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Aberdeen must have set a world record for the quickest title challenge capitulation/fail, one week they looked like they had a chance to win the league, roll on 2 weeks later they're getting slaughtered like lambs

See Ally McCoist old ranger last season ever. 15 point lead snow on dike

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Ken back on the celtic minded blogs, desperate for something they say to come true.......and yes John James is a celtic fan, he made a daft mistake with one of his email addresses which was traced back to a now deleted twatter account, not deleted quick enough though.

So your heroes are (1) a scottish guy who pretends to be irish and cannot decide what his real name is and an a celtic fan in his 40`s who spends his time pretending to be a Rangers fan.....keep on donating, Phil deserves a new jacket.

How do you know all this? I can't be obsessed enough.

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Ken back on the celtic minded blogs, desperate for something they say to come true.......and yes John James is a celtic fan, he made a daft mistake with one of his email addresses which was traced back to a now deleted twatter account, not deleted quick enough though.

So your heroes are (1) a scottish guy who pretends to be irish and cannot decide what his real name is and an a celtic fan in his 40`s who spends his time pretending to be a Rangers fan.....keep on donating, Phil deserves a new jacket.

Does citing a piece written by someone really mean that said someone is automatically your hero?

That's weird.

In fact, I just quoted you. Does that mean you must be..?

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Ken back on the celtic minded blogs, desperate for something they say to come true.......and yes John James is a celtic fan, he made a daft mistake with one of his email addresses which was traced back to a now deleted twatter account, not deleted quick enough though.

So your heroes are (1) a scottish guy who pretends to be irish and cannot decide what his real name is and an a celtic fan in his 40`s who spends his time pretending to be a Rangers fan.....keep on donating, Phil deserves a new jacket.

My heroes are Willie Miller, Alex McLeish, Joe Harper, Davie Robb, Doug Rougvie and about 200 similar AFC stalwarts; Bob Dylan, Neil Young,Bruce Springsteen, Deuchars brewery, Stewart Lee, Ross Noble etc etc.

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My heroes are billy McNeil, wee Jinky, Andy walker, Henrik thingimy, Danny mcgrain, big bawface jock and about 200 similar CFC stalwarts; Bob Dylan, Neil Young,Bruce Springsteen, Deuchars brewery, Stewart Lee, Ross Noble etc etc.

Fixed that for ye.

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The dreaded SMSM have buried the truth but Philip will break the story.....

I can only think of a couple of Celtic forums where they think ill phil is anything special.

The one I post on, to a poster we think he's a knobber.

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