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Yes I did, enlighten me Johnny? I thought we were losing 7 million a month??? If chunts are going to make up shit, at least get the numbers correct.

You think your smart and then post pish like "losing 7 million a month" when no one ever has mentioned anything as ludicrous as what you posted and you think this is intelligent posting ?.

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Again a bit strong but............................................. :thumsup2

Again, why the thumbs up? Why does a Republican and Socialist political agenda make me a vile, vile, cúnt?

And, on the side, what does that have to do with football and/or crime? Which is, after all, the purpose of this thread.

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You think your smart and then post pish like "losing 7 million a month" when no one ever has mentioned anything as ludicrous as what you posted and you think this is intelligent posting ?.

Hahahaha OMG, are you being serious? Every chunt said we were losing 7 million a month and then it changed to just a 'seven figure loss' which is obviously into the millions, so what is it? 2 or 7???

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You always pretended to be unbiased, you cant go back on it now, Norris. I don't need to spell it out to you but it's obvious a republican is going to hate Rangers, we always knew what you were anyway from the days when you told people you were took to the piggery when you were younger.

Republican - Political leaning.

Socialist - Political leaning,

Killie - Football affiliation.

How fucking simple can that be?

Oh, hang on, I'll make it simpler.

I couldn't give a flying f**k if Ireland dissolved/sank/;got blown up overnight.

Jesus, you really are fucking stupid.

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Hahahaha OMG, are you being serious? Every chunt said we were losing 7 million a month and then it changed to just a 'seven figure loss' which is obviously into the millions, so what is it? 2 or 7???

Oh, I don't know - enlighten us. Show us a post (from anywhere) where someone claims rangers are losing seven million a month and then we'll talk.

Until then, we'll point and laugh. :lol::lol:

At you. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

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You always pretended to be unbiased, you cant go back on it now, Norris. I don't need to spell it out to you but it's obvious a republican is going to hate Rangers, we always knew what you were anyway from the days when you told people you were took to the piggery when you were younger.

What a load of pish again from you :lol: ,I know plenty of Rangers supporting republicans who would love to see a devolved Scotland now away you go back under that stone you crawled out off Batty.

Not every Rangers fan is a loyal unionist,they just pretend they are because it's orc mentality to follow the herd and saying otherwise is just mock outrage because it's expected from the horde to follow the party line.

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Double standards No8 ? You wouldn't like it if someone called you a vile vile c**t because of your loyalist leanings

Oh he has called me worse in the past and i have never claimed to be above a little tit for tat ;)

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Hahahaha OMG, are you being serious? Every chunt said we were losing 7 million a month and then it changed to just a 'seven figure loss' which is obviously into the millions, so what is it? 2 or 7???

It was always a seven figure amount that was peddled in the public domain FOOL.

I see you've taken some drugs and have decided to make a complete arse out of yourself tonight AWRA :) ,gentlemen i do believe we have tonight's entertainment from "drum roll please" the one and only Batshit Potato :lol: .

What a knob you are ^_^ .

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Are Rangers losing £2 million a month or is this Mark Dingwall saying that Rangers are losing £2 million a month?

Did the article not say running costs are £2 million a month?

I am not claiming the figures look good but i just want someone to give an accurate figure and where does it leave us....Yeh i know...In the Shitter... In the Gutter....Going bust again/for the first time etc etc.

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Oh he has called me worse in the past and i have never claimed to be above a little tit for tat ;)

I think this country would be better off with an elected head of state. Aparently this makes me a cúnt. Sorry - a vile, vile, cúnt.

You are happy to shake the hand of a known terrorist. And the time I pick up on it is not the first that you publicise this meeting.

Tit for tat my arse.

I did my best - olive branch and all that - but you can't help yourself.

Take your flute and your bandmates and f**k off.

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I apologise, I thought you were agreeing he was vile c**t because of his republican admission. Maybe you were, It's getting late :lol:

Too late for me. I have to run a certain Irish Boot (doesn't make me racist) into the SGH at 6-45am...Believe me i will be calling her worse in the morning (doesn't make me a bigot) ;)

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