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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Well, I've been accusing you lately of posting a lot of repetitive, tedious, predictable stuff on a loop.

The downright nastiness of the above marks a departure though. Get a grip

man - that's ridiculous stuff.

For downright nastiness the hate filled WKR will take a bit of beating....
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Still wrong die hard tim.

Still with the allegations of celtic-supporting. :rolleyes:

Two points here - Firstly, I have posted on many occasions how offensive I take this accusation to be, and that according to Mcpherson, discriminatory abuse is deemed to be so if it is perceived as such by the victim or a third party. I find this nomenclature to have sectarian and racist overtones, so kindly desist.

Secondly, why is the "T" word acceptable when the "H" word arouses apoplexy amongst the berrz?

In all fairness to Tedi, he's actually pulling a Bennett here, and will shortly dazzle us with semantic acrobatics. The question which should have been asked - i.e. the question 99% of sentient adults would deem to have been asked - was "how much did the purchasing of the scarves raise". Tedi will now, in his little head, have got one over on everybody. This will make him feel warm and fuzzy.

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Sure. :D

It did go to the RFFF, never disputed that.

I am not from Arbroath, plastic bhoy.

By the way, how much did the Red & Black scarves contribute to the RFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF?


Swing and a miss

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I upset you, well that's upsetting :(

Report me then die hard tim. :)

You are still wrong BTW, as I said no hope for you, poor killie fan

Not addressing your use of "tim" when you squeal like wee piggies whenever someone says "hvn"? From a neutral point of view, that would look a wee bit like double standards, I would have thought.

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Report me then die hard tim. :)

You are still wrong BTW, as I said no hope for you, poor killie fan

Well that would suggest that you used the term in an entirely sectarian way then.

I'm not looking for people to get reported. It would be good if a guy like you Tedi, could return to behaving like an adult though.

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Where is the Professor of lexicography No.8 to inform all of us on the origins of Tvm. :rolleyes:

I'm an avowed atheist but would consider tvm to worse at is derives from a specific insult on a persons religion belief, hvn does not.

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Well that would suggest that you used the term in an entirely sectarian way then.

I'm not looking for people to get reported. It would be good if a guy like you Tedi, could return to behaving like an adult though.

That's exactly the point, MT.

He may, in his little brain, not have realised he was causing offence. I then stated quite politely (repeated, actually) that I found his language to be grossly offensive. and discriminatory at that - I then requested that he desist.

He then repeated it. In law, it doesn't matter what he thinks - it has been clearly stated that using this language, in this manner, to this individual, is causing harm. By repeating it, he is compounding that harm.

Still, in all honesty, it's what we've expect from many fans of rangers and their successors. Treating it as their problem and not ours is probably the best way to deal with it.

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We get one side insisting they should be allowed to say "h**" and the others saying "what's wrong with t**?"

Seriously, can we all stop being such juvenile wee cretins please?

If these terms are of debatable virtue, would it not be easier to simply use alternatives, as Bearwithme suggested earlier?

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lol, it would suggest nothing of the sort, happy for a moderator to judge the situation tho, go ahead if you want, will not hold it against you MT.

Go ahead with what?

I'm not looking for adjudication. I just think it would be better if everyone stopped the nonsense.

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Oh, go on, tell us why, pleeeaase....

Would you have an example of this nastiness? Oh, I bet you do, I just bet you do....


Pathetic wee mock-offended moron.

It's easy to hand it out like you do,anonymously via a football forum but spare me the Internet tough guy routine please as it's beyond tragic....

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Certainly far more sectarian than WATP or No Surrender or adding the odd H in Bhairnforever, yet we have been accused on this very thread of being bigots for using such things, the Ds and Ps certainly fly their double standards high, ok look I just said something else sectarian.

I am perfectly aware of the definition, as are you, clearly as you are intent on using it, how about we ignore your whataboutery and you try answering the original point.

So when Celtic fans sing (at hearts games) on mass "go home you ****" what are they meaning?

100% agree, if someone squealed like a wee piggy ;)

You are as ever an expert on double standards.


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Horrific chat btw, I'll leave it at that.

Nicely detracts from Admin mk 2 and Teflon Sally as well.

Good point.

Just as before they don't seem bothered about the latest coming out from the club

I find it funny how quickly they have turned on Charles Green

Remember how "future for Rangers"


He says RFC are exploring opportunities in Asia, especially China and India - IA is talking to the Chinese Minister for Sport and is hoping to get him over to Ibrox for a match.
RFC believes we can generate £100M per year in 'media rights'
CG alluded that 'The Sports Direct Stadium' might not be desirable, but 'The iBrox Stadium' (as in Apple iPad/iPhone etc.) would be

CG said he will personally make money from Rangers, but he will make it in the right way.

Edited by Enrico Annoni
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We get one side insisting they should be allowed to say "h**" and the others saying "what's wrong with t**?"

Seriously, can we all stop being such juvenile wee cretins please?

If these terms are of debatable virtue, would it not be easier to simply use alternatives, as Bearwithme suggested earlier?

Quite. I've always preferred fud or blue puke.

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It's easy to hand it out like you do,anonymously via a football forum but spare me the Internet tough guy routine please as it's beyond tragic....

Hand what out? Are you 12 or something?

When you ever come to the table with something worth discussing, I'll discuss. Keep coming on with personal insults that add nothing but reinforcement of the stereotype decent people have of your clubs' supporters, and I'll treat you as you deserve. As a bitter, repetitive, wee tool.

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