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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Sounds too well thought out, to be 'heat of the moment' IMO. I mean, it's actually quite beautifully formed prose. :lol:

It was almost a declaration of principle and integrity. Knew it had to be a heat of the moment comment, coming from a Sevco fan.

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Couple of days? It's heading for the anniversary of the Bhairn's declaration that the doors to Ibrox would close in September 2012.

And almost exactly a year since a Killie fan and Dhensebore tore into one another over poppygate - on a Rangers thread. The self same poppygate that WKR had f**k all to say about until it was mentioned by a Rangers supporter, and then he was pyoor outraged.


FWIW it's WRK and not WKR ??? I don't know if it's some pissytake towards "w@nker" from the bears as an assault on WhiteRoseKillies character but do get it right FFS as well as yer bluenosed mates will you or I'll be sure to make up some very witty quips on your mobs user names ?.

And don't worry the gates at Ibrox will definitely close if The Clone Rangers fail to reach the premier division at the first time of asking in the first division :)

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Not defending No. 8, but some of the stories I hear from friends and family in Paisley bore some of it out!

So, he should keep his head down, right? I mean somebody on here could be a relative or something (even if only through marriage). Dodgy stuff slandering powerful 'businessmen', especially so close to home.

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It was almost a declaration of principle and integrity. Knew it had to be a heat of the moment comment, coming from a Sevco fan.

Don't you know it's the Rangers way these days to say one thing then to mean something different now and then to mean something altogether different in the future :unsure2: .

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see Captain Kirk page 4260

ETA. Non executive director - and also club chairman - W. Smith confirms appointment of -previously interim CEO - P Mather as permanent CEO. Yes non-executive directors control businesses. They hire and fire the salaried guys. :o

Yeah, classic from no8 there,, "since when did non ex mean having control?" Holy f**k if ever there was a line from someone who hasn't a fukin clue , that was it!

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No wonder, you have newbies like SaorAlba and AberdeenBud polluting the thread. It's been shit for ages but they take it to another level.

Just curious about your statement above. Are you saying you've been around longer than these guys?

I don't believe that. You're as much a newbie as them!

Or do you admit to being AWRA/Chris 53.5 titles/SSBN ICBM etc?

Info- you shared a title in 1890/91 with the best team in Scotland, but goal difference didn't count back then.

Your call, fella.

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No wonder, you have newbies like SaorAlba and AberdeenBud polluting the thread. It's been shit for ages but they take it to another level.

:huh: you are having a fucking laugh aren't you ?.

I haven't been on P&B for a few days because of the weather :thumsup2 ,but on my glorious return today I have read some eye melting pish coming from the Rangers family on here ffs :bairn .

I don't know it you have actually noticed that Celtic fans on P&B actively pursue arseholes who claim to be Celtic fans when they join to shut the fcuk up posting shite or in most cases,ask not politely I may add to FCUK OFF from P&B.

On the other hand Rangers supporters seem to actively befriend just about any old Rangers fan who joins P&B even if they are complete fuds,multiple aliases,arseholes,complete bigots and idiots and give them green dots for posting shite,defend the arsehole in question by attacking the P&D's when they get into bother (Benvicky comes to mind there).

Seriously here Bennett has been shown up to be a huge fucking hypocrite after getting caught out with an alias and more embarrassing an alias when he wasn't even banned :blink: after attacking just about every newby P&Bers by accusing them of being aliases :wacko: and what's even more tragic is that you bears have tried to sweep it under the carpet by ignoring it and actively being friendly to him like it never happened :1eye .I could only imagine you B@stards if that was one of the BRALT P&D's that had got caught out ! ! ! you c***s wouldn't let it go for a fucking second by banging on about it when things get tough for ra bears like Tedi getting into a meltdown situation like on the same club and I have proof "read ma link that means fcuk anyway because legally by law Rangers Football Club actually did get liquidated and was consigned to death only to be cloned back to life in a new body/company by the SFA" :lol: .

What the fcuk is with you bears on P&B ffs :lol:

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:huh: you are having a fucking laugh aren't you ?.

I haven't been on P&B for a few days because of the weather :thumsup2 ,but on my glorious return today I have read some eye melting pish coming from the Rangers family on here ffs :bairn .

I don't know it you have actually noticed that Celtic fans on P&B actively pursue arseholes who claim to be Celtic fans when they join to shut the fcuk up posting shite or in most cases,ask not politely I may add to FCUK OFF from P&B.

On the other hand Rangers supporters seem to actively befriend just about any old Rangers fan who joins P&B even if they are complete fuds,multiple aliases,arseholes,complete bigots and idiots and give them green dots for posting shite,defend the arsehole in question by attacking the P&D's when they get into bother (Benvicky comes to mind there).

Seriously here Bennett has been shown up to be a huge fucking hypocrite after getting caught out with an alias and more embarrassing an alias when he wasn't even banned :blink: after attacking just about every newby P&Bers by accusing them of being aliases :wacko: and what's even more tragic is that you bears have tried to sweep it under the carpet by ignoring it and actively being friendly to him like it never happened :1eye .I could only imagine you B@stards if that was one of the BRALT P&D's that had got caught out ! ! ! you c***s wouldn't let it go for a fucking second by banging on about it when things get tough for ra bears like Tedi getting into a meltdown situation like on the same club and I have proof "read ma link that means fcuk anyway because legally by law Rangers Football Club actually did get liquidated and was consigned to death only to be cloned back to life in a new body/company by the SFA" :lol: .

What the fcuk is with you bears on P&B ffs :lol:

Now that is one fkg rant HB. Can't quibble with most of the content but ffs man. Sunstroke? :2cool

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Now that is one fkg rant HB. Can't quibble with most of the content but ffs man. Sunstroke? :2cool

:lol: the bears do crack me up on here most of the time it's banter after all :) but just about all of them are well mental at times when they gang up on a P&Der as they would have us called and actively wear down the poor B@stard in question :blink: it seriously is a work of art the way they suddenly go into pack mentality and I have suffered on many occasions :lol: and randomly between them bring up the P&Bers worst sessions disregarding the subject topic in question in an attempt to point score and ridicule the defenceless victim as well as rubbish the P&Bers related question and more so if they questioned or pointed out "yer a new club".

Edit for typooo and must be sunstroke sunglasses_smiley_face_print-r8e5eccf68d

Edited by hellbhoy
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No wonder, you have newbies like SaorAlba and AberdeenBud polluting the thread. It's been shit for ages but they take it to another level.

Forgetting I joined before your latest alias? :1eye

Run along and be a good racist now before you get banned again.

Edited by AberdeenBud
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LOL, AWRA/BP/Chris must feel he's got his feet under the table again, it's now safe to unleash the Chelsea sig! :lol:

What a clown(not Mr. Custard).

Please take care when insulting John Terry in his vicinity, it will lead to flecks of spittle and racist insults. Bit like his hero. :(

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FWIW it's WRK and not WKR ??? I don't know if it's some pissytake towards "w@nker" from the bears as an assault on WhiteRoseKillies character but do get it right FFS as well as yer bluenosed mates will you or I'll be sure to make up some very witty quips on your mobs user names ?.

Here's a wee heads up - I didn't call him the WKR. It was Dhensebhore - one of your own.

That's why (periodically) I'll write it as follows: WKR (© Dhensebhore)

HTH :)

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They still are. What they are not is daft and this is why i can't see why they would want the publicity. It just seems strange and especially at this time as they are about to start a taxi firm in Renfrewshire in direct opposition to Stevie Malcolm. That will undoubtedly end in tears.

FAO waffen...i choose not to work for gangsters even though i would probably earn more. I do have principals and i will not support Rangers if these guys have control.

still haven't come to the 'heat of the moment / only joking' wriggle out yet... but repeating the 'walk away' promise doesn't strike me as a rash slip of the tounge

Edited by Ken Fitlike
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Don't know that much about those two but what i've read doesn't make good reading. I wouldn't stop supporting the team if they get control but they wouldn't recieve a penny from me.

translate that as ' I'll still be a The Rangers fan but I won't go to games or buy merchandise etc'

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translate that as ' I'll still be a The Rangers fan but I won't go to games or buy merchandise etc'

Depends how the season starts. If they get off to a blazing start against the likes of Arbroath, Forfar etc. and are roaring up the league like a house on fire ( or should that be a bus garage? ) they'll all be back, singing their little songs and revelling in " the glory "

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May I remind you that you admitted (on a public forum ) that you were a die hard tim, does that make you a fucknugget too?

No need to answer :D

Here's an idea - why don't you go to your bulging bookmarks folder and quote that entire post. I think that would show you to be either:

1. Stupid enough to believe the heavily weighted sarcasm therein, or

2. (Just) bright enough to work out what the post meant, but stupid enough to think that others wouldn't check back, given my oft-declared disdain for your former club's former Business Partners.

That little spat where I (wrongly) demanded an apology from you was, at one point, quite the point-score for you. Unfortunately, in true Amigo style, you wouldn't let it go, drew attention to the original post, and ended up looking like, yes....

A fucknugget of the first order.

Well done, Pelucia. Another reminder of yet another 5-star performance. Or did I take your reminder out of concept? :lol::lol::lol:

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I knew instantly because like me, No8 is a true fan and a true fan would not desert the club he loves over a mere temporary custodian getting a wee bit of power, suits come and go, the fans always outlast them all.

Fair enough, Tedi, I mean you've even outlasted the club, and could well see another one off - while lining the pockets of the suits. That's proper loyalty, that is.

Edited by WhiteRoseKillie
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