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I'd like to go but I can see it being utter dogshit. I don't know how many tickets they've sold but I can see it being very bare and the atmosphere might be shit as a result.

With AJ gone, Aries and Bad Influence are about the only thing in the company that really makes me want to watch it. The likes of Magnus, Roode, EY etc are all well and good but they're not amazing like those three are.

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Just clocked the end of my first iMPACT in well over a year. A champion vs champion, Magnus vs Styles, no DQ match. What in the f**k even was that. An absolute clusterfuck of a main event.

It was just fucking nonsense. Also throughout the show the faces were made to look like utter morons, especially Kurt Angle.

And I make no apologies for continually going on about it, but Dixie Carter needs to f**k right off. Also no Aries and Bad Influence (except for thier run in) is bad chat.

AJ is gone for real now. If WWE don't pick him up, and it seems they won't, then I expect to see him back in TNA by the end of the year.

The Bully/Anderson stuff was really well done and was pretty intense. Looking forward to seeing how this pans out.

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AJ is gone for real now. If WWE don't pick him up, and it seems they won't, then I expect to see him back in TNA by the end of the year.

I've heard that there's not even been any contact, I could understand if they'd offered him a place in NXT and he'd refused but no contact at all is a bit disappointing and slightly surprising.

If TNA wanted him to take a paycut then perhaps ROH isn't so bad compared to what he would get in TNA but without having to deal with the horrendous booking department of TNA.

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I've heard that there's not even been any contact, I could understand if they'd offered him a place in NXT and he'd refused but no contact at all is a bit disappointing and slightly surprising.

If TNA wanted him to take a paycut then perhaps ROH isn't so bad compared to what he would get in TNA but without having to deal with the horrendous booking department of TNA.

NXT? I think people forget that AJ is pushing 37-years-old.

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NXT? I think people forget that AJ is pushing 37-years-old.

Yeah, but I'm not convinced he'd walk onto the main roster. I'd like to be proven wrong but I think they'd make him spend some time in developmental.

I love the guy and he'd walk onto my WWE roster but I can see Triple H etc thinking that he needs to spend time in NXT first. (which is ridiculous considering Batista and Lesnar will walk back in despite being far inferior to AJ in the ring so any excuse of "having to learn the WWE way to wrestle" would be nonsense)

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Aye WWE are wanks like that. They sent Daniel Bryan to NXT despite the fact that he'd wrestled all over the world and had been ROH World Champion. Same with Punk.

They passed on Austin Aries for Tough Enough a couple of years ago, and he too had wrestled all over the world and had been ROH World Champion. Fucking Tough Enough. Not even a place in NXT. Of course he went to TNA where he's been immense, won the WHC title and the X Division numerous times including the longest X Division reign in company history. The TNA way of wrestling looks very similar to WWE, and since it's packed with ex WWE guys, it's most likely the same style for the most part.

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The TNA way of wrestling looks very similar to WWE, and since it's packed with ex WWE guys, it's most likely the same style for the most part.

Even if it is slightly different, guys like Bryan and Punk would've picked it up quick enough (especially Bryan, I don't want to be definitive as I don't watch nearly enough non-American stuff but he's one of the best wrestler in the world). Aries and AJ would pick it up in no time as well, they're fantastic in-ring performers.

I've never been too sure what exactly is the "WWE way of wrestling" anyway, is it something that changes over the years or is it the same as it was 10 years ago? I mean, obviously there's a difference between the WWE and lucha stuff but to me, as you said, there isn't much different between TNA and WWE. The fact Batista will walk straight back into the fold is symptomatic of WWE (and TNA's just as bad). Nepotism, nepotism everywhere.

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As much as I'd love to see AJ in the WWE, he'd be wasted if he went. At the moment the WWE has no idea what to do with its mid card, they set up the potential of a great feud with Sandow and Rhodes, at MITB, then ended it really quickly to team up Rhodes with his brother (cracking move though) and Sandows left doing nothing.

Zigglers left kicking his heals after winning the title, then dropping it shortly after. Their is no build up to PPV matches, they just seem to happen then are forgotten the week after, and it doesn't help having part time stars that only turn up 2 or 3 times a year.

AJ would turn up to a big fan fare, the fans would love it, he would have a great match against someone (vs Punk or Bryan I could see being awesome) then he would be left to rot in obscurity being brought out for the odd match here and there

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Spoiler from last nights Impact

The American Wolves debuted for TNA in a backstage segment of last nights Impact, Dixie Carter greeted them and told them they would get a try out on next weeks show only for them to tell her they had actually already signed contracts for the company via TNA's new investor.

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Just finished watching hardcore justice (or it may have been against all odds as all the graphics were this but commentators called it hardcore justice) on challenge that I recorded earlier in the week, and although the standard of the wrestling was ok, everything else was so amateur. I don't know where it was held but it looked like a theatre rather than an arena and must have held 2-3000 tops. Apart from the Bad Attitude parks/abyss storyline which seemed to go somewhere, (or it might just be me not watching tna) the rest of the feuds didn't seem to go anywhere. There was a chance to do something with angle and roode after the finish or even during the match. The main event seemed to short as once everyone was in it seemed to end pretty quick, but then again 3 of the 8 had already had another match on the card.

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The One Night Only events are basically televised house shows. They don't want to do them but are contractually obliged to do so which is why they put the minimum effort in terms of production and in the ring.

And they wonder why they do so bad in terms of PPV buyrates. Seemingly their best ever selling PPV (the one where Angle and Joe did the worked MMA match) drew roughly 60,000.

TNA even have the nerve to sell these shows on DVD.

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Is Jeff Hardy still with TNA? He hasn't been seen recently. Maybe he's taking some time off to heal, as the poor guy looks fucked. Years of insane shit like moonsault off of cages have fucked him. Copious drug use must have masked the pain as well, so at times he may not have known how injured he was but still pushed on. That's what saw Dynamite Kid end up in a wheelchair. By all accounts Hardy has been clean for a couple of years now, so he'll know, but it looks like it definitely took it's toll. He looks like he's in pain in every match, and whilst he's a good seller, it seems he's not faking a lot of it.

Anyway, despite there being no Aces & 8s in TNA, not much has changed. They still continue to rehash shit that's been done many times before. They've failed with their numerous nWO attempts, including Aces & 8s, so now they're on the way to failing with a Corporation rip off storyline. It's still basically Faction vs Faction. They need a fresh story or a fresh character (WWE are rehashing the Corporation stuff but with a fresh character in Bryan, they've made it decent). I do like Spud though. Think he's quality. I saw an episode of Explosion last week (think Heat) and it was him and JB on commentary and they were brilliant together.

Wonder who the 'mystery investor' is?

I imagine it will be utterly underwhelming. It might even be Sting. Talking of which, he's sure to lose his match 'next week' and the stipulation is that he doesn't get a new contract if he does. Of course if you're an investor who is able to give the American Wolves a contract then you'll surely be able to give yourself one too? And also you could claim that the restriction on you competing for the WHC was under your old contract. We'll see.

I had to laugh when Aries said that he didn't want Velvet Sky involved in the X title match 'next week' so he proposed that she be locked in a cage ringside. Aye, sound logic there. How about just not having her come down to the ring for the duration of the match? Or is that too simple? The X Divison has been fucked again, as it's seemingly only Aries and Sabin in it now.

The Bully Ray/Anderson macth was over far too soon and far too easily. I like this storyline and like how it's seperate form everything else, so hopefully it will continue. Bully is a fantastic heel and is coming across as en evil psychopath. Good stuff.

Edited by DA Baracus
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Not a TNA regular so dunno if it's a hot topic....but Dixie Carter is fucking chronic.

f**k yes! I fear I have transcended tedium with the number of times I mention this (see the last page). She should not be on TV at all. She's awful and she's ruining segments. It's obvious someone is massaging her ego to mask how shit they are at writing (constantly doing crap that has been done before etc).

I could have sworn this was supposed to be Genesis....it has started just like a normal weekly episode of Impact.

Yeah they only have 4 actual PPVs now, but still have a 'branded' Impact each month. The result of this of course is that they end up in effect giving a PPV away for free (as they have 'big' matches on them), meaning no one bothers to buy the ones they do charge for. It's a breathtakingly dreadful and stupid model.

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f**k yes! I fear I have transcended tedium with the number of times I mention this (see the last page). She should not be on TV at all. She's awful and she's ruining segments. It's obvious someone is massaging her ego to mask how shit they are at writing (constantly doing crap that has been done before etc).

Yeah they only have 4 actual PPVs now, but still have a 'branded' Impact each month. The result of this of course is that they end up in effect giving a PPV away for free (as they have 'big' matches on them), meaning no one bothers to buy the ones they do charge for. It's a breathtakingly dreadful and stupid model.

I was told it's Dave Lagana who's booking TNA just now so I'd assume it's him making the decision to keep her on tv. Undoubtedly it was Russo who first gave her screentime and she's probably gathered a taste for it. I don't know if Lagana is a suckup or not but even if he hated her on-screen personality, it'd take some amount of balls to write her out.

That was Bischoff and Hogan's idea, wasn't it? The problem is that they might have contracts and shit which forbid them from altering the schedule. Hopefully someone realises how stupid it is and either drops the free PPVs or goes back to the old 12 PPV model. 4 PPVs in a year could totally work, they'd just need good writing to keep us entertained for the 3 months between PPVs.

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