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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Amazing the difference between Rangers fans after the club went into admin, compared to the Hearts fans this season.

Rangers fans really should feel embarrassed and ashamed about sitting back, doing nothing and allowing the clue to die

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It seems Charlotte has released more leaked letters :rolleyes:



Mr Regan was bemused and curious as to why Mr Whyte was willing to co-operate with Mr Ahmed in transferring shares and to facilitate the passing of name changing resolutions ???


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I did not call him Dheclan or Declan or any other Irish sounding name, I was referring to the bitching the Queens Parks fans were making about the Rangers booing one of their players for having an irish sounding name, I was being rhetorical, it was the QP fans who brought this subject / theory up not me, this was of course bullshit, we were booing the player who was walking off at a pace that can only be described as backwards, this was not the player with an irish name.

Go back read both match threads and you will get the picture, but then I know you have already done this and know exactly what I mean, you seem determined to label me as some sort of a bigot, I also guess so saw the reaction on this thread from other posters who saw your label and have chosen to ignore this too.

Now even if I had to referred to him as Declan, then how does this make someone a racist, there is nothing offensive about the name Declan, get a grip and grow up.

Tedi, why even bother being in this thread if you're only going to bother with irreverent shite. personally i'd be more interested to hear from Rangers fans on the below than calling someone Declan

It seems Charlotte has released more leaked letters :rolleyes:



Mr Regan was bemused and curious as to why Mr Whyte was willing to co-operate with Mr Ahmed in transferring shares and to facilitate the passing of name changing resolutions ???


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Tedi, why even bother being in this thread if you're only going to bother with irreverent shite. personally i'd be more interested to hear from Rangers fans on the below than calling someone Declan

You'll have a long wait, Enrico. I asked earlier today if anybody knew where the two lumps of 30k shares were going from/to, and response was there none.

Personally, I am surprised at the rangers fans - yes, even now. They seem willing to discuss the far end of a fart when taking mock offence at something a poster may have said which could conceivably cause offence*, but honestly, for at least a couple of weeks now they don't seem to give a flying f**k about their club. Maybe when they've seen how easy it was to pretend the club survived last time, they just think they'll carry on no matter what.

*Although I can't remember the Amigos having a go at No. 8's terrorist association, or Bennett's suggestion that I self-harm, or... well, anything the get-along gang think is acceptable. That faux-Irish twat McWhatshisface may well be a complete tool, but IMHO Tedi's little diatribe yesterday was well out of order. Not one rangers supporter pulled him up for it. (that I saw, anyway, apologies if one of you showed a scrap of decency for a change).

ETA: I assume you meant "irrelevant"?

Edited by WhiteRoseKillie
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I did not make an objection.

Perhaps I was not clear enough, I hope the c**t (with the made up name) gets bitten by a rabid animal and dies a painful horrible slow death.

Not only did you post this, your snide wee Viking mate actually greenied it! :blink:

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It seems Charlotte has released more leaked letters :rolleyes:



Mr Regan was bemused and curious as to why Mr Whyte was willing to co-operate with Mr Ahmed in transferring shares and to facilitate the passing of name changing resolutions ???


Nice reply, to sum up for those who can't be arsed reading it.....

Dear Rangers,

Your last letter read really well and seemed plausable but real life events have shown you to be full of shit, AGAIN.

Please write some more guff for our amuzement and have it here by May 1st.

Remember we can take the name Rangers off o ye, so make it good.

Best wishes,


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Was not out of order at all, I stand by what I said.

You wish a painful, slow and horrible death on someone you've never met because you disagree with what he says about a football club?

Sorry, Tedi - you're the c**t in this instance. And I will stand by that.

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Yup, pretty spot on the money, you are expecting an apology or retraction? good luck with that.

Nope, just got confirmation that you are, in fact, what you claim not to be.

I don't know if you're drunk, stoned, or suffering some sort of anaphylactic shock, but that statement of yours is disgusting.

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He thinks I am part of the Klan, we know what he is referring to, you may think this acceptable branding but then that would also make you a bit of a c**t, pretty much like your Sandy Jardine comment.

I wondered when you'd wheel out the old "c**t with cancer" stick to try and beat me with.

Wee difference, scumbag. I didn't wish a "painful slow horrible death" on the c**t, did I?

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Of course this is why you are always arguing with any real substance.

There we go, boys and girls. Meltdown complete. To claim your prize, simply re-arrange the above quote into a comprehensible sentence.

Entries to:

Please talk about anything but my new club's impending financial problems competition,

Tedi's (Big) Hoose,

Mindthatwasp Street,

Miles from Reality,


(I for International, natch).

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Then do what you are good at and report it.

I say you are simply playing the mock offended card.

By the way paid back.

That dick gets offended at the drop of a hat, i wouldn't pay too much attention to his deranged ramblings.

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Poor wee Tedious Tedi the Terrier clinging on gamely to his wee scrap of bone .... pathetic and sad. :lol:

He really isn't up to the challenge of defending the Party Line on his own. He's got all he needs, mind - except intelligence, empathy, wit, knowledge and decency.

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You'll have a long wait, Enrico. I asked earlier today if anybody knew where the two lumps of 30k shares were going from/to, and response was there none.

Maybe thats because no one knew who bought them, not a conspiracy of silence. Just the fact that no one knew who bought them, you moron.

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Not reading all this declan nonsense but let me correct some posters.

A QP player walked off the park taking as much time as possible ... we have all seen our own players do it to waste time and without fail the opposing fans Boo that player. That is exactly what happened on this occasion.

The QP then brought up the fact the player coming on had an irish name...i thought it was Declan Connely but i now think his name was Aiden Connelly. The point is it was the player going off who was booed not the young lad coming on...facts are he played in every other game and was never booed. The days of people being booed because of their names are long gone.

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Norman and the bhoys trying to gang up on a Rangers fan and failing misrably.

Some things never change...

No need to gang up on anyone who bares his vicious, rotten little soul for all to see, and then pretends it's defensible.

Oh, hang on, here's somebody defending him - I wonder who?

Oh, and that's "miserably", btw,

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