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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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I've never, ever understood the logic in this - support a local team because, well, eh...they're just around the corner?

I didn't go to my local boozer or local shops because they were pish - why on earth would anyone suspend common sense and do it just because it's a fitba team?

You are suspending common sense and backing Rangers, I believe they are falling into the category of pish now.

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I've never, ever understood the logic in this - support a local team because, well, eh...they're just around the corner?

I didn't go to my local boozer or local shops because they were pish - why on earth would anyone suspend common sense and do it just because it's a fitba team?

Gloryhunter outed.

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I didn't go to my local boozer or local shops because they were pish - why on earth would anyone suspend common sense and do it just because it's a fitba team?

When you say didn't go, did you really mean banned?

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You are suspending common sense and backing Rangers, I believe they are falling into the category of pish now.

Yes, but they're very much wealthier than the clubs around them and despite their manager, should win most of their matches this season and secure another league win at least. Those are odds he likes.

He's also very fond of reminding us of how inevitable Rangers 'return' to the top is. This inevitability and lots of wins, help sustain his support.

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I've never, ever understood the logic in this - support a local team because, well, eh...they're just around the corner?

I didn't go to my local boozer or local shops because they were pish - why on earth would anyone suspend common sense and do it just because it's a fitba team?

I'm with Bendarroch on this one I have to admit, If I supported my local team I would be a Sevco fan. Sod that.

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Yes, but they're very much wealthier than the clubs around them and despite their manager, should win most of their matches this season and secure another league win at least. Those are odds he likes.

He's also very fond of reminding us of how inevitable Rangers 'return' to the top is. This inevitability and lots of wins, help sustain his support.

Exactly this.

If The Rangers went through a sustained period of winning nothing and being shit the crowds would plummett.

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I am sick of rich businessmen getting richer through my hard earned money...Sick of it!! I will hold my hands up now and say those campaigning to withhold season ticket money were probably right..When is this all going to fucking end!!

It really is time these people sniping on the sidelines either put up or fucked right off. If they are Rangers men why don't they put their money where their mouths are.

Fucking wife has just come in and i cant even get drunk as shes on call and might need a lift!!!

Did i say i was sick of it all..I wish i didn't care as much as i do and then maybe i could just walk away from it all

Surely with your contacts she could get a taxi?

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I am sick of rich businessmen getting richer through my hard earned money...Sick of it!! I will hold my hands up now and say those campaigning to withhold season ticket money were probably right..When is this all going to fucking end!!

It really is time these people sniping on the sidelines either put up or fucked right off. If they are Rangers men why don't they put their money where their mouths are.

Fucking wife has just come in and i cant even get drunk as shes on call and might need a lift!!!

Did i say i was sick of it all..I wish i didn't care as much as i do and then maybe i could just walk away from it all


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Appears there`s momentum gathering for a protest at Ibrox this evening.

Not surprising, they fucking love a protest that lot.

Absolutely fucking love them.

Boycotts as well. They canna get enough of boycotts.

What will they be protesting about now exactly? Will it amount to much more than standing outside Ibrox in tracksuit bottoms screaming 'No surrender' etc

I doubt the c***s themselves even know :)

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Meanwhile, back in the real word...

Can I just offer a hearty congratulations to the plastics and diddies who campaigned relentlessly to end naughty songs, people enjoying themselves at fitba matches and freedom of expression in general.

It's a massive victory for them with rasellik completely shutting down the Goon Brigade.

Well done!


Should really be on the Big Celtic Thread, eh?

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