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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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I've already said bendy, I am not writing any complaints. Just instilling ideas into the minds of others. Why waste time complaining when I can get you lot seething by inticing others to do so?

I've also told you I've been off the grass for a long while now.

Come back to me when you've been off it longer still. The mud in your thinking had not yet completely cleared it seems.

You think people 'seethe' because you write to CAB? I think it's fucking great that you know the plastics are of such simple minds that the slightest suggestion it might cause Rangers pain has them battering keyboards to death.

Good on ye!


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I think you will find the quote is well known and not my own, but I would think people of England, Scotland, Ireland and scores of nations around the world would agree with it.

The majority of people I know who have joined the forces don't do it for Queen and Country, they do it as there is little opportunity for them.

Not your qoute?

Och, that's touchingly patronising - poor wee Dhensebhore, struggling to get a job, he turns to the British Army as an escape.

Meanwhile, over in southern ireland, there's the new breed of bhoys with sympathy in their heart for the downtrodden workers of the UK forced into armed labour just to put soup on the table for any willing takers...

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Have a guess. go on !

It's so fucking small Fat Sally didn't boast how much he has agreed too to reduce his wages by and no mention of his bonus being slashed at the same time.

Them cunts on the board plus Fat Sally with had probably made alternative means to claw back the reduction they have agreed to by increasing the amount of things they can claim expenses on.I wouldn't be surprised if there was a a claim for a Duck house for a moat or for watching durty movies at the overnight night hotels for fixtures less than 10 miles away :whistle .

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It's so fucking small Fat Sally didn't boast how much he has agreed too to reduce his wages by and no mention of his bonus being slashed at the same time.

Them cunts on the board plus Fat Sally with had probably made alternative means to claw back the reduction they have agreed to by increasing the amount of things they can claim expenses on.I wouldn't be surprised if there was a a claim for a Duck house for a moat or for watching durty movies at the overnight night hotels for fixtures less than 10 miles away :whistle .

Maybe Super Ally's in line for some more shares?

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I'm afraid there are people on your board who are more interested in personal gain than the interests of Rangers.

I'm very very sorry to tell you the bad news.

Why stop at the board take a look at the dugout and how much Ally and his palls have taken out the pot. I doubt the board would still be there without Ally and Walters seal of approval and this did not come cheap.

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It's so fucking small Fat Sally didn't boast how much he has agreed too to reduce his wages by and no mention of his bonus being slashed at the same time.

Them cunts on the board plus Fat Sally with had probably made alternative means to claw back the reduction they have agreed to by increasing the amount of things they can claim expenses on.I wouldn't be surprised if there was a a claim for a Duck house for a moat or for watching durty movies at the overnight night hotels for fixtures less than 10 miles away :whistle .

What are you smoking ?

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Not SIR DAVID .. Oh no ... Youngsy doesn't want to acknowledge that he may be the root cause. Nope pin it on Craig and the VAT ... never mind the fact he was saddled with a lemon in debt and hemorrhaging cash. The bank was no longer willing to gamble on them or continue financing the overdraft .. hence the forced sale. Nobody else would step forward except Craig ... where were all the Rangers men and fans then.

Now they blame him.

Can you show any post of mine that is praising David Murray. Many times I've stated that Murray was the initial cause of the financial problems. Perhaps if you actually read what was posted you'd be able to argue about this.

Well this is my thing, if there was no debt tied to rangers there would have been a power of guys jumping at the chance to take over.

If it was debt free it wouldn't have been sold for a quid, especially as Murray knew they would beat the EBT case(claimed after the fact of course).

The potential of the EBT case being upheld in HMRCs favour was the major factor in no one buying Murray out. It was never debt free but it was servicing the bank loan year on year, bringing it down to a sustainable £18 million when Whyte took over. Also Murray did state well before the EBT hearing that his lawyers and financial people advised that the case would be upheld in favour of the PLC.

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