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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Jesus, if I knew that's the effort you'd go to I wouldn't have bothered! :-D

Don't call me Jesus!! God to you if you don't mind, or the G.G., and don't you forget it. So inform us all, other than the piggery inhabitants ( that's Celtic btw) who else is capable of winning the SPFL Premiership before Rangers are back? I've given you all a six year gap from when we are back.

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Your midden wiil always be a piggery to me, don't worry about that.

I notice that you haven't the bottle to say you'll finish as SPFL Premiership Champions. However i'll state here and now, outwith the piggery inhabitants,( that's Celtic btw), Rangers will be the next winners of the SPFL Premiership.

Aye how are you going to win that whilst still competing for the new SPFL 1st division, and may I also add that Celtic haven't ever won the SPFL Premiership division ?, come to think of it no club ever has seeing as it was just created for this season. :lol:

A wee boob in your plan there Youngsy :lol:

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So inform us all, other than Celtic, who else is capable of winning the SPFL Premiership before Rangers are back? I've given you all a six year gap from when we are back.

Is this not what you asked 50 minutes ago, at the top of the page, I've edited out your keyboard warrior posturing, it does nothing for you.

Edited by dave.j
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You have something wrong with you ya crackpot :lol: I am that poster. In about 5 minutes I will post on one of the threads.

You will of course be hoping that ForeverBlue1872 will post in this thread on RM won't you ?


You are a fanny Chris :lol: . WHY ?, I asked you to do a simple thing for over two hours and you allegedly supposedly did it and in the wrong thread to which I had asked. If it were that simple to do such a simple task and took two hours to do it then what is the problem actually posting in the thread I actually had asked you too post in minutes later and I supplied the link for the thread for you to supposedly post in ?.

You haven't done this simple task but but !, you claim that the real poster on RM will post in five minutes on one of the threads and not the one I asked you too to which it has been now 20 minutes since you issued this threat to post :blink: .

FFS I haven't laughed so much in ages Chris :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

FWIW don't get pished on Buckie and then post on P&B because it is for our safety first having to laugh while posting replies to you :lol:

edited for more lolz :lol:

Edited by hellbhoy
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Listen if rangers want to go chasing Celtic that's fine. If everyone else competes for second place until rangers get their selves in order then that's fine. It will demonstrate that they know their financial limit and are not willing to rack up millions of debt to have their name inscribed on the base of a trophy.

Celtics success isn't and has never been a yardstick as far as I'm concerned. Our success is for our club and support and no one else, if that bothers people then too bad. A bit sad though that clubs have to look towards second place as their optimum ambition. However, as I've said, such is Scottish football, outwith the piggery inhabitants, ( that's Celtic btw) the next winners of the SPFL Premiership will be Rangers, you know it and I know it.

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Celtics success isn't and has never been a yardstick as far as I'm concerned. Our success is for our club and support and no one else, if that bothers people then too bad. A bit sad though that clubs have to look towards second place as their optimum ambition. However, as I've said, such is Scottish football, outwith the piggery inhabitants, ( that's Celtic btw) the next winners of the SPFL Premiership will be Rangers, you know it and I know it.

You seem to think I give a shit who wins the premiership. I really couldn't give a f**k. My team will never have the finances to do it so it doesn't interest me.

Good night.

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Is this not what you asked 50 minutes ago, at the top of the page, I've edited out your keyboard warrior posturing, it does nothing for you.

No keyboard warrior posturing from me son, never has been . I asked a straight question but you can't give a straight answer,

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I'm going to leave it now. As a tee totaler it's getting that feeling of being out at the football all day with your mates and it's hitting half 7 at night.

Time to leave the steamer to it.

You're getting a bit personal now, probably because you haven't got a decent reply.

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Your midden wiil always be a piggery to me, don't worry about that.

I notice that you haven't the bottle to say you'll finish as SPFL Premiership Champions. However i'll state here and now, outwith the piggery inhabitants,( that's Celtic btw), Rangers will be the next winners of the SPFL Premiership.

Not be long now Youngsy till we are back challenging the cooncil team! ;-)

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Celtics success isn't and has never been a yardstick as far as I'm concerned. Our success is for our club and support and no one else, if that bothers people then too bad. A bit sad though that clubs have to look towards second place as their optimum ambition. However, as I've said, such is Scottish football, outwith the piggery inhabitants, ( that's Celtic btw) the next winners of the SPFL Premiership will be Rangers, you know it and I know it.

See there what you are suffering from ?, that's a side effect from lording it over just about every club in Scotland for over 20 years right there. You now have a mindset that "A" Rangers club will be the only challengers to Celtic and the top tier title.

You have dismissed the best of the rest as cannon fodder !, who is to know that if Aberdeen could finish 2nd this year and then a great run in Europe earning lots of cash. Aberdeen then retain their best players because they can afford too or even afford a few quality players boosting the squad for the next season and then push Celtic even further next season the season your new club is supposedly going to be there with financial problems hanging around it's neck.

Rangers don't even make the top six in their first season and Aberdeen have an even better run in Europe that season and Celtic failed miserably to qualify for the Champions League and then have to reduce wages for the upcoming season and Aberdeen finish second again.

Second season for Rangers and ST's have fallen drastically because there is no real investment into the squad and Celtic had to sell 4 of their best players whilst Aberdeen slurge out on the best of the SPFL Premiership players and then win the SPFL Premiership title and Rangers just about stave of the relegation play off spot.

All hypothetical but theoretically possible.

The old firm fixture is a historical anomaly these days as your club will be fucked for years and years to come unless someone spunks tens of millions into it, and even then the OF fixture will be a one sided affair and Rangers take a huge pumping each time. The debts around your club will only hinder any progress until you field what you can afford

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Not be long now Youngsy till we are back challenging the cooncil team! ;-)

Aye the coonsill team V's The EBT cheating Bassas b*stard abomination of a cloned son the SFA fudged up during a wet fart in the wind. Brilliant I can't wait to see the crime count after the worst pumping ever a Rangers club has ever had :) . Absolutley delicious and can smell jelly n ice cream coming before any chance of that encounter although a Version 3 Rankers or a Version 4 might have a chance one day. :) Who knows i may even be still alive when that happens :rolleyes:

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