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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Grow up No8 mate and discuss the issue.

I'd suggest that nobody on here has taken more delight in Celtic's latest result than me.

However, when you use that somewhat silly "Booming... I tells you" line, you're clearly implying that these poor showings are evidence of a game that is in real trouble and you're tracing an unsubtle link to it and Rangers' current circumstances.

Now you might deny this of course and I can't stop you, but you know fine well that if Rangers were still operating at such a level, you wouldn't be saying it.

It's all rather needy and pathetic.

I don't like seeing you reduced to it - honestly.

Now i have answered your point about the co-efficient can you tell me when every Scottish club was out of European Competition before the seaso started?

What was the score the last time Legia Warsaw played a team from Ireland in Poland?

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Oh get over yourself, I was not being sarcastic in the slightest, I was genuinely annoyed at yet another thread being hijacked about finance issues when we have this thread to discuss it.

I believe their is a chance of admin, but in no way to I think its a certainty, I believe you predicted that we would run out of money by February, this time last year, yet somehow we limped on, I believe our cost base has shrunk in that time and final season ticket sales will be down around 10k, however in revenue terms that only represents a small drop as prises have risen considerably, a lot of that support will still attend game by game depending on results, a decent cup run could also h elp, so there is a chance we could limp on to next season. After this funding will be easier to obtain and incomes will increase, it all depends on how prudent we are now, not how things have gone in the past few years.

Do you keep notes or something? I can't remember what I said last week, never mind last year. If I said February, I'm mightily impressed by my foresight.

The 'out of money by February' predictions were based on other people's reading of the interim accounts not an area I'm skilled in. They were near enough correct - Rangers needed emergency loans to seem them through.

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I agree Celtc getting pumped was great, and yes the Motherwell result was embarrassing, but both Aberdeen and St Johnstone eliminating higher ranked opponents is hardly what I'd call a miserable state of affairs.

Of course we could be doing better , and I respect your argument on that front, my beef was more with 8's apparent delight in our teams defeats as it either backs up his previous negative views and/or is somehow linked to rangers absence.

It is all relative to where both St Johnstone and Aberdeen were ranked though.

In my life time it has never been this poor and the problem is while you try and defend the state of the game with posts like above it will never get any better!!

Forget fucking Rangers for one minute of one day!! The only effect Rangers have had is in celtic not replacing the players they have managed to move on with ones of similar quailty..That obviously has had an effect on them but not the rest of the clubs.

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Now i have answered your point about the co-efficient can you tell me when every Scottish club was out of European Competition before the seaso started?

What was the score the last time Legia Warsaw played a team from Ireland in Poland?

Question 1) I don't know and I'm not checking because you can no doubt tell me. I'm guessing it's not happened before, but as you know, we've not had such early starts for all our clubs for that long.

Question 2) I think Legia lost, but won the tie. Was that against St Patrick's or Sligo? I'm not sure. If you really think I'm going to say Celtic's collapse the other night was anything other than pitiful and hilarious, you've really been paying little attention.

Question 3) is mine. What the Hell is your point? Seriously, what is it? When you say "Booming... I tells you", what point are you attempting to make and why?

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Just for Tedi. I asked this in another thread. I'll let him decide where he'd like to answer it. (BTW the original question was asked of Bennett but Tedi felt he could give a better (read 'more sarcastic') answer.)

Bennett, this isn't meant to be an aggressive post - I'm interested in the views of a Rangers fan.

Do you really not think there's much chance of an admin event this season? If so, I this a common position among the fans you're friendly with?

To me, it seems nailed on, short of another source of funding being found in the next few months or a sell-off of some assets (players, MP, etc.). Has something happened since the last accounts were issued that makes you think things are looking more positive?

I'm not wishing this on Rangers - if they can find a way to get the faithful digging down the back of the sofa, good luck to them - but it seems like one of the groups is missing something.

Out of interest what makes you believe Admin is nailed on? Who do we owe money to that cannot be repaid?

The fall in season tickets is not great but they did go up by 30% so the fall in revenue is not as great as some have suggested and PATG punters will be paying slightly more than last season as well. We could actually break even on that front.

We have signed a couple of new deals but have no idea what the figures are other than they are an improvement on last seasons.

The club merchandise is doing well if the number of people i see wearing the new strips is anything to go by...Mike Cashley will be delighted :rolleyes:

We haven't paid a transfer fee and i would think our wage bill will be relatively similar to last seasons but i think you will agree the standard of player brought in is a far higher standard than the players leaving.

There will be a share issue in the not too distant future and i suppose a lot will depend on the outcome of that for the medium to long term future of this company but in the short term (next season) there should be very little problem and certainly none that cannot be overcome.

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I was genuinely annoyed at yet another thread being hijacked about finance issues when we have this thread to discuss it.

Laughable dear Tedi - simply laughable.

Read the thread in question back. Discussion of admin and its chances of happening was entirely appropriate and in context. The tone of every point made was sober and respectful until you took the huff.

You're a good lad Ted, but you can be a Hell of a touchy pillock at times.

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Question 1) I don't know and I'm not checking because you can no doubt tell me. I'm guessing it's not happened before, but as you know, we've not had such early starts for all our clubs for that long.

Question 2) I think Legia lost, but won the tie. Was that against St Patrick's or Sligo? I'm not sure. If you really think I'm going to say Celtic's collapse the other night was anything other than pitiful and hilarious, you've really been paying little attention.

Question 3) is mine. What the Hell is your point? Seriously, what is it? When you say "Booming... I tells you", what point are you attempting to make and why?

AFAIK it has never happened before. There is a reason our clubs have to play this early...Our standing in Europe is almost at an all time low

Legia scraped a draw against St Pats...then hammered them in Ireland. I think St Pats were forced to move their tie to a neutral venue..lost a couple of early goals and then collapsed.

It wasn't celtic lost the other night. Any team can lose any game on the night but they didn't just lose they were absolutely destroyed by at best a mediocre European club side.

Others have claimed the game here is booming...we have never had it so good since Rangers were placed in the bottom tier is a claim that has been made on and off over the last 2 seasons. It is simply not true...The game in this country is in an awful state. Just as the National team seem to be getting a wee run together the club side of things is an utter shambles

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I remember when it used to be considered negative if we did not have a single club left in euro competition by Christmas, now it is acceptable to many if we have none left by the start of the season.

Look I think its great that we have more competition in the Scottish game with other clubs winning domestic trophies but the European situation shows we are regressing on the European stage and this is depressing.

Yes we are regressing, because effectively, we're not invited.

The comparison you make is disingenuous though. It used to be that sides needed to survive only two or three ties, starting in September/October to reach Christmas and one of these might have been against a Maltese side at a time when such countries were very much weaker than is now the case.

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Yes we are regressing, because effectively, we're not invited.

The comparison you make is disingenuous though. It used to be that sides needed to survive only two or three ties, starting in September/October to reach Christmas and one of these might have been against a Maltese side at a time when such countries were very much weaker than is now the case.

You don't get this whole European thing do you?

The reason we are not 'invited' to the latter stages of these tournaments is because we have fallen so far down the UEFA co-efficient scale.

The reason Rangers or Celtic had to beat clubs from smaller nations is because we were seeded due to our relative success. After years of mediocre performances our clubs are not seeded and are now seen as the equivalent of a Maltese club.

You need to stop thinking about the Top 5 nations and their unfair advantage due to TV audiences. Other countries have learned to cope with this disadvantage yet we haven't.

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You don't get this whole European thing do you?

The reason we are not 'invited' to the latter stages of these tournaments is because we have fallen so far down the UEFA co-efficient scale.

The reason Rangers or Celtic had to beat clubs from smaller nations is because we were seeded due to our relative success. After years of mediocre performances our clubs are not seeded and are now seen as the equivalent of a Maltese club.

You need to stop thinking about the Top 5 nations and their unfair advantage due to TV audiences. Other countries have learned to cope with this disadvantage yet we haven't.

I do get it.

Of course our club game is at a low ebb in terms of European competition. I'm really not going to pretend otherwise. I don't think our situation is so much vastly worse than that of other comparable nations though.

I'd be interested to read evidence of exactly where we stand there.

This year, Motherwell have been lousy. The other diddy pair have done ok thus far, but slagging Aberdeen seems unfair. The Celtic picture is as I said, pitiful, but I'm not going to lament it because it thrilled me and I would always wish such results on them and your good selves.

You're right that I fixate on the big 5 as being for those for whom European competition is now designed, but I'm right to. The changes to this, as well as progress of other nations over whom we used to enjoy a head start, have rendered comparisons with the past pretty redundant.

You're trying to make these results fit into an agenda which they don't.

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The year after their triumphal march to Manchester, they were ranked 138th, alongside M'well and QoS.


Only the Scotland co-ef gave them any points at all.

World wide brand...............

And it is good to see that out of 239 European teams for this year, they are not included :)


They are truly pointless.

Edited by Bing (2)
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I do get it.

You're right that I fixate on the big 5 as being for those for whom European competition is now designed, but I'm right to. The changes to this, as well as progress of other nations over whom we used to enjoy a head start, have rendered comparisons with the past pretty redundant.

You're trying to make these results fit into an agenda which they don't.

You absolutely don't get it.

The Big 5 nations had this advantage when Rangers reached the last 16 of the Champions League and a UEFA Cup Final.

There is no agenda. The recent results in European competition have been far worse than anything in my life time and yours. This is an all time low and makes a mockery of all the 'Game is booming' bollocks you have so conveniently missed. Funny how you never seem to see these things yet have an almost photographic memory on other matters

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The year after their triumphal march to Manchester, they were ranked 138th, alongside M'well and QoS.


Only the Scotland co-ef gave them any points at all.

World wide brand...............

And it is good to see that out of 239 European teams for this year, they are not included :)


They are truly pointless.

Here's the actual rankings from 2009 with Rangers 28th.
And here's this years with Rangers at 92, comfortably ahead of all Scotland's entrants this apart from Celtic.
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The year after their triumphal march to Manchester, they were ranked 138th, alongside M'well and QoS.


Only the Scotland co-ef gave them any points at all.

World wide brand...............

And it is good to see that out of 239 European teams for this year, they are not included :)


They are truly pointless.

That's funny as a quick google check for 2009 gave me this result..

28 Glasgow Rangers Sco 6.9500 12.8500 14.3500 22.0500 0.3750 56.575

Edited by No8.
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I don't think the record of clubs that went bust due to financial doping is relevant tbh.

FFS i wish you Ps & Ds would make your mind up. After Rangers were cleared...yet again...by the courts i thought the party line was we went bust for nothing

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But he got his version from KDS,

It is frightening to think somebody took time to alter that .... Then again hbqc hasn't been around for a while. Maybe he is too busy altering UEFA pages with that oh so expensive new computer gear he was bragging about the other day.

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Going on topic for once, I have to agree with the bears, I think the closer to the top flight they get the more the chances of admin are reduced.

I thought they would have ran out of cash already tbh, I can see them finding a way to limp through till the end of next season.

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Going on topic for once, I have to agree with the bears, I think the closer to the top flight they get the more the chances of admin are reduced.

I thought they would have ran out of cash already tbh, I can see them finding a way to limp through till the end of next season.

Limp being about right. Once we reach the top flight the money we can generate through sponsorship etc will increase dramatically and getting back to todays topic. The rate celtic are going backwards the gap will not be nearly as insurmountable as it would have been if they had maintained the level they were at in 2012 or even close to that

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