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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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I've never met a Dons fan who has indicated a preference for either. I started a thread titled 'Which of the ugly sisters do you hate more and why', or something like that, as this kept coming up and I thought we might get some insight. Very few wanted to play. I locked it and started one called 'Our 2x best supported clubs and why they irritate us', it's in the 'Scottish football- fans' views' forum, where I believe this thread should also be.

If I absolutely had to choose between the 2 big Glasgow clubs, I would choose Partick.

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If I absolutely had to choose between the 2 big Glasgow clubs, I would choose Partick.

Same here, though it could mark the start of a decline for them. I've never seen my team win at Firhill....

Rarely seen us beat Thistle at RP, either... Hopefully that'll change this season!

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Same here, though it could mark the start of a decline for them. I've never seen my team win at Firhill....

Rarely seen us beat Thistle at RP, either... Hopefully that'll change this season!

It's difficult to see rugby park or firhill from the back of the jungle blah blah blah blah

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I know you love your pedantry but I'm afraid this is irrelevant, Killie were not pro in 1869 but that does not stop them being the oldest pro club, simply because unlike Scotland's youngest pro club, they have an unbroken history.

So which professional club are then?

It's easy to claim something not to be true without offering an alternative.

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I don't need google to know that 'legalise' and 'legalese' are two different words. Clearly you had to check! Did you do it in court time?

Nice to see, too, that you think using a BIG COMMA makes a difference.

I actually don't disagree with much of that content of what you were trying to say. Yes, we are spending beyond our means. Yes, we are an organisational f**k-up. Yes, our club is acting like fools. Certainly Sally and Mather are paid too much. Quite possibly we're heading for another Admin.

Had you said these things in a calm and reasonable manner then I'd have agreed.

However, for you what is important is to berate us for being fat, knuckle-dragging orcs so, in that context, I am perfectly happy to pick on your lack of literacy and to eschew your pomposity.

So quick suggestions: 1. Try and discuss things with us reasonably. You'll get a reasoned reply. 2. If you want to be a pompous git then learn the difference between 'legalise' and 'legalese'.

AW FFS it was a spelling typo you obtuse git :lol: and I did smoke a huge green spliff last night :) .

And the bit in bold ?,you are having a fucking laugh aren't you ? :lol: I have discussed many times reasonably only to get petty pathetic wummed responses from your mob because it is not favourable towards your club.

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Same here, though it could mark the start of a decline for them. I've never seen my team win at Firhill....

Rarely seen us beat Thistle at RP, either... Hopefully that'll change this season!

Only if it's televised though, eh? ;)

Sorry but the goal was wide open. Better coming from me than Bennett. :lol:

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What part are you struggling with?

As long as we can afford these players there is no problem.

maybe if your support supported your club you wouldnt be getting humped by newcadtle.

see you next season....if you ever make it to a game.

If your club is running an overall operating loss every month then how can you say you can afford such players when your club is accumulating debt ?,I won't hold my breath.

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Even if these are just rumours the funny thing is that there will be stuff said like this about The Rangers/Sevco for the rest of eternity.

Their fans will have to put up with this forever.

This new team will always be ridiculed and talked about in a bad light.

Being a supporter of Rangers as it was is now dead and buried.

It's no wonder they are so angry and bitter all the time tbh.

Edited by MikeyWellFan
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Off the top of my head we had ...

£5.5m plus interest paid back to greens consortium.

A similar amount being spent paying fines and footbal debts

The Albion car park cost a few million.

Buying the edmiston house back? again not cheap.

Greens jet setting

Wages and bonuses for board members

consultants fees

Probabaly more stuff which i'll remember later.

Teams go bust because they pay too many players too much to kick a ball round a park every week. Not because of one off fees which you're trying to claim.

Rangers fans civil war. Laughing stock to everyone else


According to Bill I'm an enemy of Rangers :blink:

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What the feck is that??? Hahaha.


I seriously hope thats a fake.

Burma it's a real magazine called "Seventytwo" and I seen it the local newsagents yesterday who are Rangers supporters and had a quick glimpse at the propaganda spin on it :lol: .If only it was Sylvester McCoy then the Dr could have went back in time before the club went tits up :lol: .

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Burma it's a real magazine called "Seventytwo" and I seen it the local newsagents yesterday who are Rangers supporters and had a quick glimpse at the propaganda spin on it :lol: .If only it was Sylvester McCoy then the Dr could have went back in time before the club went tits up :lol: .

The Dr Who's used to die (Like Rangers) come back different and pretend to be the same person (Like rangers)

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Teams go bust because they pay too many players too much to kick a ball round a park every week. Not because of one off fees which you're trying to claim.

According to Bill I'm an enemy of Rangers :blink:

We're not talking about "teams" we're talking about Rangers and until the accounts are out, neither of us can claim to be 100% right.

Who is Bill?

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I hope you do to Benny, but I was refering to your infant club, not as sure as to whether they will last that long under this incarnation

Was just going to edit tha post, as i missread it. My new reply is .. I hope the club does.

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