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I think you are. They are one of the only watchable things in the WWE just now and the only characters who seem to be constantly evolving at the moment.

Can't say I agree the New Day are "constantly evolving". I think the gimmick is stale and getting less and less of a crowd response. Although, to be fair the writers could be giving them better things to say.

Speaking of the New Day, didn't they walk out on Sheamus at the Survivor Series? Now they're introducing him on Raw and they're best friends? It makes absolutely no sense.

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An absolute car crash of a show. Nothing, not one thing, seemed to make sense. That main event, I can't even.

Ambrose pinned like a geek. World title match not in the main event. Bray put through a table already. Eugh.

Kevin Owens and Neville not even on the show either.

Can't say I agree the New Day are "constantly evolving". I think the gimmick is stale and getting less and less of a crowd response. Although, to be fair the writers could be giving them better things to say.

Speaking of the New Day, didn't they walk out on Sheamus at the Survivor Series? Now they're introducing him on Raw and they're best friends? It makes absolutely no sense.

Was hoping they'd explain this in some way. Nope, they just assume fans don't remember.

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The thing that annoys me is characters doing one thing one week then contradicting their behaviour the next.

Take good ol' Roman Reigns. A couple of weeks ago Triple H was offering to fast-track him to the WWE Championship. Reigns declined his offer, saying that everything in his life he had to work hard for an earn. Fair enough.

This week, after Sheamus is in the ring cutting a so-so promo, Reigns sneaks up behind him and punches him before stealing the belt. You could say he's just doing what Sheamus did to him at Survivor Series but it seemed out of character and jarred with what had gone before. And then he just hands the belt back to the Authority after they told him to!

Ambrose, meanwhile, the far more popular of the two, looks like a big goon and eats the pin at the end of the night.

Great work, lads.

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They're entertaining but how can anybody take them seriously? If they were just opening match geeks that would be fine but they're all over every show and still act like total and complete dorks.

Because they're over and enjoying themselves whilst doing so. If they weren't enjoying themselves, they'd be 3MB. By their own admission, the New Day gimmick was never supposed to be a big gimmick,nor one where they posed any sort of credible threat. They were being lined up as another jobber stable and decided they'd make the most of the shite gimmick they were handed.

Kofi, whilst a sound wrestler was in a slump for about 3 years. He admitted this himself in table for 3 and that he'd begun to switch off as creative weren't offering him any chances of a storyline and everything he brought forward was pretty much nixed on the spot. So to see a guy like that flourish from a nothing gimmick which was set out to fail gives me a bit of hope that they'll at least allow other guys to do similar in the future. Guys like Cesaro and Ambrose need that edge and a bit of creative freedom to take their characters and evolve them a bit.

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Could have fooled me that they're over. Maybe they get a nice pop now and then but nobody is paying money to see New Day and there's not a significant number of people watching TV each week to see them.

I like the guys and I'd like to see them be shown as a bit of a threat and not just all over the show because Vince decided they make him laugh. They had one show where they laid out Cena and Ziggler and then they followed it up with just comedy.

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I watch wwe these days to see the new day and hope Brock is there. They are definitely over.

That raw was fucking terrible. If that League of Nations pish is the best they have its horrible. Truly horrible.

Edited by bambino7
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Could have fooled me that they're over. Maybe they get a nice pop now and then but nobody is paying money to see New Day and there's not a significant number of people watching TV each week to see them.

I like the guys and I'd like to see them be shown as a bit of a threat and not just all over the show because Vince decided they make him laugh. They had one show where they laid out Cena and Ziggler and then they followed it up with just comedy.

Vince made them faces. They sucked (not in character)

Anything in the world that can make Kofi likeable is amazing. And they do it by being theirselves and not usual shoved down your neck pish.

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I wouldn't open my curtains to watch 90% of the current roster. Del Rio in the main faction. :lol: Shows how utterly pathetic it is just now.

I hope the ratings continue to fall, its what Vince McMahon deserves for churning out such a pathetic show. Daft old c**t, and he is to blame.

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I wouldn't open my curtains to watch 90% of the current roster. Del Rio in the main faction. :lol: Shows how utterly pathetic it is just now.

I hope the ratings continue to fall, its what Vince McMahon deserves for churning out such a pathetic show. Daft old c**t, and he is to blame.

Probably can see myself watching ICW more next year than WWE. Really can't be bothered with WWE. As you say hopefully the ratings continue to fall they deserve it.

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It was spoiler tagged for a reason but oh well.

If he's there then I guess it'll be just a token run in though I don't know what the point would be. They surely won't have him smoking or cracking folk over the head with a stick what with PG and I doubt they'll show him drinking either as it's Steve's gimmick.

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