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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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No wonder AWRA/BP/LWG has been very quite, he has fooked off ta Swallow Swallow and started posting there. :(

Good evening fellow bears!

For a good while now I have been pondering ways of raising money for our gracious, beautiful club.

I have come to the conclusion that this, my friends, would be the most quintessential and dignified way of raising sufficient amounts of money to ensure the safety of our club for years to come.

As I am sure you are all aware, it rains a lot in Scotland (too much if you ask me!) Now, on the odd occasion it is sunny after a spot of rain.. What is formed? Yes! You are right! A rainbow!

It is a well known fact that at the end of the rainbow there is a pot of gold. This pot of gold would be worth millions - millions that would ensure survival for centuries.

The problem is finding this gold. It will be a hard task; one that only the true bears will be able to complete with all our dignity.

The next time it rains and the sun comes out, I suggest all bears go out in search of the end of the rainbow, home of the pot of gold.

Maybe we could all chip in and buy walkie talkies and get a sticky on here so we can update each other on our quests.

I'll be there, I hope you will too. 500,000 of us turned up to Manchester, surely 499,999 of you can turn up to a field in Kirkcaldy?


Lets do this.


Just read that KDS

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Rangers withdraw their claim to be Scotland's most succesful club


Really - I thought that had already been concluded ... is it possible that link is something else ?

There are only two complaints listed in the link whereas the 'most successful' claim had quite a few more than that !?

Edited by Ned Nederlander
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The case was re-opened a few days ago due to further 'conclusive' evidence being discovered by ASA who informed that the case would have to be re-opened and looked at again due to said 'conclusive' evidence. This was revealed through various mainstream media sources earlier this week. And posted on this thread as well as all over the internet on hundreds of forums and message boards. I'm surprised that you didn't see it anywhere! :lol:

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The case was re-opened a few days ago due to further 'conclusive' evidence being discovered by ASA who informed that the case would have to be re-opened and looked at again due to said 'conclusive' evidence. This was revealed through various mainstream media sources earlier this week. And posted on this thread as well as all over the internet on hundreds of forums and message boards. I'm surprised that you didn't see it anywhere! :lol:

Well it says 26th of June rangers withdrew that claim (on the quiet btw) or am I misreading that?

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Well it says 26th of June rangers withdrew that claim (on the quiet btw) or am I misreading that?

You probably are not misreading it, no. Those in control of the mainstream media and organisations such as ASA who receive information may well have decided to keep what they knew quiet until after the new club had managed to shift their season tickets for 2013/2014. That could be a logical reasonable answer to the time period between disclosures. People in control do have a long history of doing that sort of thing, only informing people of what they they 'need to know' if/when it suits the suits.

Edited by Taxi for Ben
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You probably are not missing anything, no. Those in control of the mainstream media and organisations such as ASA who had the information may well have decided to keep it quiet until after the new club had managed to shift their season tickets? That could be a logical reasonable answer to the time period between disclosures. People in control do have a history of doing that sort of thing, only informing people of what they they 'need to know' if/when it suits the suits.

Hod on,,,, unless that's about their claim about 48% of Scottish Fottball fans support Rangers?

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To be honest, I'm finding it difficult to get too enthused by all this. From the statements made by McColl and King, it would appear likely that :-

1)The proposed board changes will happen and so lesson Green's influence.

2) Cash will continue to run out and share price drop

3) Green and Institutional investors will sell up

4) Admin 2 happens and they exit through CVA with King/McColl etc in control

5) There will still be a team in blue called Rangers playing at Ibrox.

I would fully expect that in the event of admin 2 they will get no more than a 15pt deduction and they will still win the league. They will then enter SPFL Championship with no debt, fully re-financed (King will pump loads in) get to the top league on schedule, ho fkg hum.

The opportunity to rid Scottish football & society of this cancerous institution, was there - as a one time only offer - last year and The SFA bottled it. I'm sorry, funny at this time, as all this is for the rest of us, in two years time they will be in the big league, being run by the rangers minded and being no less arrogant.

The best result that we can hope for, is that Green sees off McColl and makes drastic cuts to playing staff budget, thus enhancing our entertainment watching McCoist make a total arse of trying to get to top league. Any other result will unfortunately be rather boring. There is no danger of another liquidation, remember they don't have debt. :(

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To be honest, I'm finding it difficult to get too enthused by all this. From the statements made by McColl and King, it would appear likely that :-

1)The proposed board changes will happen and so lesson Green's influence.

2) Cash will continue to run out and share price drop

3) Green and Institutional investors will sell up

4) Admin 2 happens and they exit through CVA with King/McColl etc in control

5) There will still be a team in blue called Rangers playing at Ibrox.

I would fully expect that in the event of admin 2 they will get no more than a 15pt deduction and they will still win the league. They will then enter SPFL Championship with no debt, fully re-financed (King will pump loads in) get to the top league on schedule, ho fkg hum.

The opportunity to rid Scottish football & society of this cancerous institution, was there - as a one time only offer - last year and The SFA bottled it. I'm sorry, funny at this time, as all this is for the rest of us, in two years time they will be in the big league, being run by the rangers minded and being no less arrogant.

The best result that we can hope for, is that Green sees off McColl and makes drastic cuts to playing staff budget, thus enhancing our entertainment watching McCoist make a total arse of trying to get to top league. Any other result will unfortunately be rather boring. There is no danger of another liquidation, remember they don't have debt. :(

Depressing, but odds on. And 99.5% of their support will still be in triumphalist, WATP mode as if nothing had ever happened. :thumbsdown

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What do you mean "that computer" (singular). Weren't you claiming multiple computers were using the same IP? Also publishing your IP didn't make you vulnerable to attack. Having shit security is what causes that.

Nothing to do with shite security, a reputable brand name was used though a different brand from laptops which were using norton 360 and remained untouched. It's being looked into and maybe i'll find out if there's a connection or not, maybe just a conincidence

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Nothing to do with shite security, a reputable brand name was used though a different brand from laptops which were using norton 360 and remained untouched.  It's being looked into and maybe i'll find out if there's a connection or not, maybe just a conincidence

The story continues apace. :lol:

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Come the end of October, given our arithmetical adventures tonight, they will have to take into account the reality that it is a crime for a company director to allow his company to trade whilst knowingly insolvent.

Superb stuff - the gates at Ibrox were closed for the last time in September last year we were told. By Bhairnforever - a diddy clubber.

How did that go again?


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Superb stuff - the gates at Ibrox were closed for the last time in September last year we were told. By Bhairnforever - a diddy clubber.

How did that go again?


Oi Diddy club supporter


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Seems a few Ps & Ds got a wee bit carried away last night. Shame they seem to miss a very important point which has only just been raised.

Rangers have money in the bank. There are extremely wealthy Rangers men just waiting to invest into the club. Green will be voted off the board alo.g with the other leeches.

All this while vastly improving the playing squad.

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From Campbell Ogilvie, President SFA, ex Secretary of Rangers and Hearts. (Glasgow Herald)

He said the SFA was "monitoring" events at Rangers, where a boardroom power struggle continues. "Any football club that is going through these trials and tribulations is going to cause concerns," Ogilvie added. "The first people you feel for are the supporters and people working at the club. Nobody wants to see these issues coming up. We are looking forward to the start of the [lower] league season this week and focusing on the game moving forward. The media interest in the last few days has taken away from that but again you feel for the supporters."

Ogilvie also avoided commenting on any return by Paul Murray to the Ibrox board. "I am not going to deal with hypothetical questions but there are articles in place - not always in black and white - that deal with these situations. The board will deal with these as they come up," he said.

"there are articles in place - not always in black and white - that deal with these situations."

What does he mean by not always in black and white? Does he know the articles in place are not watertight, and do not have loopholes?

If he is aware there are loopholes, what is he doing about it? :angry:

Please get rid of this useless :whistle clown.

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