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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Malcom Murray voted against the Board on that share resolution :lol:

They're turning on each other to protect their 'investment'.

It's great :)

I wonder why Murray doesn't trust the convicted criminal, who could be in jail next week?

Oh ffs, not another court case against the god guys!


Edited by THE KING
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We won 9 out of 10 resolutions.

Because of resolution 9, the Easdale bloc will have to match the investment made by the Rangers board members (good for Rangers), or see their shares diluted (good for Rangers).

"I've got sunshine on a cloudy day.
When it's cold outside I've got the month of May." :-)

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Doleman, Philip, rtc, Larkin etc are raking it in from the green n grey yins, I'm tempted to start my own blog and post any old mince about Rangers.

You could just include all your posts from here.

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The list of of being out on the randan and slept in with a hangover, aye, he has previous.

And that's worse than being a convicted criminal with dozens of fraud convictions, a three year suspended sentence over his head and possible jail next week though!

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We won 9 out of 10 resolutions.

Because of resolution 9, the Easdale bloc will have to match the investment made by the Rangers board members (good for Rangers), or see their shares diluted (good for Rangers).

"I've got sunshine on a cloudy day.

When it's cold outside I've got the month of May." :-)

the reply to the cut and paste you did from the comments section of that Herald article... plus plenty more pithy 'pointing and laughing' at the desperate tangled financial fiasco that the clumpany are mired in

resolutions 1-9 were the least you should have achieved. 10 and 12 were the biggies and you did not get them and now it seems his glibness has upset Margarita and the Easdales. No end to the trouble looming for your club including a resurgent Hibs.

plus plenty more pithy 'pointing and laughing' at the desperate tangled financial fiasco that the clumpany are mired in

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What was resolution 12?

How many voted on it?

10 was not all that big, even Craig Houston did not vote for it.

9 was the biggie.

a blogger says....

'Resolution 9 will be filed in the drawer containing the NOMAD, LSE AIM listing and ISDX prospectus. It will gather dust until the next AGM'


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John James a celtic fan pretending to be a Rangers fan, good enough for Ken...and a resolution that never existed is the big one, aye carry on.

That's a bit of a stretch, isn't it?

whatever his motivations, he does seem remarkably up to speed with all the Dave King based shenanigans....

Still, as long as you keep your fingers in your ears and shout 'la-la-la', all will be well.

and to Vicky.....

.... the guy who seems to be asking for most donations has a bit of a reputation as a Glib and Shameless Liar.

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We won 9 out of 10 resolutions.

Because of resolution 9, the Easdale bloc will have to match the investment made by the Rangers board members (good for Rangers), or see their shares diluted (good for Rangers).

"I've got sunshine on a cloudy day.

When it's cold outside I've got the month of May." :-)

Alias Imo^^^

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OK Lhads time to get yer wallets oot, another journa....... Errrrm blogger needs yer dosh

"December 2015 will see a full week of pre-trial hearings in Edinburgh over the fraud case against Craig Whyte and Charles Green. There will also be the next stage of the battle between the club's chairman Dave King and Sports Direct Tycoon Mike Ashley at the Royal Courts of justice in London where King faces the possibility of imprisonment for breaking a contempt of court order over revealing details of Rangers' commercial agreement with Ashley.

As a freelance reporter I have covered a number of high profile trials including Tommy Sheridan's prosecution for perjury (for which I was nominated for a Scottish press award) and the "phone-hacking" case against Rebekah Brooks and Andrew Coulson. So I think I have the ability and experience to bring you all the news I legally can from the ongoing Rangers litigation.

I am asking for £1000 to cover one month's work and travel and accommodation costs in both London and Edinburgh

Risks and challenges

The only risks will be contempt of court rules banning reporting. However these will not stop me getting the story out."

Spare a fiver for the brave and intrepid James Doleman.

What the actual f'ck is that pish? the c'nt wants a grand for sitting on his arse Tweeting for a week !!??

If the c'nt was any good when he covered those two cases he's crowing about then the he'd be earning top Dollar as a real reporter not fannying around pretending to be one like that c'nt nMcGillivan!!

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What the actual f'ck is that pish? the c'nt wants a grand for sitting on his arse Tweeting for a week !!??

If the c'nt was any good when he covered those two cases he's crowing about then the he'd be earning top Dollar as a real reporter not fannying around pretending to be one like that c'nt nMcGillivan!!

Apparently 85 people have pledged to give him £1880


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