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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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I would say that is just an opinion as well!

let's have a vote boys...

Yeah,a vote carried out among the obsessives,haters and weirdos that haunt P & B should carry some weight ;-) Edited by Magoo9uk
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Of course, these guys aren't 'trialists' in the way the term is intended to signify, in much the same way that EBTs weren't loans in any way that most of us would recognise. Rangers are exploiting this loophole to field players who they're unable to formally register until September.

It maybe strays from 'the spirit of the game', but to be honest, I think many clubs would try to do something similar. The circumstances were a bit different, but Dundee also used this to field players they couldn't properly sign, during their ban a couple of seasons ago.

On the scale of dodgy stunts pulled by those in charge at Ibrox, playing these guys in August ranks pretty low.

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Nah it was O'Neill. He brought his bunch of thugs and hammer-throwers to Ibrox in 2002 and they got gubbed after going a goal up in 19ish seconds.

His comment afterwards was, "We were astonishingly brilliant".

He was using hyperbole to try and take the sting off the fact that his team were inadequate.

I am happy to apply the same logic to your declaration aboutThe SPL.

And yet, it doesn't apply here. I was describing how well gates had held up in a scenario where we knew they would shrink significantly, for terribly obvious reasons.

O'Neill was describing a costly defeat. It was very much in his interests to defend his players, and very much in his nature to do so in an absurdly OTT way.

It's in neither my interests or nature to defend the SPL.

Hell, I'll even concede that Rangers shifted a remarkable number of season tickets last summer too if you like, because just like in the other case, my observation would be true.

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Of course it works, I was talking about last season, it is a simple fact cannot be argued with.

Next season I predict the same for SFL2.

Yes Ted, but you were replying directly to a post in which I said:

"I'm carefully choosing words that can convey how impressive gates in our small country can consistently be, even when lots of fans are removed at one fell swoop."

It was you who put that bit in bold. "Lots of fans (were not) removed at one fell swoop" from SFL3, which is what rendered your daft wee quip, totally redundant.

Now it seems you wish to say things about SFL2, highlighting that Rangers have lots of fans. We know this already. It's incredible that a grown up finds this so pleasing.

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I was going to risk a spare account on the swamp yesterday saying Prior was both a timothy and charlotte fakes, and going to destroy the club from within. Didn't in the end but soooooo wish I had.

Both parents Oirish catholics... rumour might have stuck.....oh and his burd is called "Lustina"...

Full Q & A with Gary Ralston from the Record.

Why didn't you invest in Rangers a year ago ?

Pri Arc had just been established and I had to concentrate on doing the right thing by my own company,rather than focus on my personal likes .

So when did you seriously think about investing ?

When Walter Smith became chairman and Malcolm Murray became just a member of the board . It didn't make entirely great sense to me .

Walter has absolutely impeccable credentials but I didn't understand why others wanted to challenge Malcom's position as chairman when he had such a solid background in corporate governance .

You know Malcolm Murray,right ?

I've met him and my relationship with him is friendly,although we can go months without speaking . He struck me as distraught about what was going on at the club.

If I was going to help an institution in which I'm a long-standing fan I knew I would have to buy a stake to get under the hood .

When did you become a supporter ?

I grew up in Irlam in Salford and my Manchester United loyalty relates to that community.

Like most football fans you also pick the most successful team outwith your locality and in my youth it was Rangers. I remember Gary McSwegan scoring against Marseille.

I watched that Champions League campaign with glee .

What has been the reaction to your investment ?

I have an Irish catholic parentage and I will not deny my mother and father but I'm not a man of God. Contrary to some internet reports,neither did I make my money by saving on trainers . And,no, I'm not the child who finished runner-up on Britains Got talent ,although he is very talented and brave for his age.

I'm quite fond of that type of humour - I take it and i give it out as well. When I'm back home my mates call me Potter,after Brian from Pheonix Nights .

How much of this investment is emotional and how much is aimed at a financial return ?

I cannot deny my support,it cannot be taken from my psyche but after 10 years at Goldman Sachs you cannot deny I also know what I'm doing with the stocks and shares of the world .

Once I see under the bonnet the fan might take over and I might end up getting more involved than I had originally planned.

My plan was always to buy up to 1.4 per cent of Rangers,carry on due diligence going forward and then buy more if the constitution of the club changes .

Is your gut instinct telling you to stick or twist ?

I'm n ot big on gut instinct.If i can get a hold of the accounts and enough corral among the existing board members or fan base to get a reconstituted board I can only see me going one way - increasing my stake .

However,I cannot be a benevolent dictator,five to ten per cent is the correct level.Why would you let one man dictate your clubs destiny ? Look at Craig Whyte .

Where are Gers as a fledgling plc ?

I'ts very precarious and if we don't take the right decisions,based on solid corporate governance.for the good faith of the fans and club then we're going to struggle.No one wants a fractious club.The ideal scenario would be reconstituting the board and also getting a fan elected .

What do you think of investors such as Blue Pitch and Zeus?

I don't know enough about them.The response to ever question Ive asked has been opaque at best. I can't seem to get the constitution of who owns their shareholding . It doesn't make sense and it concerns me .I'm a shareholder who wants the best for the fans and club,who are one.My job is risk and reward.Hopefully that reward in the long term will be to help build a club out of constitutional rubble .

So you're not just another rapacious venture capitalist ?

The only way I could ever see my shareholding being sold is if someone buys over the 30 per cent threshold and triggers a buyout.Then I would have no option but to sell.That's the only way I could be bought out right now.

I'm willing to be a voice of the fans.I can ask now I'm a shareholder,I will never not back up my word .

How do you spend your time away from business ?

I don't have much time.I love football,rugby,all sports. I have a very good home life,a lovely nephew James who is three-and-a-half and a girlfriend Lustina.

Are you under-estimated by others because of your disability ?

Certainly.It undoubtedly helps me as an investor.

How tough was it growing up confined to a wheelchair ?

I attended a special primary school and once lost seven of 10 classmates in under two weeks.They died of various illnesses,including twins who had muscular dystrophy.There is a futility in being afraid once you accept mortality is inevitable.I'm scared of nothing and no one .

How big and influence were your parents ,Terry and Pat ?

My dad bought us a plot of land and built a bungalow virtually with his own hands.He worked as a baggage handler and built the house at night.No one knew I had an intellect that could carry me forward.They imagined i'd live at home forever .

Are you still in contact with your friends from those days ?

Several of them called after reading the Record article to tell me how proud they were.These are the guys who carried me on the bus at stag do's and to watch the local team play the area cup final .Once your part of a gang your part of it for good .

And you couldn't even run away when you got into trouble.....

The secret was never getting caught.That and telling the truth .

Only one request was deemed out of bounds as prior was quizzed-getting him to pose with a Rangers shirt ,he said " No way .The last thing I want to do is come across like Craig Whyte".

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Yer original statement does not hold true though as no fans were removed from the small country, this simply is not true, I am a fan in that small country, was I removed? of course I was not, stop being daft.

Yip, but the fans were removed from the SPL, which is what the 28% figure we were discussing, referred to.

Still a redundant daft wee quip I'm afraid Ted.

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Applying the ban as a form of blackmail was even lower, the SFA would of course argue they were simply playing within the rules, Rangers would be correct in applying the same argument, that rule of course being the "trialist" rule and lets face it pre-contracts do not really mean anything, numerous pre-contracts are broken without any consequence every season, a player is not signed until they have that SFA registration and before this point they can only be classed as trialists, the SFA and SFL happen to agree.

Tedi, when I said this 'offence' ranked as "low", I meant well down the scale of bad things done. I don't think this is a particularly big deal.

You seem to have misunderstood what I meant.

Maybe I worded it wrongly, but I was trying to say that things which would rank as much worse have already happened.

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You never mentioned SPL you clearly said small country on several occasions too, perhaps learn to word your posts better.

Hell Ted, I'm feeling generous, so I'll concede that I'd have been better referring to "the top flight in this small country", for the avoidance of doubt. That that's what I clearly meant was extremely clear from the context of course, but you're right. Slackness in my wording opened the door to daft wee redundant quips.

I'll endeavour to take more care next time.

Edited by Monkey Tennis
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So what about Sandy then, did he refer to them as trialists?

He was just using language the bears would understand. No point taxing them with complicated terms like 'unregistered'.

To be fair, though, it wouldn't be the first time someone in a position of authority misspoke: I seem to recall a Rangers spokesman saying that the club had been sold to Sevco5088.

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To be fair you did repeat it when you were struggling to get yer point across in later replies, never mind after a bit of coaching you did mange convey what you meant at the 3rd or 4th attempt.

I didn't repeat it. I quoted the post in which it appeared in order to address your inability, or unwillingness, to recognise context.

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Why should it matter was religion his parents are?

It would've gave credence to the rumour I was going to post...

You really don't think before posting , do you ?

Irish Catholic parentage, wow, that will upset the sporting integretists.

Anyone who believes that bunkum needs sectioned

The guy is a Plant, out to harm us from the inside

Funny how in 2008 He seems to have been a life long Die hard Man Utd fan

This guy has a distict smell about him. The fact that he is in bed with the Rebel tells me all I need to know. And, since when is a 1% shareholding of any real significance? My jury went out, came back in. Not a friend.

Bears aren't convinced.....

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You didn't read or probably couldn't read my last post properly through your alcohol infested rant where I said I found out where the communication problem lay !

They are not called trialists but non registered players you moron now drink up sonny :guinness

Which is why they can play as trialists.

Please for the love of God, cease and desist.

Edited by bennett
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Rangers FC, may they rest in peace, were participating in frauds and deceptions long before The Whyte Knight appeared on the scene. You people have short memories when it suits you. You do love those suits and the bullshit that they talk you do. Hows the Supercasino and the hovercraft pitch coming along? :lol:

What fraud was this then? The EBTs, they were legal at the time, in fact if i remember correctly the PLC had a 2-1 majority found in their favour, rule of law applies, no fraud committed. SPL Commissions; no sporting advantage gained, therefore no titles or honours removed. Too bad if that doesn't sit well with you but that's the reality.

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