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Seriously though had already seen this spoilered on another wrestling site tbf, no realisation that people may have a cross interest in these two sports!?

Anyway for what it's worth it's not much of a setback to tna is it, he'll be able to appear for them sooner than expected now.

Edited by Christophe
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There's an interview with Hogan in this month's FSM.

It's a strange one, as he comes across quite well at times, then comes across as a complete fanny at other times.

- He seems to think that Punk's promo about Punk being the best champ and that Hogan had it easier in the 80s is serious.

- He seemingly had a NASA battery made for the space shuttle that lasts forever put into his back to help his pain

- He actually wanted Roode to be champ just now instead of Hardy, especially for the UK and Ireland tour

- He was going to face Cena in a match before he fucked his back again

- He seems to hint that in a weeks when they're back in the U.S., Hardy will drop the belt

- He's very critical of his in ring involvement at BFG 2011

- He was and is genuinely blown away by the British Bootcamp contestants and wanted to sign all of them; he's still pushing for it

There's also a decent article about the TNA UK and Ireland tour. Kurt Angle seems to think that King Mo will f**k off back to MMA full time soon.

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Everytime a TNA guy gets attacked by an Aces & 8s guy now just makes them (the TNA guys) look like fucking idiots.

Last night's episode screamed 'filler'. Hogan made the matches last week pointless when he decided that Bully Ray will be the number one contender. Obviously this is to place the seeds for a nepotism story that will feature a turn somewhere, but even still, it's poor.

My hatred for Chavo and Hernandez grows. I utterly detest the move Hernandez does whereby he pushes folk to show how strong he is. He's a c**t.

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Well the Aces and 8s leader announcement was a disappointment to say the least, cant remember how to do spoiler tags so I'll just say that hopes had been 'sky high' but they have been left 'lo down' after it. (see what I did there...)

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Yeah, I don't think it's a spoiler if no one gives a f**k.

Not surprising that he's involved after the Al Snow disappearance and him taking his place in the judging panel for Gut Check when Brisco was up.

But aye, he's not the leader. That's someone even more disappointing.

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Apparently Bobby Roode's contract is up and nobody at TNA realised. He might not be at the PPV tomorrow night.

According to Dave Meltzer, there is some sort of a contract issue between Bobby Roode and TNA. If the issue is not worked out, Roode will not be performing at tomorrow's TNA Lockdown PPV. Roode and Austin Aries are scheduled to defend the TNA tag titles against Chavo Guerrero Jr. and Hernandez as well as Christopher Daniels and Kazarian in a triple threat match.

Roode has not appeared on TNA TV since February 24th, missing the last two tapings. While people within TNA were keeping the issue quiet, it quickly became clear there was a problem since all the TNA talent was in San Antonio early for a fan fest today, and there was no sign of Roode.

While TNA hasn't commented on the issue, word is that the contract issue dates back a few weeks, and the two sides are talking to work things out.

According to prowrestling.net, the talk in the locker room is that talent relations head Bruce Prichard mistakenly allowed Roode's contract to expire. A source stated that Roode actually had to bring his contract status to the company's attention.
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Roode is one of thier top guys; they wouldn't just let his contract expire. He's a current champion as well!

I too have heard that Bully Ray will be the Aces & 8s leader, although all I've heard is a rumour. If he wins the title tonight by getting help from Aces & 8s and is revealed as the leader, then it will be decent. He could say that he played the kiss ass character, married Hogan's daughter and 'proved himself' just to get the title shot.

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