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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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It was stranraer, they have got long memories. Rangers tried to do them and a few others out of there league place. Think it was in the sixties.

RANGERS DID try to vote Stranraer out of the league in the early 60's .They were defeated after a legal wrangle. STRANRAER WERE NOT THE TEAM THAT VOTED AGAINST RANGERS . FACT .

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I don't doubt he's a man with honest intentions, but he's been hamstrung by the spivs behind the scene. Thus does not have a free reign as he was led to believe when he initially took the job. Scottish Cup? You can forget winning that. After you've witnessed a slash and burn approach at Ibrox. On a scale you've yet to comprehend.

Also, the guy is "hamstrung" by a lot of the support who want "glory at all costs" and who do not want to face the cuts that are required.

I'm afraid the time for a fresh start is long gone. and all you will see from now on is a wounded behemoth lumbering from one crisis to another.

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It was Clyde. There was huge publicity about it and they released a stonking statement as to why. Falkirk voted FOR them to be put in division one along with QOS and some of their fans haven't forgotten about it. Ask Monkey Tennis, a Queens fan, who posts fairly regularly on here.

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It was Clyde. There was huge publicity about it and they released a stonking statement as to why. Falkirk voted FOR them to be put in division one along with QOS and some of their fans haven't forgotten about it. Ask Monkey Tennis, a Queens fan, who posts fairly regularly on here.


Statement should be carved onto a granite monument and erected outside Hampden Park.

Edited by Ken Fitlike
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It was Clyde. There was huge publicity about it and they released a stonking statement as to why. Falkirk voted FOR them to be put in division one along with QOS and some of their fans haven't forgotten about it. Ask Monkey Tennis, a Queens fan, who posts fairly regularly on her

RANGERS DID try to vote Stranraer out of the league in the early 60's .They were defeated after a legal wrangle. STRANRAER WERE NOT THE TEAM THAT VOTED AGAINST RANGERS . FACT .

I stand corrected.

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We haven't had the 120 day period yet so let's give him a chance.

I just think he's got less of an agenda than the likes of MM. He's more neutral and doesn't appear to want to rip us off like the green regime.

Doesn't strike me as a man who'll get his pants wet. Due to drink.

It's acknowledged that he has a big hill to climb.

I suspect he's ben brought in to assess the best time to go into administration and then see the company and/or club through that process.

However, if the money really runs out this month, as some commentators would suggest, I can't see that even admin will help. Sacking half your staff to staunch your outgoings doesn't help if there's no money coming in and no money in the bank account - how do you pay the remaining half?

If they can make it through February, I suspect there might be an early season ticket drive.

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Statement should be carved onto a granite monument and erected outside Hampden Park.

It's a very good statement, but it suggests Rangers should enter the third. People are arguing however that Clyde voted to deny them even this.

I'd thought it was Stranraer, but if a couple of their fans are stating unequivocally that this wasn't the case, then I'd imagine they're right.

Sadly, there's no mystery about how my club voted.

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Ok, maybe not your chairman but every other one except the Kilie w****r and perhaps the QOS knob. Anyway, what do you think they could do to us? Points deduction? How many would it take to prevent us winning the league this season? Get real.

Bit puzzled here dasadoha.

Are you saying that all the chairmen want Rangers in high up the structure, apart from the ones who didn't vote to see them enter at a lower level before?

Because that would be strange.

Or are you not referring to chairmen at all when mentioning a "Killie w****r" and a "QOS knob"?

Come on man - a little clarity please.

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