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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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:bairn FFS after all the stick I got for having a few banter sessions with Tedi that some said were repetitive and going nowhere to this pish and endless drivel of the correct usage of the word "poof" & cosying up with gangsters & correct usage of the apostrophe & Dheclan & you posted this and you posted that & liars here,liars there and liars everywhere :blink: at least my mud slinging contests with Tedi were at least on topic !!!! fucking The Rangers related !!!.


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It's always nice to pop in around this time, get a quick glimpse of tomorrow's papers, and catch up on the In depth discussion from The Rangers fans through the day.

Just think, in years to come, the four of you can look back with pride and tell the grand kids, when they ask, what did you do to save your club?

Well kids, I sat back and spent a few years on a rangers thread on an Internet forum, attempting to wind up fans of other teams who I didn't know, ironically I never talked about rangers or the problems the club had.

But granda, rangers are gone!

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Ibrox assets probably sold on leaseback ?,surely the only thing The Clone Rangers have to get capital to keep the club afloat to stave of an insolvency event.

How will the bears react to this if it should go through or has it already been set up already awaiting the signatures in advance ?.

How will this affect the club finances should it make it to the top tier by losing over a million a year in rental fees ?.

Will the club be held accountable for the upkeep and repairs for the stadium and assets ?.

Will Murray Park be sold off completely and the fans can then finally watch their players play on the streets for training ?.

This is what we should be discussing and not throwing toys at each other from prams with insults children :P .

edit fur typoo or two :P

Edited by hellbhoy
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Probably been said here many times before, but it really is astounding the way the Rangers fans still sit back, fingers in ears and do nothing.

Too big to fail.

Edited by Richie
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Ibrox assets probably sold on leaseback ?,surely the only thing The Clone Rangers have to get capital to keep the club afloat to stave of an insolvency event.

How will the bears react to this if it should go through or has it already been set up already awaiting the signatures in advance ?.

How will this affect the club finances should it make it to the top tier by losing over a million a year in rental fees ?.

Will the club be held accountable for the upkeep and repairs for the stadium and assets ?.

Will Murray Park be sold off completely and the fans can then finally watch their players play on the streets for training ?.

This is what we should be discussing and not throwing toys at each other from prams with insults children :P .

edit fur typoo or two :P

Some interesting questions. I'm sure a rangers fan with their clubs interests at heart and a growing concern will open into a discussion with you about this.

Wel have a similar set up at firhill, through Propco... It's a shambles, but thankfully we don't need to pay rent...

But a group of directors now own two sides of the ground and are free to develop as they see fit, for their own financial gain.

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Did you read the question I asked?

Quite happy to discuss, have you got a link that says this is actually happening and something from the shareholders agreeing to sell the companies largest assets, I am not proclaiming to be an expert but I do know that when you plan to dispose of the largest assets the company has then the shareholders have to be informed of the plans.

So you will only discuss it if there is a link?

Even though its quite obvious from the OP that the questions are based on assumption of a situation taking place?

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Got a link?

Anything that says the shareholders have approved selling of the companies main assets?

Tedi that's a typical stupid deflective reply and you know it ya throbber to avoid anything negative against your club.

Did you actually read my post ?,I did put PROBABLY at the beginning of it you twat.

The majority shareholders will sanction the leaseback if it comes to the club facing an insolvency event :1eye ,unless someone is willing to come along a spunk at least £10 million into the club for a share of the club and Chucky can't afford another dilution of his shares value as he has guaranteed at least one institutional investor if this should happen to dilute the institutional investors shares.


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But you are asking me to take this speculation seriously, surely the speculation has to be based on something substantive, even a letter to the shareholders? something? anything?

I am yes, I'm asking you to take it very seriously.

You could of course open discussions by saying something like....

Interesting questions you raise HB, I don't see it happening myself, but I'm open to discussion... What makes you think this is a possibility, has someone discussed it elsewhere, and you picked up on it?

How about the above?

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I am yes, I'm asking you to take it very seriously.

You could of course open discussions by saying something like....

Interesting questions you raise HB, I don't see it happening myself, but I'm open to discussion... What makes you think this is a possibility, has someone discussed it elsewhere, and you picked up on it?

How about the above?

Thank you Dave :) .

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Would not be surprised if the chunts in charge at the moment are trying to get as much cash out before they bale or are forced out at the EGM, they do seem to be rather desperate to stay in power, been down in London all week trying to convince the institutional, of course I am hoping that if a vote comes then they get ejected from the board and I mean all of them, but to sell the stadium it is my understanding that you would need to at least inform the shareholders that this was being planned,

I did see the CQN article and you can probably understand why I find it difficult to accept what Paul says as facts, he has predicted many things a few have come true but most have not, he did predict liquidation but since he predicted this would happen in 2001 I hardly think it counts.

Are they disparate to stay in power tho? Surely their end game is to drive up the the share price to increase profit at the time of sale?

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But you are asking me to take this speculation seriously, surely the speculation has to be based on something substantive, even a letter to the shareholders? something? anything?

There are two companies involved here Tedi !,one is the club itself and is called "The Rangers Football Club Ltd" and the other is the holding company called "The Rangers International Football Club PLC".

The club itself can make decisions for the club and for the benefit of the club without the permission of the holding company as it is a separate entity legally recognised by law and who is the CEO of the club and who is the CEO of the holding company ?.

The shareholders only have a say in the holding companies activities and have no direct say in what the club is doing but can hold a general meeting with the holding company to question what is going on or happening at the club.

The assets could theoretically be sold by the club on leaseback as a financial security deal to keep the club from insolvency and you theoretically won't know about this sale until it's too late because the club deemed this course of action necessary to keep the club from insolvency.

I was wondering how you would feel as well as the other bears if this actually did happen.

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Would not be surprised if the chunts in charge at the moment are trying to get as much cash out before they bale or are forced out at the EGM, they do seem to be rather desperate to stay in power, been down in London all week trying to convince the institutional, of course I am hoping that if a vote comes then they get ejected from the board and I mean all of them, but to sell the stadium it is my understanding that you would need to at least inform the shareholders that this was being planned,

I did see the CQN article and you can probably understand why I find it difficult to accept what Paul says as facts, he has predicted many things a few have come true but most have not, he did predict liquidation but since he predicted this would happen in 2001 I hardly think it counts.

See the bit in bold ?,shows you're a complete and utter fud at times asking me for a link of something that shows this is going to happen when I asked if the clubs assets should be sold on leaseback.

And here you are posting pish straight from the top of your tiny one celled goldfish attention span brain that has completely no prove of or something that can be substantiated in any way.

You are a dickhead Tedi.

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