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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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I didnt attack you FFS..You were doing your usual of attacking Rangers posters and trying to find another way of avoiding the word filter as you are upset that pie and bovril will not allow you to dish out your sectarian abuse.

I was pointing out the hypocrisy in calling others childish while using the term Raisin to describe football supporters. Uttery tragic.

Why would you capitalise "raisin"? You're just legitimising the word. :)

Now - this racist quote - and, to be fair, you've made it clear that these are not the only people you hate:

"I am honestly going to do myself an injury. Honestly i cannot believe what i am watching!!! Words fail me. I just cant put into words my utter undivided hatred for these people...Never forget and certainly Never Forgive."

You'll not be laying any claims to affiliation to any branch of Christianity, then? What with forgiveness being pretty fucking central to that faith, as I recall?

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On the other side we have Paul Murray who obviously cares about the club being backed by King (possibly) who certainly is no angel but also cares about the club, to me the Murray option seems the lesser of 2 evils.

Sevco only exist because of Paul Murrays failure as a Rangers director so I agree get him on the board as soon a possible

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Right direction ? Aye , down the shitter ;)

Even before Whyte, the big transfers had stopped, but the contracts awarded to 'frees' were about the most onorous of all.

Think on chuckles and co. , and the abuse they got if they snaffled a million quid.

Then remember the clowns on £20k a week with a 3 year contract. Equals 3m without bonuses.

That is where it went tits up, and that was when Murray was in charge.

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Typical WRK and WRK lite response.

What? Where do I come in?

I don't call any of you ****, or attempt to circumvent any filter by employing rhyming slang through references to dried fruit.

As far as I'm concerned, if the term and its derivatives are deemed offensive, I'd best not use it or them.

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Tedi, Murray and King were at the helm for the sinking of the previous club.

And you want them back in place when Ibrox is an even bigger mess this time around?

Jesus wept.

Tedi was not, stop making things up Wunf.

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both were out the door before administration and no the club is in better shape now that it was under whyte

is there a debt or any debt?

How much does it owe the company?

And the oft touted 'no bank' debt.......really nice phrase.

And the assets belong to whom exactly?

You have zero idea if it is better off now, and my feeling is that it isn't. When admin 2 rolls along, there will not be as much to flog this time around..

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His honesty? This is a person when his racist homophobic posting is brought up uses the argument if you can’t find a P&B racist homophobic post then he is innocent.

The joy of this logic however is that while No8 considers it unfair to brand him a racist as he hasn't displayed such tendencies on here; he is apparently allowed to brand the Livingston programme guy a bigot, not because of what he said in the programme, but because of comments unearthed from elsewhere.

He's hopeless.

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It is all a matter of trust, unfortunately none of the candidates are squeaky clean.

Ashley is an extremely hard nosed and ruthless businessman that cares nothing about Rangers beyond a gamble he is willing to take in order to make money, nothing wrong here but he is willing to get into bed with the Easdales which shows the man has no real morals either.

On the other side we have Paul Murray who obviously cares about the club being backed by King (possibly) who certainly is no angel but also cares about the club, to me the Murray option seems the lesser of 2 evils.

Characterizing King as merely "no Angel" is ridiculous.

He's a convicted felon on a massive scale - an utter, utter b*****d of a man who steals from the poor.

Imagine wanting such people anywhere near an organisation you hold dear.

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Characterizing King as merely "no Angel" is ridiculous. He's a convicted felon on a massive scale - an utter, utter b*****d of a man who steals from the poor. Imagine wanting such people anywhere near an organisation you hold dear.

Is he a Tory then?

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Tedi was not, stop making things up Wunf.

Big fùck off font with bold and underline - I fully agree with Vicky.

For the avoidance of doubt - Tedi met a bloke in a pub, just after Okey Dokey Day, who told him all about this website. The rest is history.

A history littered with stars, Portuguese clubs, hours and minutes, resignations, photography, and a plethora of self-combusting links to be sure, but a history nonetheless.

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