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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Maybe thats because no one knew who bought them, not a conspiracy of silence. Just the fact that no one knew who bought them, you moron.

Silly me, I thought that the first upward movement in the share price for months might be worthy of comment.

Strangely enough, none of you seem to have a lot to say about the later purchases today, either...

Much more important to bicker over whether "Declan" has an "H" in it or not. Fair enough. Moron.

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Especially when you do it nightly eh WKR?

Tedi, you're currently the least decent of the Three Amigos. That takes some fucking doing.

For the attention of the taxi-driving bigot - that does not in any way suggest a "preference" for Vicky or Bendarroch.

(f**k me, that's a better analogy than the one I used earlier - and they might even understand it! :lol:)

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I don't deny that, I never said the Rangers fans booed Aiden Connelly, but tedi referred to him as Dheclan in another thread.

That was possibly my fault...if i remember correctly...it was quite a while ago...i called him Declan Connelly and the QP fans were in uproar about it. After that reaction i carried on calling him declan just to wind them up.

Pretty sure Tedi was quite outspoken in condemning the Rangers support for singing the billy boys in that thread.

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That was possibly my fault...if i remember correctly...it was quite a while ago...i called him Declan Connelly and the QP fans were in uproar about it. After that reaction i carried on calling him declan just to wind them up.

Pretty sure Tedi was quite outspoken in condemning the Rangers support for singing the billy boys in that thread.

Nice deflection - let's remind everybody about that "minority" again, while you're tarring every other fucker as "bigots" :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

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I was sent this link.

Its to a Celtic blog so be warned this may just be crap.

But if its not....


I don't want to jump the gun, but lets hope most of it is true :)

Who runs it, never actualy looked on their site? It probs is bollix but would anything surprise you when it comes to this lot, after the porn star tax advisor and custard the clown nothing would surprise me??

As a matter of interest what other clubs have gone down the sale and lease back route? Leeds? Would it be a total disaster??

It happened to our club, and we're still paying for it till this very day. We're paying rent of 6k a month on our stadium, and will most likely be doing so till 2022, because of the bad deeds committed by former directors in the late 90's early 00's. To put that in perspective its like your team paying 150k in rent a month. Now money like that stops you from bringing in those 3-4 extra players who can make the difference between relative success and failure on the pitch.

Edited by Fotbawmad
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Nice deflection - let's remind everybody about that "minority" again, while you're tarring every other fucker as "bigots" :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

WTF are you dribbling on about now bigot?

Unlike you and others like you we ( the Rangers posters) can be critical of our support when their behavior merits it.

The singing of TBBs was widely condemned on here by Rangers posters

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I don't want to jump the gun, but lets hope most of it is true :)

It happened to our club, and we're still paying for it till this very day. We're paying rent of 6k a month on our stadium, and will most likely be doing so till 2022, because of the bad deeds committed by former directors in the late 90's early 00's. To put that in perspective its like your team paying 150k in rent a month. Now money like that stops you from bringing in those 3-4 extra players who can make the difference between relative success and failure on the pitch.

I thought that was the SFA and their stupid "trialist" rules that didn't let them make a complete travesty of the signing embargo?

They could be fucked even faster if that's the level of brown envelopes they're having to bike bus over to Hampden on a regular basis... :lol:

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WTF are you dribbling on about now bigot?

Unlike you and others like you we ( the Rangers posters) can be critical of our support when their behavior merits it.

The singing of TBBs was widely condemned on here by Rangers posters

Care to comment on Tedi's wishes for Irish Phil, then?

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Tell me, what do I dish out, but fail to take back?

Newbie - in pretending to be offended. Of course - the selective nature of what apparently offends you isn't new at all.

I think the second part is self-evident - but, if you're struggling, ask WKR majora for a heads up. You might have lost sight of some things with your head being so resolutely up his arse.

I don't believe you are struggling to understand at all. Not a bit of it.


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Newbie - in pretending to be offended. Of course - the selective nature of what apparently offends you isn't new at all.

I think the second part is self-evident - but, if you're struggling, ask WKR majora for a heads up. You might have lost sight of some things with your head being so resolutely up his arse.

I don't believe you are struggling to understand at all. Not a bit of it.


He's got a fair point, actually, Bendarroch. Dishing what out, but failing to take it back?

On a related point, would you like to comment on Tedi's wishes for Irish Phil's demise?

NB: "Irish Phil" because I'm buggered if I can reliably spell his name. As it's a favourite of the Horde, I'm sure you understand who I mean.

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Not reading all this declan nonsense but let me correct some posters.

A QP player walked off the park taking as much time as possible ... we have all seen our own players do it to waste time and without fail the opposing fans Boo that player. That is exactly what happened on this occasion.

The QP then brought up the fact the player coming on had an irish name...i thought it was Declan Connely but i now think his name was Aiden Connelly. The point is it was the player going off who was booed not the young lad coming on...facts are he played in every other game and was never booed. The days of people being booed because of their names are long gone.

You used to boo opposition players merely because of their name? :blink:

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Newbie - in pretending to be offended. Of course - the selective nature of what apparently offends you isn't new at all.

I think the second part is self-evident - but, if you're struggling, ask WKR majora for a heads up. You might have lost sight of some things with your head being so resolutely up his arse.

I don't believe you are struggling to understand at all. Not a bit of it.


Right, I'm clearly thicker than you're giving me credit for (which is obviously terribly flattering) but I've honestly not got a clue what you're on about.

What am I pretending to be offended about?

What do I dish out, but not take?

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NB: "Irish Phil" because I'm buggered if I can reliably spell his name.

Didn't you previously call me a bigot for calling him "Irish Phil"?

More two faced hypocritical pish from the 'Killie' liar.

Edited by bennett
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Right, I'm clearly thicker than you're giving me credit for (which is obviously terribly flattering) but I've honestly not got a clue what you're on about.

What am I pretending to be offended about?

What do I dish out, but not take?

While we are on the subject of you being offended. You have been quick to codemn me for accurately commenting on WRKs posts but have failed to even comment on his posts on my innocent handshake with John Gregg. A simpke handshake has now grown into associating and supporting an organisation i despise almost as much as Republican murder gangs

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Tedi is well within his rights to wish what he wants.

personally i would rather be given 5 minutes with phil madeupname

Indeed he is within his rights. As is Irish Phil to write and publish what he likes. Tedi's reaction to this is to wish him a slow, painful and horrible death - for no other reason than that Tedi disagrees with him.

Does that sound to you like a fair summation? And do you think that is reasonable? In my book, it paints Tedi as pretty much low-life scum. Hitler, Pol Pot, Stalin I could understand - but a man who doesn't like your football team?

Oh, hang on, you'd prefer 5 minutes with the man. I assume that doesn't mean you'd like to debate the finer points of his writing, would you?

That'll be two self-declared scumbags tonight, then.

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Right, I'm clearly thicker than you're giving me credit for (which is obviously terribly flattering) but I've honestly not got a clue what you're on about.


What am I pretending to be offended about?

What do I dish out, but not take?

While we are on the subject of you being offended. You have been quick to codemn me for accurately commenting on WRKs posts but have failed to even comment on his posts on my innocent handshake with John Gregg. A simpke handshake has now grown into associating and supporting an organisation i despise almost as much as Republican murder gangs

Almost? :blink:

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