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KBW it was - as if Paul Hogan would have been responsible for anything even mildly amusing.

I had a Paul Hogan tape (remember them?) back in the late eighties, which included a song called " hey Santa Claus you b*****d, where's me fucking bike?"

Pretty sure he did it before KBW.

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Wrong .. Kevin Bloody Wilson wrote ... "Living next door to 'Alan" (based on Living next door to Alice) .. and I believe he was the original songwriter of "Santa Claus ya c**t" ...


There's a helluva difference between Alan and Alice

How does that make me wrong?

Also, the song I remember was "hey Santa Claus you b*****d, where's me fucking bike?

b*****d, not c**t.

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Wrong .. Kevin Bloody Wilson wrote ... "Living next door to 'Alan" (based on Living next door to Alice) .. and I believe he was the original songwriter of "Santa Claus ya c**t" ...


Yep - the Alan of the title being Alan Bond, and the neighbours being members of Nigel's people.

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Once again Norman proves that he hasn't a f**king clue about anything.

It's definitely one of Dennis's, Vicky. Unless you're trying to promote Hogan as being in some way amusing, that is - which would be a difference of opinion. Kinda like where F_B idolises you, and I think you're a cúnt.

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Always liked the classic Mick my mate the master-farter. "With his true-pitch-perfect, calibrated, double-jointed arse". Classic.

At the risk of steering back on topic, see the Easdale out campaign is going well :)

But in all seriousness, those currants who are staying away, well done. I know it's hard but you have to starve these b*****ds out. Killing your club again I am sure must be a wrench, but there is no other way.

Whilst I know you don't care that nobody likes you, this would be the first positive thing that theTheRangers fan base have ever done and I will happily donate 20 shiny pence to the RFF and give you all a nice patronising metaphorical pat on the back too. Incentive or what?

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The financial Boa constrictor now starts to tighten it's grip on the club, pleasing. :)

Why the fcuk would a hedge fund give a known gangsta the voting share in the clubs business ?, surely the dark forces will let it be known what their true intentions really are in their quest to make a financial killing from what is left of the carcass that was the real Rangers FC.

Money spunked away left, right & centre and now they are living off the fumes left in the tank and the latest share issue gave the spivs a bigger voting share in the clubs affairs meaning the fans voting rights mean the sum of feck all.

What if the club heads into insolvency and straight into admin and all the games they won in the cups with a squad of players the club in the public domain really couldn't afford, what happens there ?, surely this was a form of financial doping !. They have competed in fixtures deliberately breaching financial fair play against clubs who live within their means to win games they might not or wouldn't have won with a weaker squad of players.

WHERE THE FCUK IS THE SFA ?, it is publicly known this club is heading for the financial iceberg that WILL sink this Titanic club into a probable state of collapse and liquidation. Or is there some dark sinister meetings with the club & the SFA to keep this club limping on until it reaches the top tier regardless of the fans fears and possible boycotting that will effectively do more damage to the club than the spivs ever thought possible.

End game soon ?

Edut fhur tipo

Edited by hellbhoy
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The 12 Apostles have been chosen and the cash Messiah will arrive any day now. :lol:


They now have a fans board probably hand picked to parrot out what the BoD tell them too to try and con the cash Lemmings. :)

I really don't see this working at all and is just a ploy to make the fans think they will get answers from a BoD who don't give a fcuk. :unsure2:

Aye a bunch of concerned Rangers fans given the power to do what exactly that will influence the sum of nothing will work and the club will live a happy ever after because the spivs now have a mechanism to tactically delay anything they have to answer by stating "We will get together with the fans board at some point in the near future a few months away to discuss the clubs immediate financial problems". Aye that will work ?, for the spivs anyhoo. :lol:

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It's spelt enema ... can it be repaired or will you have to buy a new one?

I did wonder where all your shit came from .....

Nah, Vicky. You're just stupid, is all. HTH.

Bennett's mind is the enigma, he probably blew his own mind !, probably best if he gets a child to explain things for him :) how is Tedi these days anyway ? :rolleyes:

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