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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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It never ceases to amaze me how people think they know how you feel.

Winning the league at Easter Road , When Dunfermline lay down and most of all at Rugby park will live with me forever. Great days and i would be crowing if something similar happened.

Winning the league by 21 points or whatever it was didn't even come close. It was boring and i am sure most celtic supporters feel the same

Maybe that's why we value the idea of competition. The chance to succeed and for it to be meaningful.

Maybe that's why we resist the notion of a stitch-up whereby some are treated favourably.

Maybe that's why a two horse race that locked the others out was of no more interest to those others than one featuring just the one horse.

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Ok Ted. I'll offer you an exemption. I was really using 'they' and Rangers fans' as shorthand for Bennett and No8 who appear to feel quite venomous towards the other top flight clubs, given their clamour to allege the League is in trouble and the joy they've derived from poor displays in Europe.

I wouldn't say that i'm venomous towards other clubs (apart from the greenyins ofcourse) just because i don't agree with the whole everything is booming routine.

I expected better from you, i really did.

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There's Tedi's "persecution complex" sorry my mistake Tedi, seems you were spot on. Agreeing with Tedi ... I need to lie down.

Not in the least.

It's entirely appropriate that you agree. Remember that bit at the end of the book you've alluded to again.

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Pot and kettle spring to mind for some reason ... can't put my finger on it !! :lol:

Oh as you know, I've derived great joy from the occasions when the OF screw up in Europe, for as long as I can remember.

In terms of my heart and my head, it's the obvious response to such events.

No8 however, is deriving pleasure from the travails of smaller clubs, because he's bitter about what happened to Rangers and wishes to lash out.

I cannot tell you how sweet it is that you're teaming up though.

You guys are simply adorable.

Edited by Monkey Tennis
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She is named after the previous owners ex wife, so I think a name change is definitely on the cards.

Dignity mkII has a certain ring to it.

Maybe mkIII would be a better idea.

Save you a wee job next summer.

Edited by Monkey Tennis
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Dear Me. You still don't get this do you? I am merely mocking those that are claiming the league without Rangers is booming. I actually think you agree with me that it clearly isn't but for some reason are reluctant to admit this.

The league has Rangers in it. They are just not in the top division.

We have an expanded SPL now, same league different company running it. Rangers were back under Cockwomble's wing in no time.

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The league has Rangers in it. They are just not in the top division.

We have an expanded SPL now, same league different company running it. Rangers were back under Cockwomble's wing in no time.

Lets no foıget its broken down to several silly wee leagues, the quality is crap in all of them call it what you want SPL campionship etc in the end its crap

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Lets no foıget its broken down to several silly wee leagues, the quality is crap in all of them call it what you want SPL campionship etc in the end its crap

The view of the quality is relative. My team are of a far higher quality than any time in the past. The football I am watching is improving. I couldn't give a f**k that the old guard are dying off.

Let the new boys pick up the slack that the dinosaurs have dropped.

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The view of the quality is relative. My team are of a far higher quality than any time in the past. The football I am watching is improving. I couldn't give a f**k that the old guard are dying off.

Let the new boys pick up the slack that the dinosaurs have dropped.

If you are happy good luck to you but your club is the sort of standard that brings the quality of Scottish football dowm whether you like it or not

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If you are happy good luck to you but your club is the sort of standard that brings the quality of Scottish football dowm whether you like it or not

Our club improves constantly. I can wait until we build slowly to the top. If a progressing club is not something to be proud of I don't know what is.

Certainly not a club who have regressed so far they had to sell up and reform.

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Our club improves constantly. I can wait until we build slowly to the top. If a progressing club is not something to be proud of I don't know what is.

Certainly not a club who have regressed so far they had to sell up and reform.

I don't think 'sell up' is the right term for' being liquidated'

and then the assets being sold (that transaction was all fair and above board,eh? :lol: )

but they do like 'reformations'

Edited by Ken Fitlike
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I don't think 'sell up' is the right term for' being liquidated'

and then the assets being sold (that transaction was all fair and above board,eh? :lol: )

but they do like 'reformations'

Liquidation means to turn assets in to liquid cash. The assets were sold and reformed into a club.

I believe my post is correct.

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Liquidation means to turn assets in to liquid cash. The assets were sold and reformed into a club.

I believe my post is correct.

indeed, but they didn't decide to sell up.

They hit the skids and lost their business, leading to the administrators (working on behalf of the creditors! :lol: ) selling 'the assets' to the first chancer who came along.

anyway, I don't think Bluewasp wants to join in anymore, which is a blessing

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