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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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You asked this an hour ago. It was as funny then as it is now.

That's at least four times you have asked - has it never once occurred to you that Rangers supporters very obviously ignore you because you are, well, utterly ridiculous?

Feel free to ask again. And again. And again...


He's asked you, me and Tedi so far - and been ridiculed with getting close to any kind of answer. There may be others he has tried to bore into submission.

How did you put it? Like kicking a pup?

I'm not asking for comedy value.

I asked as a serious question, and yet for some reason none of you will answer it.

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Not like a Celtic fan to rewrite history.  It is simple.  The SFA issued a punishment outside of their rules.  We challenged that and won.  The SFA then said "Accept our illegal sanction or it could be worse".


Pathetic bullying and, as I said, not one decent fan on here commented.

Actually think you have a point here TK. Apart from conveniently skimming over the fact that Rangers challenging of the punishment was against FIFA statutes.

The SFA made a complete horlicks of the situation, but I firmly believe that their overriding aim was always to protect Rangers(and their large number of paying customers) from disappearing, hence armaggeddon, social unrest, etc etc.

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I'm not asking for comedy value.

I asked as a serious question, and yet for some reason none of you will answer it.

Some reason? Everyone thinks you are an absolute walloper. You're having the pish ripped from you by all the Rangers supporters and you come with 'some reason'?


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Some reason? Everyone thinks you are an absolute walloper. You're having the pish ripped from you by all the Rangers supporters and you come with 'some reason'?


I think i can get over it, either that or i'll march to the hampden

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And here we have the root of all the desires of plastics and diddies alike. Subservience from those in trouble.

Ranges fans wont play ball? Fucking excellent.

'Roon ye.


You play in League 1 and haven't even won a challenge cup, in case you haven't noticed, Sevco are a diddy club / company

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And here we have the root of all the desires of plastics and diddies alike. Subservience from those in trouble.


Ranges fans wont play ball? Fucking excellent.


'Roon ye.



I think you are confusing subservience with dignity and humility after 'walking away' from millions of pounds worth of debt.

You really don't give a shit about that do you? All that matters is your misplaced sense of superiority. Highly disturbing.

As much as Dunfermline's behaviour has been disgusting the statement from their fans group had more class than anything ra peeps have produced in the last year.

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And here we have the root of all the desires of plastics and diddies alike. Subservience from those in trouble.

I would've thought mere acceptance that all this was nobody's fault but yer own, maybe even accompanied with a slightly less belligerent than usual attitude, would've done.

Hearts and Dunfermline seem to have managed it without blaming everything on a super-sekrit conspiracy against them by everyone else, so it can't be that hard.

Edited by flyingrodent
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As far as I can see it is a fair and relevant question being asked by Rangers.

Rico, the fine was levied against Rangers FC, payable by the legal form they took at the time. This version of Rangers appear to be the same club which has changed legal form, when the SFA reply to this issue then you will have the answer to your question. If you are hoping for a death certificate I fear you will be disappointed.

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You really don't give a shit about that do you?

You're a liar. Well noted that you completely ignored the proof posted of your two faced, lying arsehole shame.

Imagine you having the neck to even try and moralise to anyone else. Abhergreen Fhud - the liar.


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Interesting debate, good to see on here.

Why would expulsion or suspension as a punishment NEVER happen? Is it because deidclub were a special case and some rules don't apply to them? If so where is the fairness in that? If they had taken a year off, got a new, well behaved, financially stable club up and running for this season I actually think they could have been let back into the top flight, without much rancor. As it happened we had the ludicrous circus of Charles Green leadership, and a club now owned, and run by gangsters. Brilliant

Sure the club is allowed to ask for clarification, but do they need to ask via a club statement, which bearing in mind the tendency for intimidation and violence their support has, I would think is tantamount to incitement to riot and is again bringing the game into disrepute.

"we fully understand the rising anger among our fans"

Totally irresponsible and more grist to the-foam-at-the-mouth mill, that is sevco. If the SFA had any testicles they would fine them another 50k for that.

Why the maximum penalty of a 50k fine? Because I would regard last years disgrace as aggravated administration, and because the panel were allowed discretion as to what the penalty was. They chose the maximum and I can't really see an argument for not imposing the maximum after the way the olddeadclub handled itself.

You want parity and fairness but you only want it for yourselves.

Rangers died then, TheRangers are a disgrace now, Dignified behaviour? NEVER.

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Nah, not quite how I see it AD...We can't do walking away.

Hey No8, I noticed you offered this very fine post of mine one of those reddie things the other day. You chose not to elaborate by posting any arguments against what I'd said. Well within your rights of course, something you do frequently and not a problem.

However, I notice also that you berated poor old German Jag along these lines:

"Nobody cares you red dot posters but red dotting and adding nothing to the debate is just the act of a coward IMO. Scared to post your opinion but willing to publicly denounce others...pretty tragic."

Now it's almost as if what we're seeing here is some sort of naked hypocrisy.

Yes, I do have a lot of time on my hands at the moment, and yes, you can respond to this with a predictable reddie. ;)

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I know.

As if you'd get subservience from people with a 'Born to Reign Over Us' banner.

I have asked Royalists why they want to be 'reigned over' and have never had a sensible reply. Always a confused and often angry response.

Our club, Rangers, was hit with a £50,000 fine and given a 12-month registration embargo.

"While no-one at this club wishes to see others fall on hard times, questions must be asked about these anomalies and we fully understand the rising anger among our fans.

Aye, right.

Edited by cyderspaceman
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You're a liar. Well noted that you completely ignored the proof posted of your two faced, lying arsehole shame.


Imagine you having the neck to even try and moralise to anyone else. Abhergreen Fhud - the liar.



Ok, then Mr Angry.


So you don't give a shite then.

Tbh, I doubt Mather actually believes any of his own idiotic dog whistling statement.

Just another exercise in daft and dangerous PR helping to foster the victim mentality in the more malleable(most of them) peepil.

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Hey No8, I noticed you offered this very fine post of mine one of those reddie things the other day.  You chose not to elaborate by posting any arguments against what I'd said.  Well within your rights of course, something you do frequently and not a problem.


However, I notice also that you berated poor old German Jag along these lines:

"Nobody cares you red dot posters but red dotting and adding nothing to the debate is just the act of a coward IMO. Scared to post your opinion but willing to publicly denounce others...pretty tragic."


Now it's almost as if what we're seeing here is some sort of naked hypocrisy.


Yes, I do have a lot of time on my hands at the moment, and yes, you can respond to this with a predictable reddie. ;)

He also had nothing to say about posters creating aliases purely to issue green and red dots?


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