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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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The whole function of the thread is to document the demise (thanks, T_K) of rangers and the subsequent fall-out. Anyone who thinks this isn't still happening is deluded.

Those who wail, "close the thread" might as well be saying "move along, nothing to see here". The BRALT is just one more wee fly in the ointment as they continue to try and convince themselves that the while cluster f**k didn't happen, and rangers ( ;)) can just carry on with their "glorious" history. Sorry, folks, it ain't gonna happen. Karma's a bitch, and she ain't finished her work down Govan way.

Not by a long chalk.

What are you on about?

No one has claimed that liquidation never happened, you need to stop believing your own pish Norman.

Yes, you have a say in whats going to happen lol.

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What are you on about?

No one has claimed that liquidation never happened, you need to stop believing your own pish Norman.

Yes, you have a say in whats going to happen lol.

Better tell Tedi that then.. He has repeatedly claimed the club was never liquidated.

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So apart from the debate on the amount of points liable for deduction, how do the BRALTers reckon Admin2* will pan out?

proper administrators?

'to the bone' playing and coaching staff cuts?

the usual threats, recriminatiomns and potential civil disorder?

*or Admin1 for Rangers2 which I reckon is more accurate

Edited by Ken Fitlike
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So apart from the debate on the amount of points liable for deduction, how do the BRALTers reckon Admin2* will pan out?

proper administrators?

'to the bone' playing and coaching staff cuts?

the usual threats, recriminatiomns and potential civil disorder?

*or Admin1 for Rangers2 which I reckon is more accurate


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Are these folk on twitter genuinely in the know about something breaking in news today or is it some guesswork/scaremongering.

First admin for the newco?

It might be revealing the 5 way agreement, or most likely getting rid of several big name players.

Edited by Fotbawmad
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Are these folk on twitter genuinely in the know about something breaking in news today or is it some guesswork/scaremongering.

First admin for the newco?

Most of them are attention seekers imo.

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I am not so sure that there will be another administration for Rangers, I think they will do enough to cut the wage bill down to at least get to the next batch of season ticket income. The Rangers had to Blitzkrieg their way through the leagues to get back to the promise land as soon as possible, but by paying some players more than 6K a week and their manager over 800K? Perhaps they kept thinking that Scottish football would go into meltdown without that grubby wee derby that certain sections of our beloved media overhype as the centre point of our game? Perhaps they thought that after the meltdown they would be invited back and it would be business as usual with their pals across the city? So they continued to go after “internationalists” and pay the going rate for these types of players just so the manager could ask for games to be rearranged when Internationals on. It was all just to keep up the appearance of being a Premiership club when the reality was they were playing league 1. The reality now? Skint, and Scottish football has far from gone into meltdown. Crowds are up generally and the football has been great. Yea Celtic will win it by 20 odd points, but there is lot more to football than winning the league, and I think some of the football pundits are just starting to get it.

The Rangers will be in the championship next season, ( well lets see how long after the season finishes that we get those well placed “Time for reconstruction” puff pieces from the Old Firm sooks in the press) The Rangers will probably now be looking to get in some of the best Champ players who are coming to an end of their contracts, they might even pinch a couple of the SPL players. They will still have better wages than most other clubs in Scotland. The manager will need to take a bit of pay cut as well. 60K should enough eh... Not sure they will be able to Blitzkrieg their way through the Championship and I looking forward to it being very exciting

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I am not so sure that there will be another administration for Rangers, I think they will do enough to cut the wage bill down to at least get to the next batch of season ticket income. The Rangers had to Blitzkrieg their way through the leagues to get back to the promise land as soon as possible, but by paying some players more than 6K a week and their manager over 800K? Perhaps they kept thinking that Scottish football would go into meltdown without that grubby wee derby that certain sections of our beloved media overhype as the centre point of our game? Perhaps they thought that after the meltdown they would be invited back and it would be business as usual with their pals across the city? So they continued to go after “internationalists” and pay the going rate for these types of players just so the manager could ask for games to be rearranged when Internationals on. It was all just to keep up the appearance of being a Premiership club when the reality was they were playing league 1. The reality now? Skint, and Scottish football has far from gone into meltdown. Crowds are up generally and the football has been great. Yea Celtic will win it by 20 odd points, but there is lot more to football than winning the league, and I think some of the football pundits are just starting to get it.

The Rangers will be in the championship next season, ( well lets see how long after the season finishes that we get those well placed “Time for reconstruction” puff pieces from the Old Firm sooks in the press) The Rangers will probably now be looking to get in some of the best Champ players who are coming to an end of their contracts, they might even pinch a couple of the SPL players. They will still have better wages than most other clubs in Scotland. The manager will need to take a bit of pay cut as well. 60K should enough eh... Not sure they will be able to Blitzkrieg their way through the Championship and I looking forward to it being very exciting

Playing staff wages isn't the problem, this has been discussed many many times on here.

Crowds are up yet some SPL (or whatever it's called now) clubs have closed parts of their stadiums lol

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I will give you a reply if you agree to the following:

A football club's existence has always been determined by its associated PLC.<<< It's only a legal status the club obtained for itself for taxation & legal purposes.

Agree to that and I'll reply. Disagree then f**k off for your repetitious trolling.

So that's a you don't have a fucking clue then do you :) .

Before June 14th 2012 absolutely no one including your fair self ever thought of the club anything other than club who runs it's own affairs and the club had a legal status in law as a Ltd company and then to a PLC company status, legal and financial affairs were dealt with in-house by the club and not that mythical separate company you hold onto like a bent straw.

If you think for one second I'll ever agree to the fucked up idea from the SFA that they themselves can remove a legally obtained status from the government the club had obtained itself then you are more the fool than I'll ever look on P&B.

A club to me is one entire entity that is responsible for it's own financial and legal affairs as well as the clubs football association obligations, and the rules were there for well over a century that if a club cannot be run well financially then it doesn't have the right to be a club any more and is consigned to history as a dead club through legal liquidation of said entity. Any club dealing with monies needs to have a legal status in law, either being a sole trader, a limited company or a publicly owned company PLC, it is however not a separate entity from the club but is the clubs legally known status by law.

The biggest and most corrupt club ever to disgrace Scottish football has been handed every opportunity to be cloned back to life again and that fucking stinks to high heaven. They were found guilty of breaking the association rules for over a decade but they bottled it to really punish them by removing their tainted ill gotten gains by expunging them, but no they wrote into their new rules that were created for one purpose alone !, the Rangers fans won't follow a new club that hasn't a world record horde of top tier titles and their demented brainchild will fail and die to keep the illusion the Old Firm still survive so they can pen newer and bigger sponsorship contracts.

I would have accepted their new rules if they were created a long time before Rangers died and had saved Airdrieonian's and Gretna FC, but they weren't were they ?. They were designed to confuse the shit out of ordinary punters that somehow the club was magically saved and the bad company status the club obtained legally and was responsible for the clubs financial plight through cheating and could be blamed for the clubs demise instead of it's the clubs fault itself.

The idea it's the same club is so full of loopholes that you could drive a double decker porn bus straight through them and all you have to claim it's the same Rangers ?, the SFA had to transfer something over that originally belonged to Rangers which is a first ever. The notion that just because you have a scrap of paper from the SFA itself to say it's the very same club is preposterous !, if it were legally the same club the SFA licence would have been sold off to Green himself when he bought the dying clubs assets.

So you can take your demented SFA idea that they themselves can save clubs just by handing out pieces of scrap paper to say they themselves believe it's the same club and wipe your arse with it :) .

If the shoe was on the other foot and this all happened to Celtic, I wouldn't hide that my beloved club died and the club I now follow is a cloned club of the original club but it's still a continuance of a Celtic club and will inherit the old Celtic's honours and will continue on in name of Celtic.

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So that's a you don't have a fucking clue then do you :) .

Before June 14th 2012 absolutely no one including your fair self ever thought of the club anything other than club who runs it's own affairs and the club had a legal status in law as a Ltd company and then to a PLC company status, legal and financial affairs were dealt with in-house by the club and not that mythical separate company you hold onto like a bent straw.

If you think for one second I'll ever agree to the fucked up idea from the SFA that they themselves can remove a legally obtained status from the government the club had obtained itself then you are more the fool than I'll ever look on P&B.

A club to me is one entire entity that is responsible for it's own financial and legal affairs as well as the clubs football association obligations, and the rules were there for well over a century that if a club cannot be run well financially then it doesn't have the right to be a club any more and is consigned to history as a dead club through legal liquidation of said entity. Any club dealing with monies needs to have a legal status in law, either being a sole trader, a limited company or a publicly owned company PLC, it is however not a separate entity from the club but is the clubs legally known status by law.

The biggest and most corrupt club ever to disgrace Scottish football has been handed every opportunity to be cloned back to life again and that fucking stinks to high heaven. They were found guilty of breaking the association rules for over a decade but they bottled it to really punish them by removing their tainted ill gotten gains by expunging them, but no they wrote into their new rules that were created for one purpose alone !, the Rangers fans won't follow a new club that hasn't a world record horde of top tier titles and their demented brainchild will fail and die to keep the illusion the Old Firm still survive so they can pen newer and bigger sponsorship contracts.

I would have accepted their new rules if they were created a long time before Rangers died and had saved Airdrieonian's and Gretna FC, but they weren't were they ?. They were designed to confuse the shit out of ordinary punters that somehow the club was magically saved and the bad company status the club obtained legally and was responsible for the clubs financial plight through cheating and could be blamed for the clubs demise instead of it's the clubs fault itself.

The idea it's the same club is so full of loopholes that you could drive a double decker porn bus straight through them and all you have to claim it's the same Rangers ?, the SFA had to transfer something over that originally belonged to Rangers which is a first ever. The notion that just because you have a scrap of paper from the SFA itself to say it's the very same club is preposterous !, if it were legally the same club the SFA licence would have been sold off to Green himself when he bought the dying clubs assets.

So you can take your demented SFA idea that they themselves can save clubs just by handing out pieces of scrap paper to say they themselves believe it's the same club and wipe your arse with it :) .

If the shoe was on the other foot and this all happened to Celtic, I wouldn't hide that my beloved club died and the club I now follow is a cloned club of the original club but it's still a continuance of a Celtic club and will inherit the old Celtic's honours and will continue on in name of Celtic.

I got as far as half way through the 2nd paragraph before the migraine slammed into my poor head.

Now i'm away to lie down for a while.

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Playing staff wages isn't the problem, this has been discussed many many times on here.



Crowds are up yet some SPL (or whatever it's called now) clubs have closed parts of their stadiums lol

They may not be the main problem, but they're still part of the overall culture of splurging money for no good reason.

8 million wage bill for the seaside leagues is ridiculous, unsustainable and unaffordable.

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I got as far as half way through the 2nd paragraph before the migraine slammed into my poor head.

Now i'm away to lie down for a while.

Benny wear some glasses if you can't see your knob whilst typing or just stop being a cnut and give a serious reply for once :) .

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They may not be the main problem, but they're still part of the overall culture of splurging money for no good reason.

8 million wage bill for the seaside leagues is ridiculous, unsustainable and unaffordable.

It was £8 million plus bonuses for last season when they claimed it would be around £5 million, and they have brought in many more mercenaries whom will have bonuses written into their contracts. I don't see the budget being anything other than more than last season when the accounts are released in Autumn :) .

Did not Green say Super Sally would have £10 million to spend on players ? :huh: the players budget will be around £10 million for this season ?, I believe with them huge bonuses they are racking up in the 1st division by winning almost every game bar one :):lol: , and with all them clean sheet bonuses as well they could be in excess of £10 million pushing the new club close to the brink sooner rather than later :D .

And for Benny !, if a company is racking up huge losses then it would be safe to say the club cannot afford around 80% of players or staff seeing as 80% of the players & staffs wages equate to the losses the club is accruing as the stadiums & clubs running costs need to be met first :1eye .

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Seriously I'd have loved to have been a fly on the wall in the SFA when the legal beagle said "Let's separate the club from the company" :lol: .

Imagine the scene,

SFA & SPL, "OK people Sir Minty Moonbeams has taken the succulent lamb of the menu and has said that Rangers are fucked".

Lawyers, "Aye them EBT scams have seriously put Minty Moonbeams into soapy bubble, so what do you want from us ?".

SFA & SPL, "We have decided to make changes to the rules & regulations to allow any new club to use their trading image and we will then give it Rangers SFA licence if Rangers should be liquidated. We would like you to somehow help us somehow appearing to be legal to make this deception a reality especially to con the punters into thinking it's the same club they always supported or hated to keep our fat bonuses".

Lawyers, "OK we are on it".

Time passes by and some smart arse legal beagle comes up with a cunning plan :1eye .

Lawyers, "You asked how to con the fans into believing it's still the same club ?, we get this by the way !!!, you are going to love this by the way".

SFA & SPL, "OK then tell us"

Lawyers, "It's so simple you'll never believe it".

SFA & SPL, "Well come on spill the beans".

Lawyers, "You know where in the letters we were sent by the clubs that they are a club & company ?".

SFA & SPL, "Yes and what about it ?".

Lawyers, "Well there's your solution".

SFA & SPL, "EH ?, what you on about ?"

Lawyers, "Let's separate the club from the company".

SFA & SPL, "Fcuk off the club is the company you daft cnuts".

Lawyers, "No no !, what you do is say that the club is separate from the company and then blame the company for the clubs woes and allow the new club should Rangers be liquidated to be cloned back into Rangers under ownership of a new company. But rewrite the rules & regulations around the clubs company status to blame something that does not exist".

SFA & SPL, "AAAAAAH !, fucking brilliant by the way, blame something that does not exist and the punters will swallow it :lol: ".

Lawyers, "We thought you'd be pleased :D ".

SFA & SPL, "One other thing ?, the Rangers fans won't follow their new club because we'll have to remove their tainted trophies and we cannot afford new windows or receiving wee parcels from them".

Lawyers, "That's easy just rewrite in your rules that no retrospective punishments cannot be meted out if they are not caught in the act".

SFA & SPL, "Well this just gets better by the minute, anything else ?".

Lawyers, "Eventually get a law lord to monkey out what we put in the rules as if it were legal because the law lord will have to agree to what we put in the rules should Rangers goes tits up and die, and using a law lord will con the punters into thinking the sham is legal because a law lord monkied out what we tell him too :D ".

SFA & SPL "Brilliant I can't believe it but you all did it if Rangers get liquidated".

Lawyers, "When you rewrite the new rules don't have a press release that you have made sweeping changes to the insolvency rules, because Rangers are in financial soapy at the moment with the HMRC there might be public unrest from all the other clubs fans and the media that you are basically changing the rules to save Rangers should they get liquidated and did nothing for Gretna. Best to keep it under the radar and if Rangers get liquidated then the rules are there and no one will ever know what hit them".

SFA & SPL, "Brilliant again boys and then we can remove them without anyone knowing if Rangers don't get liquidated, and carry on as if nothing had happened".

Ogilvie, "Ha ha, this will make the Celtic fans go mental"

Lawwell, "Hee hee a second chance to kill them off and will be funnier than the first time :lol: ".

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It is worth remembering that when Donald Muir was laughably termed “the enemy within” at RFC under the old clubs "austerity", that although he implemented the bank’s austerity plan for the club (it was just a club then-no company) that Lloyds still provided a credit line.

Graham Wallace doesn’t have that facility (the £2.5Mill personal guarantee doesn’t really count IMO).

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