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Reference point (2) - however did you come to that conclusion? ;)

I hope I'm not being whooshed here.

Post no. 152238, page 5075. It referred o Bendarroch's recent trend towards non-procreational activity. It linked nicely into what I was trying to say to Bennett. Sorry if it's out of order.

On an iPad so no good at copy/paste so again apologies if I misquoted you in any way.

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Fir sale, what fire sale???


Looks like the gamble will pay off as Scotland's most successfull football club charges onward an upwar

  Ally McCoist: No need for a fire sale ALLY McCOIST revealed he’s optimistic he won’t be ordered to sell his star Rangers players this month after his meeting with chief executive Graham Wallace.

By: Mark Walker Published: Fri, January 10, 2014




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CHEERY: Ally McCoist is confident about not having to sell off key team members [WILLIE VASS]


The Ibrox boss had his first talks with Wallace since last month’s AGM where the chief executive insisted cuts would have to be made to the squad due to the huge wage bill.

Rangers fans are worried there could be a fire sale of assets including Lee Wallace, Nicky Law, Lewis Macleod and Cammy Bell.

But McCoist remains positive and reckons Wallace now accepts he cannot afford to substantially weaken Rangers if they are to realise their wish of returning to the top flight in 18 months’ time.

McCoist said: “Discussions are ongoing. There is nothing set in stone. He hasn’t told me I need to sell players.

“Graham said at the AGM that there would need to be cuts, so that’s fine. 

“He hasn’t made it known to me where those cuts are going to take place, and in what shape or form.

“I have to say that Graham is aware that in an ideal world we would be building a squad for next season and hopefully the years after. It would make sense to Graham and he has said that, contrary to what people have said, just cutting and selling is not the right way to go about it – in terms of the progression of the club.”


If you need to take one step back to take two or three forward again, that’ll be Graham’s decision

Ally McCoist

But McCoist accepts there have to be changes in the long-term future of the runaway League One leaders, but is heartened Wallace hasn’t made any snap decisions.

He admitted: “If you need to take one step back to take two or three forward again, that’ll be Graham’s decision. We can’t go down the same road we were in before.”

Dean Shiels is the subject of interest from both Hibs and Partick, but McCoist is keen to keep all his players.

He said: “Two or three clubs have been onto me. I’ve told Dean about that as I would with any player. I also told Dean I don’t want him going anywhere.

“Dean has never shown any indication that he wants to leave, quite the opposite. He just wants to get back in the team and back playing. I’m delighted with that.”

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Strange thing to say considering you and your 'chums' have organised a 'PM gang' to back each other up no matter what.

Only you were you stupid enough to try and get someone who thinks that you're a fanny to join it lol

^ ^ ^ Jealous or what about nothing :lol: .

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Anyway, I suppose we already know WKR's reason for hating Rangers and the fans ( He got a wee slap when he was younger) Now he has a deep rooted hatred for us. lol Are the other two in the same boat?

Nope. No similar experiences for me. That would have required a remarkable coincidence, would it not?

If anything, in my formative years my loathing was greater for your sister club.

You'll be relieved to hear that your lot have caught up though.

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Fir sale, what fire sale???

Looks like the gamble will pay off as Scotland's most successfull football club charges onward an upwar

Ally McCoist: No need for a fire sale ALLY McCOIST revealed he’s optimistic he won’t be ordered to sell his star Rangers players this month after his meeting with chief executive Graham Wallace.
Published: Fri, January 10, 2014


CHEERY: Ally McCoist is confident about not having to sell off key team members [WILLIE VASS]

The Ibrox boss had his first talks with Wallace since last month’s AGM where the chief executive insisted cuts would have to be made to the squad due to the huge wage bill.

Rangers fans are worried there could be a fire sale of assets including Lee Wallace, Nicky Law, Lewis Macleod and Cammy Bell.

But McCoist remains positive and reckons Wallace now accepts he cannot afford to substantially weaken Rangers if they are to realise their wish of returning to the top flight in 18 months’ time.

McCoist said: “Discussions are ongoing. There is nothing set in stone. He hasn’t told me I need to sell players.

“Graham said at the AGM that there would need to be cuts, so that’s fine.

“He hasn’t made it known to me where those cuts are going to take place, and in what shape or form.

“I have to say that Graham is aware that in an ideal world we would be building a squad for next season and hopefully the years after. It would make sense to Graham and he has said that, contrary to what people have said, just cutting and selling is not the right way to go about it – in terms of the progression of the club.”

If you need to take one step back to take two or three forward again, that’ll be Graham’s decision

Ally McCoist

But McCoist accepts there have to be changes in the long-term future of the runaway League One leaders, but is heartened Wallace hasn’t made any snap decisions.

He admitted: “If you need to take one step back to take two or three forward again, that’ll be Graham’s decision. We can’t go down the same road we were in before.”

Dean Shiels is the subject of interest from both Hibs and Partick, but McCoist is keen to keep all his players.

He said: “Two or three clubs have been onto me. I’ve told Dean about that as I would with any player. I also told Dean I don’t want him going anywhere.

“Dean has never shown any indication that he wants to leave, quite the opposite. He just wants to get back in the team and back playing. I’m delighted with that.”


Of course, as Charlie Boy found out in 2012, players aren't assets.

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Interesting read. Never thought about in admin / promotion before,

Looks like it could be a fun summer if both come to fruition.

Surely sporting integrity would mean denial of promotion..

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Fir sale, what fire sale???

Looks like the gamble will pay off as Scotland's most successfull football club charges onward an upwar

Ally McCoist: No need for a fire sale ALLY McCOIST revealed he’s optimistic he won’t be ordered to sell his star Rangers players this month after his meeting with chief executive Graham Wallace.
Published: Fri, January 10, 2014

The Ibrox boss had his first talks with Wallace since last month’s AGM ... He just wants to get back in the team and back playing. I’m delighted with that.”


Seriously Snafu, do you honestly welcome news like this?

To be honest, I don't think it's that significant an article. McCoist takes a while to say characteristically little.

The way you're interpreting it though, it sounds bloody alarming. If I was a Rangers fan, still relieved to even have a club to watch, I'd be worried sick to think that there was no real appetite for the necessary change.

You yourself, describe any strategy to plough on regardless as a "gamble". Given recent events, why the Hell would you want anyone to be taking gambles with the wellbeing of your club?

If I'd been through such events with my club, I'd now want it handled in the most cagey, cautious way imaginable.

Rangers really do seem different in this regard.

Edited by Monkey Tennis
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Interesting read. Never thought about in admin / promotion before,

Looks like it could be a fun summer if both come to fruition.

Surely sporting integrity would mean denial of promotion..

Interesting yes, but i simply cannot believe there isn't a plan to get through the next 18 months without an insolvency event. They have to cut costs and secure new investment. Have to.

The deafening silence from the clumpany since the AGM is either indicative of a new sensible regime waiting to reveal the master plan when the time is right. Or that they still have no idea what to do.

The article claiming that sally can strengthen before any cutbacks are made should terrify the sevco loyal. Do any of the *ahem* sensible funs on here think this is good news?

ETA what monkey tennis said.

Edited by williemillersmoustache
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Fir sale, what fire sale???

Looks like the gamble will pay off as Scotland's most successfull football club charges onward an upwar

Ally McCoist: No need for a fire sale ALLY McCOIST revealed he’s optimistic he won’t be ordered to sell his star Rangers players this month after his meeting with chief executive Graham Wallace.
Published: Fri, January 10, 2014


CHEERY: Ally McCoist is confident about not having to sell off key team members [WILLIE VASS]

The Ibrox boss had his first talks with Wallace since last month’s AGM where the chief executive insisted cuts would have to be made to the squad due to the huge wage bill.

Rangers fans are worried there could be a fire sale of assets including Lee Wallace, Nicky Law, Lewis Macleod and Cammy Bell.

But McCoist remains positive and reckons Wallace now accepts he cannot afford to substantially weaken Rangers if they are to realise their wish of returning to the top flight in 18 months’ time.

McCoist said: “Discussions are ongoing. There is nothing set in stone. He hasn’t told me I need to sell players.

“Graham said at the AGM that there would need to be cuts, so that’s fine.

“He hasn’t made it known to me where those cuts are going to take place, and in what shape or form.

“I have to say that Graham is aware that in an ideal world we would be building a squad for next season and hopefully the years after. It would make sense to Graham and he has said that, contrary to what people have said, just cutting and selling is not the right way to go about it – in terms of the progression of the club.”

If you need to take one step back to take two or three forward again, that’ll be Graham’s decision

Ally McCoist

But McCoist accepts there have to be changes in the long-term future of the runaway League One leaders, but is heartened Wallace hasn’t made any snap decisions.

He admitted: “If you need to take one step back to take two or three forward again, that’ll be Graham’s decision. We can’t go down the same road we were in before.”

Dean Shiels is the subject of interest from both Hibs and Partick, but McCoist is keen to keep all his players.

He said: “Two or three clubs have been onto me. I’ve told Dean about that as I would with any player. I also told Dean I don’t want him going anywhere.

“Dean has never shown any indication that he wants to leave, quite the opposite. He just wants to get back in the team and back playing. I’m delighted with that.”


I see that we've brought in another highly paid financial consultant, thats around 6 or 7 accountants at the club/company/clumpany now creaming funds off.

We're great at saving money.

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I see that we've brought in another highly paid financial consultant, thats around 6 or 7 accountants at the club/company/clumpany now creaming funds off. 


We're great at saving money.

Now you know where the money is going, desks, chairs, computers, name things for their doors, club ties etc for all these money guys..

Need to cut costs... Why not add another salary to payroll!

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at what point would the penny drop and everybody concerned with Rangers1872 and Rangers2012 get a bit of self-awareness and realise the entire world is laughing and pointing at them as they do their headless chicken circuits of the farmyard?

As pointed out by Monkey Tennis, you would think they would just be grateful to have a club to follow and encourage a responsible, prudent and sustainable business model so that club would not be put in peril (again)

But of course They Are The People and non of that applies to them.......

(Benny and Bendy's contributions last night were a joy to behold)

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