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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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I don't think so, it was Hellbhoy that put CF and Shite together.

Ah fuckit, there's no point even asking, is there?

"Ah never said that", "you cannae prove", "link please", etc. etc. etc.

Next you'll be telling me you didn't call the SPL commission a "kangaroo court".

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Best ask Hellbhoy.

Nah, leave him in peace. I'm asking you why you have suddenly given credence to this particular tic wet dream. 

Bennett was particularly critical of CF, insisting it was The Hero at work. Tedster was a bit more open but still slightly dismissive.

If I was a bear I'd be glad someone was attempting to tell the truth.

Ps. Bendarroch's wish came true, shame it was only the last few days that gave disappeared 'like nothing ever happened'. :lol:

Any news on the EGM tedi?

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Bennett was particularly critical of CF, insisting it was The Hero at work. Tedster was a bit more open but still slightly dismissive.

If I was a bear I'd be glad someone was attempting to tell the truth.

Ps. Bendarroch's wish came true, shame it was only the last few days that gave disappeared 'like nothing ever happened'. :lol:

Any news on the EGM tedi?

Another question to add to AB's, if you would, Tedi. From an inside point of view, who exactly are the "good guys" and "wanks"?

From out here, they all look like a set of chancers out for their own ends, but there must be a least-worst option for you lads, surely?

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Another question to add to AB's, if you would, Tedi. From an inside point of view, who exactly are the "good guys" and "wanks"?

From out here, they all look like a set of chancers out for their own ends, but there must be a least-worst option for you lads, surely?

I ask the same question:

I believe its been well publicised that we have Green and co on one side and Murray, Blin (back by Mcoll) on the other trying to oust the current board via an EGM.

I dunno why you have introduced good guys and bad guys, can we try and leave the silly stuff out?

Edited by dave.j
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The good guys?

That would be No8, Bennett, Bendarroch, Bearwithme, Youngsy and of course Kincardine.

The wanks?

That would be a long list, but a good place for you to start looking would be a mirror.

Adiós to the BRALT, this thread has had its time from me, its been a laugh but all good things must come to an end.

and all bad things must come to and end.

Like Rangers.

and Rangers II.


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There ya go two bears claiming to be well educated and have been conned by the SFA into believing that it's the same club they support :1eye ya couldnae make this up could you :lol: .

I know of a very clever Ten Bears.

He was a great leader of The Comanche Nation. :)

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The good guys?

That would be No8, Bennett, Bendarroch, Bearwithme, Youngsy and of course Kincardine.

The wanks?

That would be a long list, but a good place for you to start looking would be a mirror.

Adiós to the BRALT, this thread has had its time from me, its been a laugh but all good things must come to an end.

RIP 'Little Grasp' :thumsup2

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Told McColl is making an announcement today that he is going for the jugular = EGM, and not being suckered by the offer of "maybe" allowing Frank Blin onto the board. But I can find nothing from the usual sources.

Typical that McColl has put his cards on the table and is now going for what he wants. If the current members of the board aren't worried about getting wiped out, they don't understand McColl & Blin.

Best news for Rangers fans since Lawrence Marlborough's days..

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The good guys?

That would be No8, Bennett, Bendarroch, Bearwithme, Youngsy and of course Kincardine.

The wanks?

That would be a long list, but a good place for you to start looking would be a mirror.

Adiós to the BRALT, this thread has had its time from me, its been a laugh but all good things must come to an end.

The going is getting a bit tough for the blinkered loyal. :( Great when they are on top. When they become the laughing stock they can't hack it.

Time for a bit of walking away. :lol:

As for Tedi, Bennett, No 8, Bender and such - they didn't used to do walking away, but they do now. :green

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The good guys?

That would be No8, Bennett, Bendarroch, Bearwithme, Youngsy and of course Kincardine.

The wanks?

That would be a long list, but a good place for you to start looking would be a mirror.

Adiós to the BRALT, this thread has had its time from me, its been a laugh but all good things must come to an end.

Haven't you done this before ? :unsure2:

Or am i getting my berz mixed up ?

Edited by beermonkey
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I know of a very clever Ten Bears.

He was a great leader of The Comanche Nation. :)

Have you apologised yet for breaking the forum?

Pie and Bovril‏@pieandbov18h

@CaleyD Cheers fella, normally we have issues with database but this time it's Apache that is playing silly buggers. #Frustrating

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From the Herold 19th Aug -

Leading Rangers investor: 'I am no gangster'
Senior Features Writer
Monday 19 August 2013

The millionaire seeking to become Rangers' biggest shareholder has hit out at rumours his business is built on crime .

WORKING MAN: Sandy Easdale says he wants to help put Rangers back on its feet as he vows he is with the club long-term. Picture: Colin Templeton

Bus operator Sandy Easdale, who served one year of a 27-month sentence for VAT fraud in 1997, said suggestions he was involved in gangsterism were "trash" and insisted he wanted to help put the Ibrox club back on its feet financially.

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From the Herold 19th Aug -

Leading Rangers investor: 'I am no gangster'
Senior Features Writer
Monday 19 August 2013

The millionaire seeking to become Rangers' biggest shareholder has hit out at rumours his business is built on crime .

WORKING MAN: Sandy Easdale says he wants to help put Rangers back on its feet as he vows he is with the club long-term. Picture: Colin Templeton

Bus operator Sandy Easdale, who served one year of a 27-month sentence for VAT fraud in 1997, said suggestions he was involved in gangsterism were "trash" and insisted he wanted to help put the Ibrox club back on its feet financially.

Is being a minority shareholder and board member at Rangers the same as casing the joint? 8)

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Is being a minority shareholder and board member at Rangers the same as casing the joint? 8)

Rangers don't half attract the most undesirable people within society, bigots, cowboy business men, the politically extreme right, now gangsters. What next, Mimes?

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The good guys?

That would be No8, Bennett, Bendarroch, Bearwithme, Youngsy and of course Kincardine.

The wanks?

That would be a long list, but a good place for you to start looking would be a mirror.

Adiós to the BRALT, this thread has had its time from me, its been a laugh but all good things must come to an end.

When a popular character, even a dumb villian, leaves a soap opera these days someone always mashes together a highlights strip.

HBQC have you any tasty bookmarks of Tedi-isms? The 5 SPL stars would make oa good starting point.

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