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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Say hi to your Rangers supporting younger brother, Judas.

I did and he says you are a complete tool of a guy :) .

And you should read the gospel of Judas you fud :) ,it's a fascinating read and another incite into how we should view who Judas was to Jesus and not the Romanised version that makes Judas out the bad one. The Romanised vision of Judas was to separate Christians from their Jewish roots and blame the Jews for Jesus's death because we all know it was Pilate who ordered Jesus's death and he has Roman wasn't he ?, and you can't have a Roman kill the Messiah now can you if you are making it the new Roman religion and it wouldn't look good if a Roman killed the Messiah ?.

It all politics you see and I wouldn't expect someone as thick as you to understand such complicated things as how to manipulate people into believing something that is not true just like you think it's the same club and how my post has now become relevant to the BRALT :rolleyes: .

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I like this bit (amongst others)

Smoke and mirrors. Ducking and diving. Dodging and weaving.

Tick Tock.

It's the Rangers way, they're now a byword for cheating, corruption and financial mismanagement.

Long may it continue, the gift keeps giving.

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I did and he says you are a complete tool of a guy :) .

And you should read the gospel of Judas you fud :) ,it's a fascinating read and another incite into how we should view who Judas was to Jesus and not the Romanised version that makes Judas out the bad one. The Romanised vision of Judas was to separate Christians from their Jewish roots and blame the Jews for Jesus's death because we all know it was Pilate who ordered Jesus's death and he has Roman wasn't he ?, and you can't have a Roman kill the Messiah now can you if you are making it the new Roman religion and it wouldn't look good if a Roman killed the Messiah ?.

It all politics you see and I wouldn't expect someone as thick as you to understand such complicated things as how to manipulate people into believing something that is not true just like you think it's the same club and how my post has now become relevant to the BRALT :rolleyes: .

Judasbhoy, you offering me two different glimpses of the same untruth doesn't mean a thing. Betraying your own brother over Celtic however, now that is lower than a snake's belly.

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Personally I like this bit

I'm certain the correct paperwork has been filed with Companies House and the legally binding exclusive rights have not been violated.

I understand your sarcasm but I doubt very much if the legalities have been adhered to. It depends on how serious any sanctions/punishments could be.


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What will the SFA have to say about the fact that The Hero and Sir Charles of Normandy were in cahoots from the start?


Sir Charles's Sevco should never have been granted permission to buy RFC 1872-2012's assets given the obvious links between him and The Hero.

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I would be astounded if it turned out that New Rangers had been intentionally breaking the rules and concealing their behaviour, for their own benefit.

If true, could Old Rangers sue the New boys for stealing their business model?

Honest mistake, administrative error. IMO.

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Honest mistake, administrative error. IMO.

Serious, organised and intentional rule-breaking but "no advantage gained on the field of play" again, I reckon.

Like Homer when Marge tells him to punish Bart, I expect the authorities to announce that New New Rangers have learned their lesson and hey, why not let's buy them a present?

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Judasbhoy, you offering me two different glimpses of the same untruth doesn't mean a thing. Betraying your own brother over Celtic however, now that is lower than a snake's belly.

AW FCUK ! :lol: King Bile Barabbas has spoken :1eye .

My brother is the first in my family to have supported Rangers so once again you jerk off on a computer keyboard posting nothing but pish in a vain attempt to look clever :lol: .By your own post it would suggest my brother is the one who has betrayed me ....... oops on the phone to my brother as I type and I have to post this to you ..... FCUK OFF YOU DEMENTED TIMPOSTER FANNY :lol::lol::lol: .

Stupid then, Stupid now & Stupid forever :P .

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So the much maligned Dundee CEO – Gardiner – has declined the CEO role at the illustrious Govan club.

Oh dear.

That was a spectacular ‘PR own goal’, I guess they're still waiting on the equipment. :(


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So the much maligned Dundee CEO – Gardiner – has declined the CEO role at the illustrious Govan club.

Oh dear.

That was a spectacular ‘PR own goal’, I guess they're still waiting on the equipment. :(


Govan headhunters ? :lol: .

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So the much maligned Dundee CEO – Gardiner – has declined the CEO role at the illustrious Govan club.

Oh dear.

That was a spectacular ‘PR own goal’, I guess they're still waiting on the equipment. :(


Aye, the new fella will forever be known for being second choice after Scott Gardiner. I wouldn't want to put that on my CV.

Could the miserable cúnts not take a look down the M77 and find a wee ginger weasel who's proved himself sympathetic to their cause? We get rid, they get a new CEO, MJ gets another paycheck for doing fúck all - everybody's happy.

The the Tribute Act goes down the tubes/ends up in hock to Craigie/has to sell the family silver/fúck knows but it's fun watching - everybody is even happier. Well, except for MJ, the spivs, the shysters and the Horde. But, hey - fúck'em.

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I think there is an aspect of what you say to be correct, they should do their best to protect the fans... but their priority is to their members of the association. the fans are of no consequence to them.

they are more interested in 1st class flights to follow scotland in a pre season friendly. the guys on the ground? we are not important, we are mugs, we will always part with our cash when a sob story come along... we will always need a football team to tie ourselves to. and they know this.

if anyone should be backing them, it's Supporters Direct, but rangers have so many supporters organisations, SD must look at them and shake their head.

You can't legislate for mindless loyalty and in this case, there is an awful lot of the mindless loyal.

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On a more serious note, will David Somers be doing this years Christmas message???




















:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

:lol::lol::lol::lol: They fucking lapped up HRH Prince Charles last year.

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