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Last night when watching BFG it dawned on me that once more BFG was all about Hogan. That's why no one from the locker room ran in to help Sting and Ray; it was so Hogan could come out to his music, do his poses, milk the crowd, and take most of Aces & 8s out with the shitest punches this side of Cena. Then he got to give the worst ever big boot to Devon. The whole storyline is about him. When Bischoff reveals himself as the leader, his reasoning will be that Hogan turned his back on him when he turned face as BFG 11, which was also all about Hogan. I believe Hogan was also the one pushing hard for the WHC title switch, as despite what the fans think, he still thinks Hardy is the man simply because he was a star in WWE about 3 years ago. This whole 'year long chase for the title' that Hardy was talking about in his promos surprised me, as he's been floundering in the mid card for most of the year, totally out of the title picture. I think I finally get his nickname, the Charismatic Enigma, the enigma being that he has no charisma.

Can this piece of shit Hogan not just f**k off and take Bischoff with him? They are going to undo all the good work TNA has done.

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Re: DeVon, to be fair I hadn't been watching Impact much of late and never considered the 'Bound For Glory' factor, or that people were expecting the leader of the group to be revealed. I just thought it was a cool swerve on a stand-alone basis.

Watched the whole show last night(having only seen the final 2 matches live), pretty enjoyable overall. TNA does have some flaws(RVD and Hardy winning titles they don't need or deserve, in or out of kayfabe, just for their name value, the aforementioned focus on Hogan), but overall I think it's not too far off what I want to see in a mainstream wrestling company.

It's a pity Joey Ryan is so mediocre in the ring, as he's a great character. And is it just me or is Taz completely socially inept? I was cringing listening to him at times.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Does anyone else feel the Aces & 8s thing is dragging on for too long now? The longer they drag it out, the more disappointed and disillusioned people will be when Bischoff is revealed as it's leader and it becomes clear that yet again it's all about Hogan.

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I'm short of time the now and the NBA has started up again so TNA is one of the shows that's taken the hit. I haven't watched since BFG.

You've not missed much, unless you really love Hulk Hogan!

Regarding Aces & 8s, it seems that they're going to reveal a new member every week or two. It's just a shame that not many people have a clue who they are when unmasked anyway!

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Regarding Aces & 8s, it seems that they're going to reveal a new member every week or two. It's just a shame that not many people have a clue who they are when unmasked anyway!

Tenay tried his best about the one last night;

I KNOW HIM....he's been an enforcer for various people!!

Also loved the dig at the AJ/Cena storyline.

AJ Styles was talking to Roode about what happened with him and said something like "photos got taken of me going into a lift with a member of the opposite sex, seems to be a common thing with people called AJ". laugh.gif

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Turn of the year goes to Bully Ray, who has become a face in quite a subtle manner with minimal changes to his character. Well played TNA.

However, does anyone else think the brawls between Aces & 8s and TNA look weak? The WWF vs Invasion brawls looked brilliant, although it's possible it's because they really were smashing each other as seemingly the Invasion guys had massive heat from the WWF guys.

Edited by DA Baracus
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