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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Family connection, 8.

Ahhh i see. I thought it was your other second team. The thought of having that fruit loop as a fellow supporter is more than i could take

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I have been dipping in and out of this thread for a few months now, it has been a right good laugh at times watching the bickering and personal insults flying. Sometimes there is the odd insight that has proved right though!

I think the current suits that are in charge of the Rangers have played a blinder, and are gambling that they can get through the Championship campaign with much the same squad that they have now. Maybe with one or two additions ( kenny Miller running this and way and that will be fun to watch) IF they can get out of the Championship in one go will get back to the promise land of the Premiership and Celtic will be there to hold their hand under the table and provide them with much comfort and support. It will be the business as usual and within say a season or two the "We are to big" for Scotland narrative will drip feed to the Rangers/Celtic enablers in the Daily Old Firm Record back page. It will be Business as Usual, "We need a smaller League", "What is good for the Rangers/Celtic is good for the rest of Scottish football", "War chest for <insert Old Firm Manager name here>" all of which be reproduced dutifully by work experience jornos . Meanwhile in public Rangers and Celtic will yell at each other they hate/dont need each other. The various Rangers fans groups will have quickly forgotten their past moans as they now get to sing their delightful ditties at each other and clog up phone ins with paranoid bleating. Meanwhile In private the chairmen are holding secrete meetings and feeling each other up under the Premiership board table, figuring out ways to weaken their opposition teams so they can stay top of the league and rake in whatever cash is there. Ever so often they will make kissy kissy noises at England and order a puff piece to be written by one of the enablers in the press that the English Prem would benefit from them playing there. English prem chairmen fall about laughing.

IF the Rangers do not get up first time of asking and say finish third, there will be a quick league reconstruction- put forward by all the Prem clubs ( written by them while Peter Lawwell while holding gun to their heads) - and they will be 'invited back along with maybe a couple of others.

I am going to enjoy next season it is going be great in the both divisions. Might be the last before it all goes back to what it was before Rangers were liquidated.

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I see Dumb and Dumber are having their usual intellectual exchange ....

Poor Tedi, I'm obsessed .. yet he's running about alias hunting and third party sniping despite having me on ignore.

Deluded ... the poor lad has such problems.

^^^^ still raging ,

you want a greenie , it might cheer you up?

Edited by forever_blue
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Still the same old tired w4nker's patter I see ... only persons raging are those in mourning for their old club ... you'll get over it.

When do think the liquidation party will being for this one?

I dunno last I heard it was meant to be December..then jan... then march ... then april.. then supposedly last Saturday.

I am getting sick of having to reschedule it in to my diary to be honest.

mad Phill has a lot to answer for

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I dunno last I heard it was meant to be December..then jan... then march ... then april.. then supposedly last Saturday.

I am getting sick of having to reschedule it in to my diary to be honest.

mad Phill has a lot to answer for

I thought Fergus said it was Tuesday ... he never mentioned which Tuesday.

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Still the same old tired w4nker's patter I see ... only persons raging are those in mourning for their old club ... you'll get over it.

When do you think the liquidation party will be for this one?

See that's why you and Tedi get along .. both have comprehension problems ... read my post again then try answering it.

Hint: I asked .. what do you think? ... if you're capable and in your own time.

no you didn't you asked when do I think ? :rolleyes:

I replied I don't have a Scooby because I don't. would really depend on the season ticket sales fiasco and again I don't have a clue , could be the day, tomorrow or never .

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Arnold Peralta has revealed he wants to use the WC as a platform to leave Rangers.

His only negative reason.

"The only problem in Scotland is that it is always cold...the sun never shines."

Fair enough, good luck Arnold.[/quote

Rather appropriate. As your club are stuck in the toilet.

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Got this through my email (they keep sending me emails ever since i pledged £5000 to the share issue ;) )

Time to get on Twitter lads lol

Now that the season is over, this is a good time for me to speak to you directly as part of our ongoing Ready To Listen fan engagement programme.

In order to do so I will be answering questions from supporters today in a Twitter Q&A on our official club account. You can tweet your questions directly to me on @RFC_Official using the hashtag #ReadyToListen between 1pm and 2pm.

I will answer as many questions from supporters within the hour and look forward to speaking with as many fans as I can.

Graham Wallace,
Chief Executive Officer.

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I asked for your opinion, that was clear, your answer was not clear .. "I dunno," followed by a rehash of previously given admin predictions is not providing your opinion as requested.

Who will be in charge next season .. and will they retain McCoist ... do you even care ?

as I said I don't have a clue, very little actually have a clue although some like to think they know more than they actually do.(you being one of them).

who will be in charge next year ? are you looking for my opinion or prediction ? and either way I think mcoist will be in charge regardless of who owns the club wether we like it or not.

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I really should demand proof ... you heard any rumours to this effect or is this your own conclusion?

It's my own conclusion mixed in with other people's opinions and thoughts. I may be adding 2+2 and getting 5 but i'm very confident that's what's going to happen.

I said the same in this thread a week or so ago and everything is still panning out how i'd imagine, of course i could be completely wrong or i may even be right at this moment in time and be wrong in a weeks time.

Majority of the Institutional investors, the hedgefunds and spivs don't like losing out on money, they couldn't give a shit how Rangers are getting on all they care about is the finances. Remember they're investing their own clients money, they can't just throw it away, it's clear they saw a good deal with the whole penny share malarkey, aided by monsieur green. Now that the UOF/King/Support have put so much pressure on the board they will be scared of losing out on money. Their reputation has been exposed completely. I have not for one second thought that the trust fund would take off, it's not going to take any money of anyone. However with the amount of publicity and pledges it's enough for the city boys to start worrying, if the majority of the fans (income) aren't showing up then the spivs know it's a the end of their financial rapings, they can't risk their clients money when the money is actively boycotting. They've fannied around with renewals and will make off around about the 18th of May with the cash they've managed to extract. There will be some Rangers fans in the beel as the season tickets will probably be messed up, i'm not sure what'll happen to those that have already renewed, when they realise they've been robbed again the RangersMedia brigade will go into meltdown and their will be a hell of a lot of "True Rangers fans" "Told you so" arguing going on.

King will deal at about £6M with BPH/Margarita and then it's only a matter of time.

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The facts are in the domain .. forming an opinion about them involves conjecture ... nobody is certain.

You have no way of knowing whether McCoist will be in charge or not ... a lot can happen between now and then ... so what's different about offering your opinion on that, you didn't even give reasoning as to why either side would keep him?

If liquidation happened .. would that not be the perfect time for King to get a better cheaper manager and appease those that want rid?

I have no way of knowing wether mcoist will be in charge or not . that is true , but I feel more confident in giving my prediction on that than I do whether admin will happen or not because if I am being honest I am not nor claim to be clued up on financial matters. I know the basics and once season ticket sales are confirmed I will give you my opinion on how inevitable admin is .

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Got this through my email (they keep sending me emails ever since i pledged £5000 to the share issue ;) )

Time to get on Twitter lads lol

Now that the season is over, this is a good time for me to speak to you directly as part of our ongoing Ready To Listen fan engagement programme.

In order to do so I will be answering questions from supporters today in a Twitter Q&A on our official club account. You can tweet your questions directly to me on @RFC_Official using the hashtag #ReadyToListen between 1pm and 2pm.

I will answer as many questions from supporters within the hour and look forward to speaking with as many fans as I can.

Graham Wallace,

Chief Executive Officer.

It'll be our new fancy PR guy...

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I cannot see it being that simple ... the hedge funds have pumped in more than that during the IPO. Laxey themselves are rumoured to want to liquidate and have been since December (they may well be the stumbling block) and may have a plan in place that will garner more funds.

I agree with you that Dave King is interested in buying ... December seems to be the key .. was he not over then?.

Laxey could well be the key to this and they ain't for budging and doing any deals, hence the non event and subsequent farce. Dave is simply not willing to pay the price they want ... They have no emotional ties .. if they see better opportunities (price) via liquidating they will have no qualms about sending the cargo ship to the bottom of the ocean ...

Pure conjecture .. rite enuff !!

Thanks for at least giving a decent opinion ...

I do agree with what you said being a possibility. I was saying what i think Kings game plan is, you've said what you think Laxeys game plan is. We could both be right or both be wrong but what i've always said is that i think King has won the game already and all the press work is just formality. Of course being a Rangers fan i'm obviously going to want King to win and look to that theory more where as you will look towards the Laxey asset stripping thoughts.

Where i disagree is that i just can't see Laxey not budging, i think that they weren't for budging but they'll have no choice if BPH/Margarita deal with King. If King got BPH/Margarita shares then he'd be able to force out Laxey. Again i could be wrong but i don't think Laxeys clients would be happy with their money being used in a boardroom battle (if King was in and they were still there).

We shall see by two weeks time though that's for definite.

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Agree that it needs to be sorted quickly before the start of next season and there are strong rumours that something is about to go down.

Yeah there's a lot of rumours flying around and King has been awfully quiet. Renewals end on the 18th. easdale and somers buying shares it seems like there's finally an end is sight be it good or bad.

Cheers for debating it all sensibly. Appreciate it!

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