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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Yes, it was highlighted the other week when it was revealed that they could play 2 trialists against Albion Rovers in the first round of the Ramsden's, but wouldn't be able to field any in the second round. It did seem odd and of course that was the spin from Rangers and from the media. I think even the SPFL joined in by claiming they couldn't explain this bizarre SFL rule they'd inherited.

It wasn't until someone on here - I forget who - flagged up the fairly obvious, that I got it myself. These trialist rules were introduced in order to enable teams to look at players with a view to possibly signing them. It makes perfect sense that this is allowed in July, at the very start of the competitive season, but then gets curtailed as we move through August, further into the season and towards the closure of the window.

The rules only appear at all strange if looked at as something which a team can employ as a loophole, to get round a registration ban for breaking the rules.

It's important, but not always easy, to remember that.

I suppose we could see this as a sign of maturity on the part of the Newco.

After all, they haven't issued a string of whining statements demanding to know why the authorities are making it so difficult for them to sleaze out of their punishment, and demanding to know who etc etc.

They've only used it as an excuse for getting beat off Forfar. This represents considerable restraint on McCoist's part, given that he could've spanked this up into yet more boiling outrage and resentment.

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Even if these are just rumours the funny thing is that there will be stuff said like this about The Rangers/Sevco for the rest of eternity.

Their fans will have to put up with this forever.

This new team will always be ridiculed and talked about in a bad light.

Being a supporter of Rangers as it was is now dead and buried.

It's no wonder they are so angry and bitter all the time tbh.

that's the bottom line!

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http://alzipratu.wordpress.com/2013/02/05/39/ From February.

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-2386601/Dave-King-focused-Rangers-investment-Charles-Green-return.html From today.

It's maybe just me, but it doesn't seem as if these men with money coming out of their ears amassed their fortunes by investing in ventures like the rangers....

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I suppose we could see this as a sign of maturity on the part of the Newco.

After all, they haven't issued a string of whining statements demanding to know why the authorities are making it so difficult for them to sleaze out of their punishment, and demanding to know who etc etc.

They've only used it as an excuse for getting beat off Forfar. This represents considerable restraint on McCoist's part, given that he could've spanked this up into yet more boiling outrage and resentment.

Maybe it's like the moan about the £50,000 fine, that Hearts and Dunfermline seemingly escaped. Then, as now, Rangers have grumbled in the papers, but not actually made a formal complaint, because they know they have no case.

The SFA called their bluff on that one by responding anyway. The demise of the SFL means this trialist gripe will probably go unchallenged. Once more though, it's pish and Rangers probably know it.

I think we can safely dismiss maturity as a motive in their letting it go though. ;)

Edited by Monkey Tennis
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Question on JT salary and role. JT - Job to restructure media, not just PR. Most of the time has been with crisis PR.

JT - Still waiting on equipment needed for media

JT= Jim Traynor


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I suppose we could see this as a sign of maturity on the part of the Newco.

After all, they haven't issued a string of whining statements demanding to know why the authorities are making it so difficult for them to sleaze out of their punishment, and demanding to know who etc etc.

They've only used it as an excuse for getting beat off Forfar. This represents considerable restraint on McCoist's part, given that he could've spanked this up into yet more boiling outrage and resentment.

That's because they've only lost to Forfar so far!

Fucksake, Fliedermaus - we talk about them being impatient in their "return" :) "back" ;) to their "rightful place" :lol: (sorry - deep breaths)

(ah, that's better, where was I?) Oh, yes - I'm sure this latest "attack" :) by their "enemies" :lol: will be wheeled out again, when Ally's Masterplan :lol::lol: (sorry, can't help it) goes tits up again. Or it gets a bit breezy. f**k knows how the poor wee lambs'll cope coming up to Christmas - it can get a bit nippy as well out on those pitches.

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Question on JT salary and role. JT - Job to restructure media, not just PR. Most of the time has been with crisis PR.

JT - Still waiting on equipment needed for media

JT= Jim Traynor


No answer on salary, we note. I spotted that as well. What equipment is he waiting for? You can run a TV or Radio station from a council flat, for fuxsake. Plenty already do.

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As if nothing ever happened.

But it won't be mate.

This will follow your new club forever.

You'll never shake the embarrassment.

It's all your old team will ever be famous for in years to come.

Not the titles they won and the dominance they had but the embarrassment of administration, liquidation and reincarnation as a plastic phoenix club.

It's horrible when you really think about it isn't it ?

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http://alzipratu.wordpress.com/2013/02/05/39/ From February.


http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-2386601/Dave-King-focused-Rangers-investment-Charles-Green-return.html From today.


It's maybe just me, but it doesn't seem as if these men with money coming out of their ears amassed their fortunes by investing in ventures like the rangers....

They're a money pit, hunners of millions of fans desperate to throw money at shyster after shyster so long as they keep getting told the right things. It will not matter how many times they are taken for a ride their fans will keep emptying their wallets for a few promises and some quotes to let them think they have a giruy to offer to their "enemies"

Rangers fans, you are your own worst enemies, girbuy.

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BS - Not running out of money. Imran Ahmad got no money in payoff. Charles Green did get payoff.

BS - Not at liberty to disclose what Charles Green got. He's now getting 1k a month.

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BS - Puma deal same as a number of Premiership deals. JJB paid zero for last year. On retail side expecting much larger number this year.

Question on why BS is still on board after what he did to MM. BS - It was a serious error of judgement. I didn't release it.

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No disrespect to other Premiership clubs, but I would imagine outside of Celtic they don't earn great amounts from kit deals?

No mention of how much they are getting from it either mind

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IH - Walter and I both worked well together. Huge sympathy for him. Devastated he's gone. Walter didn't leave because of me.

IH - I supported CG coming back. Furious on statement Green made. Made feelings known to Green.

AMc - Just wants opportunity to be judged on team on the park this year.

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