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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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name them.

"We demand to know who these people are!"

I think I've just discovered Tedi's RLID, everybody!

And there was me describing him as a man who cares about, even knows something about, football. :lol::lol::lol:

Oh, and BTW, Tedi, Vicky just said (recent posts) she's big enough to fight her own battles. You don't have to go in to bat every time...

Edited by WhiteRoseKillie
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THe 'Killie' bigot swings and misses.

I await his legal proceedings 8)

You'll be waiting for a while, then. Why, because I'll still be waiting on a straight answer to a yes/no question I asked you almost an hour ago. And I feel I'll still be waiting next time you make a c**t of yourself and disappear for a couple of weeks go on holiday.

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Knowing No8 as I do in the real world then I knew instantly that that was a heat of the moment comment, he is a true bluenose and will no doubt support Rangers till the day he dies, supporting football team for true fans is for life, not every one of us has a change of heart once we hit six you know.

Get a reality check.

The reality check is that he and all of you supported Rangers until they died. And you now support the world's biggest diddy club.

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Knowing No8 as I do in the real world then I knew instantly that that was a heat of the moment comment, he is a true bluenose and will no doubt support Rangers till the day he dies, supporting football team for true fans is for life, not every one of us has a change of heart once we hit six you know.

Get a reality check.

a. He posted that on a public forum, obviously he was serious enough to let the world know. If not, he's a fucknugget.

b. Who had a change of heart at six? I'll save you trawling through your bookmarks - just ask yourself :"Which team has WRK followed since the day he had any say in which matches he attended?".

Edited by WhiteRoseKillie
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a. He posted that on a public forum, obviously he was serious enough to let the world know. If not, he's a fucknugget.

b. Who had a change of heart at six? I'll save you trawling through your bookmarks - just ask yourself :"Which team has WRK followed since the day he had any say in which matches he attended?".

A.. Norman doesn't get the passion which fans have for their club.

B.. As you have posted many times you do not follow any team. "Pure too far away for my clapped oot fiesta tae manage man"

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What happened to Vicky the Viking.. Haven't seen any of his informative posts for awhile.

Will he ever return... :unsure:

Was talking to VTV on facebook the other night, i'll pass on your regards young sir.

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I never thought i would say this. If Rangers are controlled by these people i will simply walk away. I absolutely point blank refuse to line the pockets of gangsters...i choose to work for a small taxi firm as i won't give my money to Stevie Malcolm!!

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A.. Norman doesn't get the passion which fans have for their club.

B.. As you have posted many times you do not follow any team. "Pure too far away for my clapped oot fiesta tae manage man"

A. That'll be because he isn't the necrophiliacs that you and your m8s are now.

B. I can respect anyone who doesn't physically or financially support any particular club. I cannot and never will respect anyone who knowingly has or does physically and financially support a proven to be corrupt club.

Stick that in your pipe and smoke it Vicky you lil heterophobic bigot.

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So if anybody now posts something that turns out to be shite, they can use the 'heat of the moment / didnae mean it' get out of jail card.

Could be handy for a few contributors right enough.......

Give him a break, it only took nearly THREE MONTHS to say it.????

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So if anybody now posts something that turns out to be shite, they can use the 'heat of the moment / didnae mean it' get out of jail card.

Could be handy for a few contributors right enough.......

Reminds me of when David Murray sold the bankrupt on its knees (now dead) RFC for a pound in the heat of the moment, and HMRC rejecting the bankrupt on its knees (now dead) RFC's pathetic CVA proposal which led to liquidation R.I.P. in the heat of the moment. :)

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So if anybody now posts something that turns out to be shite, they can use the 'heat of the moment / didnae mean it' get out of jail card.

Could be handy for a few contributors right enough.......

No....But if they then say a short while after the original post that it was a heat of the moment comment and with time to consider the full implications they were wrong to say what they did THEN it can be used as a 'get out of jail card'.

BTW the quote you used did say if the easdales gained control...Since when did becoming a non executive director = taking control?

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