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I did not make an objection.

Perhaps I was not clear enough, I hope the c**t (with the made up name) gets bitten by a rabid animal and dies a painful horrible slow death.

Ah, the IRA writer.

Show me Tedi's post and I'll most certainly comment.

In your own time...

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Hate to disturb the fascinating debate on Irish names, following the many pages on cricket and sexuality of cricketers. :wacko:

Perhaps this has been referred to earlier and I missed it in all the Irish/cricket noise.


From the article "The institutional investor, who did not want to be named, said: "It is pretty clear that corporate governance at the club is just awful."

That should be taken as institutional investor speak for " they are a bunch of crooks who are at it". :angry:

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Who's the guy with the made up name that ted's referring to? Is it the IRA apologist?

Pathetic deflection attempt. As with Bennett's output tonight, all you're doing is making yourself look stupid.

A whiff of perceived homophobia, and you're all over it like a rash. One of yer Amigos wishes suffering and death on someone, it's all "aw, ah didnae see it. Could ye point it oot tae me?"

Two scumbags, one SuperDeflector fud, and one pathetic wee late-to-the-party fud. Which is you.

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Pathetic deflection attempt. As with Bennett's output tonight, all you're doing is making yourself look stupid.

A whiff of perceived homophobia, and you're all over it like a rash. One of yer Amigos wishes suffering and death on someone, it's all "aw, ah didnae see it. Could ye point it oot tae me?"

Two scumbags, one SuperDeflector fud, and one pathetic wee late-to-the-party fud. Which is you.

Instead of fanny dancing around the point - why don't you confirm that the IRA writer c**t that I refer to is the same guy that Tedi's on about and I'll happily comment.

I mean really happily.

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This letter from the SFA is an absolute cracker.http://www.scribd.com/doc/160457671/SFA-reply-to-RIFC

Released by Charlotte Fakeovers.

What comes across is that Green in his letter to the SFA is living proof that he does not engage with the truth. The points he made are vague, evasive or just downright lies. Trying to tell the SFA what they want to hear by just making it up.

How did Green ever take anyone in? :ph34r:

And we thought Craig Whyte was dodgy. :thumbsdown

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Pathetic deflection attempt. As with Bennett's output tonight, all you're doing is making yourself look stupid.

A whiff of perceived homophobia, and you're all over it like a rash. One of yer Amigos wishes suffering and death on someone, it's all "aw, ah didnae see it. Could ye point it oot tae me?"

Two scumbags, one SuperDeflector fud, and one pathetic wee late-to-the-party fud. Which is you.

Why don't you just answer the question instead of deflecting ;)

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Whyte hasnt a patch on Green, doesn't even come close. If only they had of been warned :rolleyes:

Dougal, how did you get into the church in the first place? Was it, like, 'collect 12 crisp packets and become a priest?'

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Not sure how you would know that a post has been deleted by the mods .. unless you reported it and tracked it???

I have a feeling the LIAR is a wee GRASS as well ..

I'm sure you see the irony in moaning about that to WKR :lol:

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Would be interesting to know who is behind this "Charlotte Fakeovers"

I'm amazed Sevco fans have been paying no attention to it.

Indeed. It's The Hero according to a few peepil on here. :rolleyes:

Hopefully we never find out. Can you imagine the state of her windaes.

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