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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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A January 2014 contender now! October and December are already in from the plastics and diddies clairvoyance community.

I wonder if they'll burn their own witches when, one by one, they get it wrong. Is that why Bhairnforever disappeared after Sept. 2012 came and went and the gates at Ibrox didn't close forever?

I'm working on the deferred income the club still has to receive from sponsorships and on the day sales,gives you a little more time to limp through the season before :death .

I'd expect the club to try and sell off a few players first before succumbing the enivitable :) .

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Well, why would you? As a sporting wing fan you very obviously don't care a f**k about what happens at Killie - why else would you wish them to face oblivion just to get rid of (as you put it) a 'slimy currantophile'.

That religious hate just seeps out of you.

Did he really call MJ a 'Currantophile'?

I suppose i shouldn't be shocked coming from that bigoted scumbag.

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Did he really call MJ a 'Currantophile'?

I suppose i shouldn't be shocked coming from that bigoted scumbag.

Aye, any more of that and I'll be getting a knock from Big Grugg,I suppose?

ICBINR fans - now offended by made-up words. Move over celtic, your reign as paranoid champions is firmly in the past.

sent from my tablet - criticism of spelling invalid for the duration of this contribution...

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Aye, any more of that and I'll be getting a knock from Big Grugg,I suppose?

ICBINR fans - now offended by made-up words. Move over celtic, your reign as paranoid champions is firmly in the past.

sent from my tablet - criticism of spelling invalid for the duration of this contribution...

What did you mean by 'currantophile'?

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Green & Co Must Go. We Want Our Club Back.

Unlucky guys, I'm afraid you're stuck with an imposter.


Bit strange putting it up in the east enclosure. No chance of Green and Co seeing it...or maybe they just wanted to be seen on the telly

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