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Monday Night Raw Live


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Why was Y2J saying he was going to "save the WWE" again? He's said that before and it never happened? Also is he a face?

He came across like a total dick on Monday. Calling the New Day "Green Day" was a shocker and the "Rooty-Tooty Booty" chant was dire too (although Big E's reaction was absolutely sensational).

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I'm currently working my through 1994 Raws on the network and whilst I won't bore you with full match reports like some others I'm going to post a few thoughts and may well carry on every now and again to do the same.

  • The first raw of 1994 saw Yokozuna beat a jobber by the name of Dan Dubiel. You could see Yoko was pissed off with something and he just bullied the guy. He then gave the guy a horrifically botched Banzai drop where he didn't use his feet/legs to reduce the impact and just slammed down on him. Then he refused to get off him and you could clearly see the jobber shouting at him to get off - either in pain or because he was struggling to breathe. Even the referee and Mr Fuji were gesturing at Yoko to get up but he didn't really seem to care. Quite tough to watch.
  • The amount of taped matches and dead crowds are incredible.
  • JR was in his early days with the company and I don't think they trusted him. Either that or they were struggling for the face/heel balance with McMahon as he brought in Crush (!!) and IRS (!!!!!) in different shows as colour commentator.
  • The best thing though is, despite the shitness of the inring action in a lot of places and the jobber matches is the WWFs refusal to hotshot everything. Crush on commentary was still trying to attack Macho after injuring him around November 1993. These days they would meet at the first PPV (which was the Rumble) but they just kept building and building to Mania 10. Same with Owen and Bret Hart and the Diesel/Michaels switch.
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Lot of people loving the fact that Jerry Lawler turned heel on commentary the other day? Was he any good? Like his old self or just as pish as he's been for the past 10 or so year?

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