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Fair enough on no spoilers, I have zero idea of when TNA airs here.

I just get the feeling they had no fucking idea how to end it. They had Abyss show up a few times when Joseph started getting more and more involved then he just stopped appearing after they realised that there's only so much you can do when both characters are being played by the same guy.

I dunno how they're going to explain it either, it's obviously going to end with them being the same person but it'll be Russo-esq, at best.

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Fair enough on no spoilers, I have zero idea of when TNA airs here.

I just get the feeling they had no fucking idea how to end it. They had Abyss show up a few times when Joseph started getting more and more involved then he just stopped appearing after they realised that there's only so much you can do when both characters are being played by the same guy.

I dunno how they're going to explain it either, it's obviously going to end with them being the same person but it'll be Russo-esq, at best.

Airs Sundays at 9pm then is repeated Tuesdays at 10pm.

Sadly I think they DO know to end the whole Aces & 8s feud; Hogan lifting the title. However the fact that AJ can't compete for the title until BFG and is playing the whole 'moody c**t' gimmick is a glimmer of hope.

Aye it will be 'interesting' to see how the reveal of them being the same person will work out. If they play like a Mankind/Dude/Cactus thing then they could pull it off. If not it could be fucking dreadful.

Also what's happened to Joe? Where is he? And why is his character so pish now? They need to make him a monster again. He's lost at the moment.

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Sadly I think they DO know to end the whole Aces & 8s feud

Also what's happened to Joe? Where is he? And why is his character so pish now? They need to make him a monster again. He's lost at the moment.

Sorry, meant the Joseph Parks/Abyss story. I don't think they know how they can tie that up without people picking giant holes in it.

I agree with this too. It's annoying that him and Magnus were in that fourway for the #1 contenders match couple months back and have since been relegated back to the midcard. Joe probably got taken out by Aces and Eights, every one else does.

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It'll be Hogan & Sting vs The Dudleys at BFG from what I've read.



Let me guess; the guy who gets the winning pinfall on either Bully or Devon gets the title? That wouldn't surprise me at all. 

Nah, just a marquee match.

Hogan would need to run through the BFG tournament to win the title at BFG btw.

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  • 2 weeks later...

They really are going to do the whole 'Joesph Park is actually Abyss' thing, aren't they? Dear me.

Also James Storm is out for 6-8 weeks according to his twitter. He won't be missed, as he's not had anything to do for a while. Hopefully when he comes back he can get involved a quality feud. I thought he could have a good feud with AJ, but that was given to Angle for some reason.

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Thank f**k! Sting last night basically said that he knows that Park is Abyss. So TNA aren't going to insult everyone by making out it will be a huge surprise when Park realises it.

Good to see Joe back. But still some silly stuff from the TNA guys. What did Magnus expect was going to happen when there were two Aces & 8s guys at ringside?! Aye, Joe ran out to make the save, but why don't TNA guys hang around together to stop this shit?! It continues to make them look like fucking clowns.

Gunner?! Seriously?! Out of all the people Storm could have picked, he picks Gunner?! But he's back and has a beard now so must be a bad ass. I was hoping it would have been Shark Boy. Need more of him. It was funny to hear Roode/Aries and Bad Influence start shouting 'Pick Shark Boy!' and 'Pick Robbie!' when Gunner burst them though.

And it was so obvious that AJ wouldn't join Aces & 8s.

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Looks like Sting will win the title on Sunday. Baws.

I wonder, brother, who'll be the, jack, next inductee to TNA's, brother, Hall of, brother, Fame, duude.

Also don't give a f**k about Hardy returning. Joe and Magnus were a great wee tag team a wee while ago, Hardy will just bring them down.

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So Slammiversary thoughts....

They are keeping the Xdiv champ gets title shot at UltimateX, nice, thought that was a goner as they've never brought it up since last year.

The six-man TNA vs A+8's match was entertaining enough. Garrett Bischoff is actually starting to impress me somewhat, Wes Brisco remains awful however.

Jay Bradley is yer first man in the BFG series, shrug.

Abyss takes the TV title after Joseph Park is beat down pre-match. Good, hopefully see more Abyss than Park now. They need a better outfit for Abyss though, so clear that it's Park in the current get-up. Pretty short match, decent enough without being anything special. A+8's kinda losing control on the war with TNA now with the 6-man tag defeat and now this?

Tag Championship Match - And your champions enter to total apathy as per usual. Some boos even? Surprised they give the straps to a team that was only formulated 3 days ago. Storm works the match and seems fine, thought he had injury issues? Crowd was pretty into this match actually and got pretty excited when Chavo was pinned thus losing the belts. Would give the new champs a run against Roode and Aries now, get Chavo + Hernandez to f**k and let Bad Influence mess around with someone else.

No idea why they have Styles return so intense, and give him the lonewolf role, then have him lose clean like that to Angle. He dissapeared because of a losing streak then comes back in with a massive build up to that? Can only think it was due to Angle's HoF announcement. Dunno what they do with Styles from here though.

Main event was worked pretty well i thought, nice storytelling with the cutting the ring open stuff. Hope they don't go full board with Brooke getting involved with Bully again after her little ramp cameo.

Great PPV for me, really paying off cutting down on the monthly shows and focusing on good, solid big events.

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So Slammiversary thoughts....

They are keeping the Xdiv champ gets title shot at UltimateX, nice, thought that was a goner as they've never brought it up since last year.

The six-man TNA vs A+8's match was entertaining enough. Garrett Bischoff is actually starting to impress me somewhat, Wes Brisco remains awful however.

Jay Bradley is yer first man in the BFG series, shrug.

Abyss takes the TV title after Joseph Park is beat down pre-match. Good, hopefully see more Abyss than Park now. They need a better outfit for Abyss though, so clear that it's Park in the current get-up. Pretty short match, decent enough without being anything special. A+8's kinda losing control on the war with TNA now with the 6-man tag defeat and now this?

Tag Championship Match - And your champions enter to total apathy as per usual. Some boos even? Surprised they give the straps to a team that was only formulated 3 days ago. Storm works the match and seems fine, thought he had injury issues? Crowd was pretty into this match actually and got pretty excited when Chavo was pinned thus losing the belts. Would give the new champs a run against Roode and Aries now, get Chavo + Hernandez to f**k and let Bad Influence mess around with someone else.

No idea why they have Styles return so intense, and give him the lonewolf role, then have him lose clean like that to Angle. He dissapeared because of a losing streak then comes back in with a massive build up to that? Can only think it was due to Angle's HoF announcement. Dunno what they do with Styles from here though.

Main event was worked pretty well i thought, nice storytelling with the cutting the ring open stuff. Hope they don't go full board with Brooke getting involved with Bully again after her little ramp cameo.

Great PPV for me, really paying off cutting down on the monthly shows and focusing on good, solid big events.

Dude, you didn't mention the match of the night that was the Last Knockouts Standing!

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Great solid ppv, well worth a watch.

One thing that grates though in the main event which i never touched on.... after Magnus, Joe, Hardy and Abyss have the A+8s on the run by winning the earlier bouts why the f**k do they then leave Sting alone to get fucked over. Happening too often, and is an obvious weak point in an 'invasion' angle.

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Great solid ppv, well worth a watch.

One thing that grates though in the main event which i never touched on.... after Magnus, Joe, Hardy and Abyss have the A+8s on the run by winning the earlier bouts why the f**k do they then leave Sting alone to get fucked over. Happening too often, and is an obvious weak point in an 'invasion' angle.

Aye that's something that really annoys me. It just makes the TNA guys look like fucking clowns.

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Kurt vs Rampage has potential.

The gimmick Hogan made for the Hardy/Bully match was ludicrous; a hammer and ladder match (hammer hanging above the ring; first to get it can use it). It's dangerously close to hammer on a pole territory. Also Hogan needs to stop hogging the show. Get him to f**k.

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Chris Sabin was fooling no one when he said it was a tough choice whether to turn in the X Division title for a shot at the TNA WHC. He wasn't even fooling himself.

Crimson is back. The joy. His hair is ludicrous. Has he actually died it to make it look more ginger?! And he lost to Joseph Park.

AJ will win the BFG series, beating Mr Anderson in some sort of final after they wind up tied on points. That or AJ will face Mr Anderson and get a submmission to take him past Anderson on points.

Retire now Sting. And the thought of a new Main Event Mafia makes me want to weep with boredom.

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