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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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The conclusion that you must have more time for Celtic followers than any other Scottish fans, is however, inescapable.

Firstly, spare yourself the embarrassment of walking this amateur psychology line because it's all so much simpler than that errant mince.

You, like some others, seem to want to attach an importance to the bletherings on a message board far beyond their value. I meet and talk to fitba supporters all the time - the absolute pish poured out here is rarely (if ever) mirrored in the real world.

For example - no one on earth I've ever met responds in conversation by presenting a picture in the wanky way that, say, SS Alba does. That's not to say I don't have a laugh or enjoy some of the humour - it's no bad on occasion. What makes me laugh most of all is the fantasy that anything other than Rangers being back at the top of what's left of Scottish is going to be the final outcome.

So I give back as I get on here, returning the love in kind - within the limits of the grassing community and those who fake offence as a facade for their grassing.

And, I left the sporting wing comment to last because :lol:

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I agree wholeheartedly with this sentiment.

I'd extend it in this direction:

In rejecting Rangers, there is no automatic positioning to adopt a fondness for Celtic. Only a certain breed of Rangers fan knows the logic behind that thinking

I think it's perfectly clear that some don't like Rangers or the plastics. I think the issue arises when - and only when - some jump all over Rangers supporters on whatever issue is at hand and notably avoid slamming the sporting wing for anything similar.

Only a certain breed of sporting wingers know why they would do it.

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I talk to them in the taxi but i don't associate with them..Maybe i should say socialize with them. Nothing weird about that...I am Rangers through and through and a Loyalist. I have never hidden that on here.

Making a concious decision, not to socialise with people who either -or both- have been brought up with a different religion or support a different football team to yourself - IN THE 21st CENTURY! FFS! - is quite simply PATHETIC. Do you extend this exclusion to other members of society? Actually, no need to answer that question. I have heard it said, that there are 2x No8s and I've noticed some starkly contradictory posts attributed to you but this is a sad admission. Is it 'Sober No8' & 'Drunk No8' per chance? I ask this even though IMO, this would be no defence whatsoever. Having read the follow ups to the above post, I can't see any acceptance of the 'heat of the moment' excuse. You basically, are practising your own little apartheid system. Altogether now... 'We Are Truly Pitiful'

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Well yes, "associate" was clearly the wrong word. The follow up is actually genuiely weird here though.

Are you seriously suggesting that because of your political leanings and allegiance to a football team, you won't 'socialize' with certain others whose affiliations are different?

Many of us are accused on this thread of bitterness, obsession and hatred. I doubt if many come close to your stance here though. I certainly don't.

So when he meets up with Tedi (both have said they do socialise on occasion), it's on the clear understanding that Tedi, does not bring his Irish, Catholic, Celtic supporting wife. :o

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C&P from my post of the 16th of February 2012.......

'I honestly cant see any justice in this at all towards the other clubs in the league. I cannot find the words to express how badly i feel about this whole scenario but as a football supporter i just feel a 10 point deduction is just a joke...a fucking joke!!! I personally feel relegation to the 3rd division is an apt punishment'

Now how do you want to do this? Individual apologies or just one big apology. I'll leave that entirely up to your good self ;)


Very pescient of you, No. 8.

Except they weren't relegated.

And D3 was a lifeline, not a punishment.

Do continue with your greatest hits from last year - they're mildly amusing.

Ya bawbag. :lol::lol::lol:

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Have I? When was this? I've been on holiday for the last week, but have decided against boring you all with details of my itinerary.

WRK and I don't agree on everything, what with having independent minds and all that. I see him as one of the good guys though and haven't, as far as I'm aware, sought any distancing.

FWIW, I don't think the comments about transvestites etc (made by someone other than WRK incidentally) were either relevant or appropriate. Unlike WRK and a few others, I wouldn't seek to defend them.

Still happy to be seen as a 'partner in crime' though.

"Good Guy", is it? How very dare you! ;)

Actually, MT, as is a frequent MO of mine, rather than defending the comments on TVs and Tootsie, I was pointing out Bendarroch's knee-jerk reaction to an attack on his beloved Amigo. As per also frequently, it does appear open to misinterpretation. My bad. I've got no problems with anyone's sexual identity, having a reasonably varied family and social circle myself.

Now, when's our next bank job?

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I think it's perfectly clear that some don't like Rangers or the plastics. I think the issue arises when - and only when - some jump all over Rangers supporters on whatever issue is at hand and notably avoid slamming the sporting wing for anything similar.

Only a certain breed of sporting wingers know why they would do it.

Maybe because this isn't the BCALT.

Or maybe because you and a large proportinon of the berrz on here are such obvious hate-filled bigots, who can't make a post without belittling or abusing followers of ANY other team, frequently accusing them of being another flavour of bigot.

Just a theory?

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Maybe because this isn't the BCALT.

Or maybe because you and a large proportinon of the berrz on here are such obvious hate-filled bigots, who can't make a post without belittling or abusing followers of ANY other team, frequently accusing them of being another flavour of bigot.

Just a theory?

You have to be the most bigoted guy on here Norman :lol: and :lol: and :lol: .....

Your whole life revolves around it.

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You have to be the most bigoted guy on here Norman :lol: and :lol: and :lol: .....

Your whole life revolves around it.

No doubt you've got many examples of my "bigotry", then, Vicky.....

(Before you gleefully start fantasising, embroidering and straight-out lying - having a generally socialist, inclusive mindset which dislikes discrimination doesn't make one a bigot. IMO, of course. The fact that I don't like rangers and their acolytes is based on their (and their ex-partners) acting as a sea-anchor on Scotland's progress towards civilsation)

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