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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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The membership was transferred from Rangers Football club (in administration - a company) to Sevco Scotland LTD a company.

The membership was transferred company to company.

Validated when the SFA said; and Sevco Scotland Ltd, who will be the new owners of The Rangers Football Club.

Clearly showing they have treated club and company seperate.

Why do you continue to dwell on this?

Why does it bother you?

Is the crux of this the continuation of club History?

the company needs a licence to operate a club.

there are two licences and two companies at this given point.

your current incarnation played their first game as an entirely separate club as the previous owner still owned the playing rights for the club at that point.

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It works like this, my father had a membership to the local angling association which has it's numbers limited. I wanted to join but did not want the hassle of waiting around, like say Spartans would have had to, so we approached the association and they allowed us to transfer his membership over to me.

I am now my own father.

ah so if my granddad fought in a war and won medals, if he died and I inherited these medals.. does that make me the war hero ??

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Is the crux of this the continuation of club History?

Nope, the fact that the club's assets sat in another company before being reformed into Rangers in a third company means that continuation has been reclassified as "mythical".

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ah so if my granddad fought in a war and won medals, if he died and I inherited these medals.. does that make me the war hero ??

f**k yes, so long as you can join the forces and be granted his service number.

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You are wrong, it was the same membership that had a condition attached to it, this is why it was called conditional, quite simple really.

Now what about the other questions? were they too hard for you?

no. it was a conditional membership until the other membership had been transferred. that's the crux of the conversation.

its 2 licences not the one.

I had assumed the nonsense at the bottom was rhetoric, im pretty sure you understand that when a club previously has died the history isn't a big song and dance as it has been since july last year.

so what we should really be asking you is.

why is the history so important? do you not have historical debtors to reimburse for services rendered during the gaining of that precious history?

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the company needs a licence to operate a club.

there are two licences and two companies at this given point.

your current incarnation played their first game as an entirely separate club as the previous owner still owned the playing rights for the club at that point.

Lord Nimmo Smith said that RFC PLC ceased to be a club the moment they were rejected the SPL share, the SFA could not recognise Sevco 5088 as a club as the articles of association do not allow a club to be registered outwith Scotland. Sevco Scotland never became a football club, as defined by the rules, until they acquired the membership from RFC PLC, who were not a football club at the time according to LNS.

So the "club" died with the SPL vote, it's assets were then sold to Sevco 5088 who passed them on to Sevco Scotland. So whilst the assets sat in Sevco 5088 they were not a football club. Whilst they sat in Sevco Scotland they were not a football club. When the membership transferred to the new new company then it was resurrected as a club.

I think I have that right.

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no. it was a conditional membership until the other membership had been transferred. that's the crux of the conversation.

its 2 licences not the one.

I had assumed the nonsense at the bottom was rhetoric, im pretty sure you understand that when a club previously has died the history isn't a big song and dance as it has been since july last year.

so what we should really be asking you is.

why is the history so important? do you not have historical debtors to reimburse for services rendered during the gaining of that precious history?

So when they played in the cup they were a different team than the one they claim to be now?

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You are wrong, it was the same membership that had a condition attached to it, this is why it was called conditional, quite simple really.

Now what about the other questions? were they too hard for you?

You are having a mare Tedi, first the five stars, then having to ask your fellow fans if Rangers had been promoted before and now this.

Just give it up mate.

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Lord Nimmo Smith said that RFC PLC ceased to be a club the moment they were rejected the SPL share, the SFA could not recognise Sevco 5088 as a club as the articles of association do not allow a club to be registered outwith Scotland. Sevco Scotland never became a football club, as defined by the rules, until they acquired the membership from RFC PLC, who were not a football club at the time according to LNS.

So the "club" died with the SPL vote, it's assets were then sold to Sevco 5088 who passed them on to Sevco Scotland. So whilst the assets sat in Sevco 5088 they were not a football club. Whilst they sat in Sevco Scotland they were not a football club. When the membership transferred to the new new company then it was resurrected as a club.

I think I have that right.

so there is a gap in the 'continuous history'?

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So when they played in the cup they were a different team than the one they claim to be now?

as you previously concluded. Rangers FC (IA) failed the CVA but held the licence.

sevco Scotland ltd, not sevco 5088 as the exclusivity agreement had named (allegedly), bought the assets,

as sevco Scotland were rejected from joining the spl and licence wasn't transferred until AFTER the ramsdens cup match. played on a (WR - first and last) conditional licence.

then logically, yes. the team that took the field that day as 'Rangers' were not in fact Rangers but sevco Scotland ltd

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ah so if my granddad fought in a war and won medals, if he died and I inherited these medals.. does that make me the war hero ??

No, you'd have to buy them as "assets and history". (I think.)

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so there is a gap in the 'continuous history'?

A gap and an anomoly, Rangers have played in the same competition with two different membership numbers.

How many Rangers are there?

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Deflection Stoney?

Best take it up with trading standards and the CAB then.

Did you complain about the mocking reply you got? was a bit off if you ask me.

Deflection from what Tedi?

You have, according to you, spent 35 years supporting Rangers but anything you know about your club you learned from P&B.

You can now class yourself amongst the knowledgable Rangers fans.

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Lord Nimmo Smith said that RFC PLC ceased to be a club the moment they were rejected the SPL share, the SFA could not recognise Sevco 5088 as a club as the articles of association do not allow a club to be registered outwith Scotland. Sevco Scotland never became a football club, as defined by the rules, until they acquired the membership from RFC PLC, who were not a football club at the time according to LNS.

So the "club" died with the SPL vote, it's assets were then sold to Sevco 5088 who passed them on to Sevco Scotland. So whilst the assets sat in Sevco 5088 they were not a football club. Whilst they sat in Sevco Scotland they were not a football club. When the membership transferred to the new new company then it was resurrected as a club.

I think I have that right.

No, he was referring to ceasing to be an SPL club.

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Tedi, the other posters today have put many and varied hypotheses forward, each and every oner of which makes more sense than your continued bleating of "Cos it just is, right?" (I paraphrase, obviously).

At some point I am sure you will come to the realisation that there is a reason your viewpoint is so hard to defend...

It's absolute bollox, made up to keep the windaes in one piece and the bigot dollars rolling in.


BTW, your new signature is wrong (yes, another one). ;)

Do you do rhyming slang? Because your new club's like your avatar - rubber ducked. :lol:

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We were talking about membership transfers, you gave up and decided to talk about something from 8 months ago.

Pathetic and expected from our trading standards expert.

You can still talk about that if you wish, it's not like I stopped you.

I just like reminding people of your levels of understanding when you try to put other people down and dismiss their understanding of things. It brings context to your shite.

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The SFA statement did not say anything about until the other membership you are making this up.

The SFA statement did say;

A conditional membership will be issued to Sevco Scotland Ltd today,

Followed immediately by;

Following the completion of all legal documentation, the Scottish Premier League will conduct the formal transfer of the league share between RFC (IA) and Dundee FC on no later than Friday 3rd August 2012. At this point, the transfer of Scottish FA membership will be complete.

tedi, tedi, tedi, please read that and understand it.

you had to get a separate piece of paper to allow you to play as you weren't allowed the original piece at that point.

oh and I countered your questions with questions of my own, to which semi answered yours.

why is this important to you?

why do you feel the need to claim the good parts and ignore the bad?

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and I am happy to keep correcting them ;)

teh new sig? its rather an old one, many variations of the same tune made by people a little more famous than your good self.

Like you corrected me about the stars all those months ago. Did you like that too?

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We were talking about membership transfers, you gave up and decided to talk about something from 8 months ago.

Pathetic and expected from our trading standards expert.

How about we talk about something more recent then, Pelucia?

Fair play, Tedi - when you f**k up, you do it in style. :lol:

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