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Apparently, to make up for them cutting down on PPVs, they're recording 2 'special events' for Challenge TV in place of those missing, the first being an all X-Division show with a lot of former X-Division and international cruiserweights appearing, and the latter being a tag team tournament.

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Still better than Garrett Bischoff or Wes Briscoe. Forgot to mention their car crash of a match on Gutcheck.

Oh I'm sure they'll be involved in some way. Seemingly D'Lo Brown is as well and will be revealed as the guy who drugged Al Snow so that he could take his place on the Gutcheck panel and thus vote YES for Wes Briscoe.

Apparently, to make up for them cutting down on PPVs, they're recording 2 'special events' for Challenge TV in place of those missing, the first being an all X-Division show with a lot of former X-Division and international cruiserweights appearing, and the latter being a tag team tournament.

That actually sounds pretty good.

The whole Hogan/Bully/Brooke thing is utter shite. It does nothing save to give Hogan the screen time he obviously so desperately craves. 'Suspending' Bully Ray and threatening to get lawyers involved simply because he's firing in about his daughter?! w**k. If he was Vinne Mac, he'd just challenge him to a match at Armageddon. But Hogan can barely walk, so a match is out, therefore the c**t shouldn't be doing the angle in the first place. It serves no purpose. It's w**k, total and fucking utter w**k. Just f**k off Hogan you utter relic. He couldn't even cut a good promo last night, botching and forgetting his lines. How sad, as he used to be one of the very best on the mic. Now he's a p***k who can barely walk and can barely talk. GET TO f**k!

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So Bully Ray and Brooke Hogan are getting 'married' on next week's Impact. Nothing possibly could go wrong.

By the way, the biggest wedding swerve ever in wrestling was when EY and ODB got married. Apart from a small bit of interference from a couple of Knockouts (can't mind who; possibly Sarita and Rosita?), the wedding went off fine. That was the ultimate wrestling wedding 'swerve'!

Oh and Mr Anderson made a fucking brilliant point about how when Aces & 8s were attacking him, no one came to help. The Impact guys seem like fannies whenever anyone gets attacked, and very slow ones at that, as despite claiming to be desperate to batter Aces & 8s, are usually nowhere to be seen when an Impact guy is getting his totties, and if they do appear, it's many minutes too late.

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Trying to catch up on December's TNA by tonight's PPV.

The Impact before the PPV was weird, Mickie James comes out for her return promo and Tara interrupts it. Fair enough, looks like a feud between those two (at least for the PPV). But then they bring out Velvet Sky out of nowhere, thus stealing the stealing Mickie James' limelight. Logical.

Final Resolution was pretty good. Yeah, it's pretty obvious at least Briscoe is in the Aces and Eights (he speared DOC to prevent him getting hit with the hammer). Most of the matches were good, Kaz/Storm and Styles/Daniels were very good.

At this early stage (Impact after the PPV) it's quite apparent to me what one of the problems with Aces and Eights is. Every single one of their matches or any match with Angle or Joe or Hardy and sometimes Storm ends with Aces and Eights either running in, interfering or a post-match beatdown. So why the hell don't some of the Impact guys come down and act as lumber jacks or something? The same sort of issue is occurring with The Shield and Ryback matches but that's a different problem for a different thread.

The backstage segment between Hogan and Bully Ray after the PPV was hilarious, Hogan is pretty calm even if he's shitting out awful cliches (I bet that Bully's sneaking about the back door! wink.gif ) and then Bully Ray, outta nowhere, just starts screaming at Hogan! laugh.gif

I'd also like to say that Garrett Bischoff, Wes Briscoe and that Jesse guy are all fucking horrendous. The less seen of them, the better.

Kaz, Daniels and Joey Ryan are fantastic entertainment though, I love them cutting promos.

AJ's situation is strange. I don't know what they're doing with him in the month or so I'm behind but I caught the card for tonight's PPV and I don't think he was on it but why doesn't he just drop down into one of the other championship levels? Like win the X-Division, Tag Team and Television titles in between now and October. Could even make a thing of it where he says he's going to win every title in TNA in 2013, even make a point where he gives up the title so he never loses it or something. His promo after he lost to Daniels made it seem he was going heel.

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Genesis was a nothing PPV. Only one thing of note happened, and that's that Daniels won a title shot on next week's Impact. As I said to Steampingparboz, I would love to see Daniels win the title and become even more arrogant and just rub it right in Styles' face, with Kazarian helping Daniels pull out cheap wins all the time.

Anything would be better than Jeff Hardy. He bores the f**k out of me.

The interaction between Aries and Roode is brilliant. It took a guy like Aries to drag some personality out of Roode. Their interaction is similar to the Stone Cold/Kurt Angle thing when they were both heels, but with a measure of Y2J/Christian thrown in when they were tag champs.

Anderson seems to be back on the roids.

Christian York...why? He seems to be trapped in a mid 90s timewarp. Kenny King, despite his dreadful entrance music, is far better.

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Not a bad shout. I think he would be brilliant in that role. Him and Kazarian have been epic, maybe even better than team Hell No. They could have AJ interfere in the match and accidentally cost Hardy the title, then have him make amends in a rematch

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I'm surprised they're pulling the trigger on Daniels being involved in the title so soon. I think him being the champ and losing to it AJ at Bound For Glory is an absolute stick on, at least it should be.

Yeah, it was a meh PPV. Solid but not spectacular. I was absolutely howling when Ryan took that sick powerbomb, because his trunks slide up and he was wearing a leopard skin thong! laugh.gif I was in tears (I'd imagine so was he after the powerbomb!)

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Also forgot to mention, I was talking about Aces and Eights with someone who has given up TNA (surprise surprise, this didn't exactly spur them to re-start watching it!) and mentioned the whole Wes Brisco thing. He then asked if he was related to the Brisco Brothers (ROH guys) and I said no but that he had brought up family, we looked it up and it turns out he's Gerald Brisco's son.

So Wes Brisco is so bad that he can't even get a job at WWE, where his father must have tonnes of pull. Who in the blind f**k thinks that he's someone good to sign and give a decent role in a massive storyline? The mind boggles.

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Also like he did with the nWO, Bischoff has booted the arse out of Aces & 8s. The difference of course is that the nWO were the hottest thing in wrestling and did huge ratings and buy rates before they got old and watered down, whereas Aces & 8s have never been over and have done f**k all to ratings and ppv buy rates, and are full of nobodie

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They've mentioned on Impact plenty of times that he's Gerald Brisco's son. But aye, he's pish

I couldn't remember a specific Brisco he'd been mentioned with, the only one I remembered was Kurt saying "you know the Briscos are always up for a fight" a few times.

The Invasion angle has just been done too many times, it's not particularly cool or interesting anymore unless you've got the guys to work it. WWE's current one works because Ambrose is fantastic and Rollins/Reigns are good enough, but even the Shield stuff is getting a bit dry cause they're just doing the same thing every week. There's no one in the list of guys being linked with Aces and Eights (Devon, Knox, Gallows/DOC, Masters, either Bischoff, Brisco, D'Lo, Anderson) that makes you want to watch them. Hell, there's only one or two of them (Gallows and Masters, probably) who I'd even considering putting a tag team title on (they'd need to be paired with someone who can talk though) nevermind the TV or World title. Maybe Anderson. How are they supposed to be taken seriously as a force if there's no one who should be challenging for the TNA Championship. Assuming they don't bring in someone but looking at it, they've attacked Angle, Aries, Roode, Hardy, Storm, AJ, Bully Ray, Sting and Hogan - not that either of those last two should be World Champ - so there aren't many that could even be revealed as part of their team.

At least when they did the Immortal angle, they had Jeff Hardy, well for a month or two before he got shitfaced, who you could buy as a World Champ, leading their stable.

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I couldn't remember a specific Brisco he'd been mentioned with, the only one I remembered was Kurt saying "you know the Briscos are always up for a fight" a few times.

The Invasion angle has just been done too many times, it's not particularly cool or interesting anymore unless you've got the guys to work it. WWE's current one works because Ambrose is fantastic and Rollins/Reigns are good enough, but even the Shield stuff is getting a bit dry cause they're just doing the same thing every week. There's no one in the list of guys being linked with Aces and Eights (Devon, Knox, Gallows/DOC, Masters, either Bischoff, Brisco, D'Lo, Anderson) that makes you want to watch them. Hell, there's only one or two of them (Gallows and Masters, probably) who I'd even considering putting a tag team title on (they'd need to be paired with someone who can talk though) nevermind the TV or World title. Maybe Anderson. How are they supposed to be taken seriously as a force if there's no one who should be challenging for the TNA Championship. Assuming they don't bring in someone but looking at it, they've attacked Angle, Aries, Roode, Hardy, Storm, AJ, Bully Ray, Sting and Hogan - not that either of those last two should be World Champ - so there aren't many that could even be revealed as part of their team.

At least when they did the Immortal angle, they had Jeff Hardy, well for a month or two before he got shitfaced, who you could buy as a World Champ, leading their stable.

And to further prove your point, Taz was revealed to be a member on last night's Impact

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Bob Ryder has tweeted who is over for the tour this week...

Full list of TNA talent in the UK for the start of the tour tomorrow: Sting, Brooke Adams, Christy Hemme, Christopher Daniels, Kazarian, Austin Aries, Devon, Aces & 8s, Gail Kim, James Storm, Velvet Sky, Kurt Angle, Tara, Bully Ray, Zema Ion, Magnus, Chavo Guerrero Jr, Hernandez, Bobby Roode, and Rob Van Dam. Scheduled to join them in Manchester & London are: Hulk Hogan, Brooke Hogan, Wes Brisco, Garett Bischoff, Joseph Park, Jessie Godderz, Mr. Anderson, Taryn Terrell, Samoa Joe, Robbie E, Robbie T, and Kenny King.

Really poor of them having SO many people at only London and Manchester. I can understand the Hogans but not the rest.

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The London/Manchester lot apart from Hogan are mostly utter shit though, with the exception of Samoa Joe. It's not like it's hampering what the other places are seeing.

Pretty much this, maybe Kenny King but the rest are mostly shite.

If I was going then I'd be thankful not to see any of Hogan, Bischoff, Brisco, Jessie or Anderson.

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