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I've only read the results (and I'll see the show this evening) but it sounded like a bit of a shambles.

Are there any faces in the women's division any more?

I think Paige is technically a face. The same Paige who used Reid Flair's death to get heat a few weeks ago.

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Guest bernardblack

Got Paige's snapchat, every night it's her out drinking haha, when was the last time she actually wrestled?

Out of interest, how did you get Paige on snapchat......asking for a friend

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Damien Sandow was on the stage dressed in his old gear (when he was doing the gimmick of being more intelligent that everyone else). Zack Ryder was also spotted on the stage.

Zack Ryder spotted? Wow! It must be about two whole weeks since he had a match on Raw!

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Caught the results and a few of WWE's videos. Not really sure what the whole end "match" was all about. Was it supposed to be that one guy goes in, Roman beats him, then they move onto the next? If so, why not feed Reigns some jobbers first (the fucking Ascension were there...) before giving him Owens? It just seemed to be a normal match with loads of guys by ringside, cut short when McMahon set them all on him.

Then the way the results painted the situation, it sounded like Lesnar cleared the ring, and then helped Romans up, before F5ing him. That would have been a bit better than what we got. However, Lesnar remains just so good. He doesn't really have a massive range in WWE matches, but I could watch him suplex people all day. He threw Big E like he was Rey Mysterio. Also loved Xavier Woods throughout the entire segment, cackling like a madman while beating down Reigns, then delighted like he'd seen his best pal when Lesnar showed up.

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Getting the rumoured new signings in will help a little, but only if they actually use them properly. Some of the plans they could have for Nakamura are chilling in how plausible they sound. For example, he could go up against Brock Lesnar in what would essentially be a "loser dies first" match in how strong and stiff it could be. Or he could get put in a program with Stardust where JBL laughs and laughs and laughs about them both being from odd places. Mah gawd maggul!

The sad thing is that even though they're massively depleted in terms of the roster, it's not that hard to fix it. I know writing a live 3 hour broadcast every single week, along with several hours of supplementary programming, and then a three hour "spectacular" every month isn't going to be the easiest to have flow perfectly all of the time, but it's just how lazy they've been. It's hard to make a spell-binding program like they have in the past, but it isn't as hard to make a solid, watchable show. And they seem massively averse to doing that, instead flitting between tired, lazy writing and absolute lunacy (and not the good kind). They've got it right only a handful of times in years, or so it seems.

Is it really that hard and/or expensive to get in a team of writers who can craft something that's worth watching? Are there just too many of them? Why can a guy with a youtube channel craft a much more compelling story than a large number of "professionals"?

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It all comes down to Vince McMahon and his refusal to really push guys. For all we know the creative team could have written amazing angles only for Vince to say "Nah, push Cena and make Roman look strong".

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It all comes down to Vince McMahon and his refusal to really push guys. For all we know the creative team could have written amazing angles only for Vince to say "Nah, push Cena and make Roman look strong".

But even then, if that is the case (which let's face it, it is) you can still write better stories just for them. Roman Reigns they seem to just mostly be recycling Daniel Bryan's story, rather than making him the mostly silent badass that would fit him much better. And they could still make the top guys look strong and have a compelling undercard. Although McMahon can be blamed for a lot of it, surely he wouldn't go as far as refusing to hand a story to someone who has no connection to his favourites.

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It all comes down to Vince McMahon and his refusal to really push guys. For all we know the creative team could have written amazing angles only for Vince to say "Nah, push Cena and make Roman look strong".

Roman and Cena should be pushed strongly. There's no problem with that. Doesn't mean everyone else on the roster has to be mid table fodder.

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I don't understand why they don't push The Wyatt faction a lot more than they're doing now like they'd done previously with The Shield. You have a great talker and leader in Bray Wyatt backed up by three huge guys as the muscle. They should be attacking and destroying everyone in the locker room.

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It's not the lack of pushing, I think WWE have pushed a lot of superstars. It's their lack of commitment in these pushes. They are giving wrestlers opportunities to take off but if they don't look like the new Austin within a couple of weeks they're booked to get beat on the next Smackdown.

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It all comes down to Vince McMahon and his refusal to really push guys. For all we know the creative team could have written amazing angles only for Vince to say "Nah, push Cena and make Roman look strong".

The main guys who have bucked this trend over recent years ( Punk, Bryan and to an extent Ziggler circa 2012/13) have got over in spite of WWE instead of because of them.

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Finished watching Monday's show last night and Chris Jericho is a fucking dickhead. Is supposed to be a face? Because he came across as an idiot, smashing up Francesca the Trombone like that. Imagine thinking it was a good idea to let Cool Dad Chris cut the balls off one of the few genuinely refreshing and entertaining aspects of the show.

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Jericho has meant less and less everytime he's returned. There has been exactly zero reason for his comeback so far. I'm guessing/hoping there's something good gonna happen at the Rumble.

As for the WWE pushing guys, a push lasts longer than one month. You have to be really talented to get over the shitty WWE booking. Look at poor Tyler Breeze. Why the f**k did they even bring him up if they had no plans?

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