCoist about 'the cups not being relevant', garbage. Those players were not signed on SPL wages to win SFL3. They could have won that league on a quarter of that wage bill just as easily and therefore, be in a better financial condition.

Pretty much. McCoist said at the start of the season he was building a team not just to win SFL3 but to also compete in the cups. That patter soon disappeared to be replaced with 'not being relevant' when he was pumped out of 3/3 cup competitions.

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He's right about cup runs though. I'm convinced Green was expecting to go far in the cups and maybe entertained the thought of winning one and I bet he thought they'd get at least one crack at Celtic. All the pish from McCoist about 'the cups not being relevant', garbage. Those players were not signed on SPL wages to win SFL3. They could have won that league on a quarter of that wage bill just as easily and therefore, be in a better financial condition.

I agree about the cups, not delving into the financial implications of them but i was convinced we'd at least put in an effort. What McCoist has said about the cups not being relevant is utter horseshit, he just failed to do well in them, or failed to motivate a team to turn up at all, it's spot on with regards to the "SPL quality" players, if we signed them with the intention of a cup run then Ally needs a kick up the arse and if we signed them for SFL, why are we spunking money on SPL duds when we could walk the league with "lesser" players. Sorry for the rant lol.

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I agree about the cups, not delving into the financial implications of them but i was convinced we'd at least put in an effort. What McCoist has said about the cups not being relevant is utter horseshit, he just failed to do well in them, or failed to motivate a team to turn up at all, it's spot on with regards to the "SPL quality" players, if we signed them with the intention of a cup run then Ally needs a kick up the arse and if we signed them for SFL, why are we spunking money on SPL duds when we could walk the league with "lesser" players. Sorry for the rant lol.

Not a rant at all. Putting in more than one sentence in a reply doesn't constitute a rant, but a well put together and thought out argument and opinion.

At least we can all agree with your points in here. Maybe have a go at answer my earlier ones?

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