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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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I think this board are tainted beyond repair, I do not even think a new board would change anything in this regard.

Truth is that there is a large section of the fan base have absolutely no trust with the ownership of the club, those in the boardroom are just puppets being used as pawns to cover every broken promise, I really have no idea how they fix it.

I think crowds will be down right from the start, I am sensing a real apathy from within the support, a real feeling of being sick of it all.

Crikey Ted. Chin up old boy.

I know you've said you've no idea how they fix it, but where do you see it as likely to head?

My guess is they'll get up and shift more STs again next summer. Obviously though, something now needs to happen in the meantime to take them that far, be it a reasonably successful share issue or a deeply unpopular sale and leaseback of property.

What's your own plans Ted? Still planning on paying at the gate each week?

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I think this board are tainted beyond repair, I do not even think a new board would change anything in this regard.

Truth is that there is a large section of the fan base have absolutely no trust with the ownership of the club, those in the boardroom are just puppets being used as pawns to cover every broken promise, I really have no idea how they fix it.

I think crowds will be down right from the start, I am sensing a real apathy from within the support, a real feeling of being sick of it all.

Maybe Ted, I don't think they will sell many more season tickets.

But, if they get a run of results at the start, the pay-at-the-gate will significantly increase.

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Looking at the tickets sold for the hibs game....struggling to get more than 20k, take this against the East fife game around the same time 2 years ago and there was (cough) 38k (cough), seems all that optimism has gone.

In fairness though, when you played us in a non- ST game a few weeks later, only 24,000 turned up.

Cup tie crowds have been comparatively poor for a long time.

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I think this board are tainted beyond repair, I do not even think a new board would change anything in this regard.

Truth is that there is a large section of the fan base have absolutely no trust with the ownership of the club, those in the boardroom are just puppets being used as pawns to cover every broken promise, I really have no idea how they fix it.

I think crowds will be down right from the start, I am sensing a real apathy from within the support, a real feeling of being sick of it all.

Walk away dude. Don't let a business ruin your life.

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I will never go back. When Cooper and Bobby Russell left, the rot started.

Then I have no need to bring you any salvation. My work with you is done. Enjoy the rest of your football supporting life.

3 down with direct influence from me. Be patient I will save as many of you as I can.

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Then I have no need to bring you any salvation. My work with you is done. Enjoy the rest of your football supporting life.

3 down with direct influence from me. Be patient I will save as many of you as I can.

Keep fighting the good fight.

I reckon Ted's feeling a bit vulnerable. Who knows what might be possible for him this year if Arbroath can hit some form?

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Keep fighting the good fight.

I reckon Ted's feeling a bit vulnerable. Who knows what might be possible for him this year if Arbroath can hit some form?

If we keep working on him we'll get there. Ted is basically a good guy, it is obvious that external influences led him astray. He is worth saving.

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Eh no.


You're not a good guy? f**k ye then, all that b*****d, valuable time wasted. We could have saved loads of the more intelligent ones but you seemed worthy of the effort.

I hope you are happy now.

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You're not a good guy? f**k ye then, all that b*****d, valuable time wasted. We could have saved loads of the more intelligent ones but you seemed worthy of the effort.

I hope you are happy now.

Hey don't give up so easily. Don't do walking away.

Your initial instinct was right. Ted can be saved and he'd be worth it.

Of course he's going to say he doesn't want to change at this stage, but you'd expect that.

Eventually he'll come round and his obstinacy at this stage will just make that time all the more rewarding.

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Hey don't give up so easily. Don't do walking away.

Your initial instinct was right. Ted can be saved and he'd be worth it.

Of course he's going to say he doesn't want to change at this stage, but you'd expect that.

Eventually he'll come round and his obstinacy at this stage will just make that time all the more rewarding.

S'pose. It's just that it's such hard work getting him to understand the easy stuff like stars and the names of European trophies, getting complex issues like reality through are testing my skillset.

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S'pose. It's just that it's such hard work getting him to understand the easy stuff like stars and the names of European trophies, getting complex issues like reality through are testing my skillset.

Yes, but he knows the OF have screwed our game up - he's said so.

He also quite likes Arbroath and occasionally watches them. Pull at that thread.

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Yes, but he knows the OF have screwed our game up - he's said so.

He also quite likes Arbroath and occasionally watches them. Pull at that thread.

I will give it a try. Hibs could do their part on Tuesday and it would shorten the process.

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Tedi is going to renew. I have that on good authority ;)

If Rangers are top of the league come December you will see many thousands of half season tickets sold.

Crowds will be down as people will not buy tickets game for game as it is too much hassle and they can watch free online. I am pretty sure if i did not have a season ticket i would go to less than 10 home games a season and obviously fewer away games

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Then I have no need to bring you any salvation. My work with you is done. Enjoy the rest of your football supporting life.

3 down with direct influence from me. Be patient I will save as many of you as I can.

I reckon once anyone has left their family home, they should already be too mature to be a Rangers fan. :)

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Is there much of a sectarian issue in Liverpool anymore? Seems to have died down to almost nothing in the last hundred years. Strange that that hasn't happened here.

Again it is for the simple reason that most Irish immigrants who ended up in Liverpool where from the south of Ireland where the majority where catholic and republican . The numbers of Northern Irish immigrants to Liverpool where significantly lower than that of Glasgow.

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Again it is for the simple reason that most Irish immigrants who ended up in Liverpool where from the south of Ireland where the majority where catholic and republican . The numbers of Northern Irish immigrants to Liverpool where significantly lower than that of Glasgow.

Is that true? I think there are quite a few Northern Irish immigrants from both sides in Liverpool who went there for exactly the same reason they went to Glasgow...The Shipyards. There are quite a few Loyalist bands in the Liverpool area and one is even Called the The Everton Flute Band. As well as '12th' celebrations there is the Annual ABOD parade out to Southport.

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Is that true? I think there are quite a few Northern Irish immigrants from both sides in Liverpool who went there for exactly the same reason they went to Glasgow...The Shipyards. There are quite a few Loyalist bands in the Liverpool area and one is even Called the The Everton Flute Band. As well as '12th' celebrations there is the Annual ABOD parade out to Southport.

Yes there was still a high level of northern Irish migration to Liverpool but not as much as the numbers who emigrated to west of Scotland. Majority of liverpools Irish immigration where from the south where communities were not so divided.

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Were the problems in Glasgow really that bad to begin with, my Grandad always said the problems really only started to surface during the great recession when there were too many workers and not enough jobs, this caused resentment on both sides.

There were many industries that discriminated against RCs and in the past...and sometimes the not too distant past they were the victims of religious intolerance.

Of course there are a few examples where RCs have discriminated against Protestants but they are far fewer.

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