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Guest bernardblack

Fair play to the production team for putting in the fake crowd reactions during the Brie and Lana segment at the wrong time.

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Still don't think HHH gets past Reigns. However, Ambrose looked excellent last night I thought, and I think they're building him up for the win at Mania, which would be massive.

Dean Ambrose is probably on the cusp of finally getting a good place in the main event scene. Which makes it even more interesting when Seth Rollins comes back.

EDIT: The Undertaker also did pretty much what I was expecting. He was never going to back down from this. He wasn't going to be a lapdog either.

Edited by Randy Giles
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Bleacher Report has gone a bit odd and not showing their usual round-up of RAW. As such, I'm flying blind a bit. What happened at the end with Ambrose? Are we getting a title match on RAW between them? Was the Rusev Body Slam challenge a load of shite? Did they completely waste the Taker appearance? Reaction seems to be flitting between "he can get hype up with just a few words" and "well that was fucking pointless"

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HHH v Ambrose will be on the network special coming up

I thought Lesnar was in some way involved in that? Or was that spoilers when it was announced, and Lesnar is going to get involved following next week's RAW or something?

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Stephanie looked unreal and her promo was even better. I laughed at Ambrose a couple of times. New Day vs Y2AJ in Chicago will be great.

Other than that, a brutal edition of Raw. Words can't do justice to how bad the Taker/Vince thing was and Ambrose made to look like an absolute geek once again. He's popular anyway and having him getting beaten up on every show isn't helping. He'll likely lose the HHH match and probably again to Brock at Mania, unless he just gets his ass kicked and sneaks a quick roll-up win.

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Stephanie looked unreal and her promo was even better. I laughed at Ambrose a couple of times. New Day vs Y2AJ in Chicago will be great.

Other than that, a brutal edition of Raw. Words can't do justice to how bad the Taker/Vince thing was and Ambrose made to look like an absolute geek once again. He's popular anyway and having him getting beaten up on every show isn't helping. He'll likely lose the HHH match and probably again to Brock at Mania, unless he just gets his ass kicked and sneaks a quick roll-up win.

He'll almost certainly lose the HHH match. Actually, that's not true. He'll probably win by disqualificataion because of some dastardly heel gimmick. No way is HHH dropping it before Mania.

As for Lesnar, I think they might actually have Ambrose go over there. Does Lesnar really need the win? What would it achieve? However, having them beat the absolute shit out of each other for twenty minutes, Lesnar getting most of the offense in, and then having Ambrose pick up a gutsy win would do far more. They could essentially replay the Reigns/Lesnar WM match, as Ambrose is much more believable in the role Reigns was playing.

I was going to get up and watch RAW back rather than just read up what happened this morning, but glad I didn't now. Sounds like a shiter.

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Going by the thinking Reigns is going to be the babyface world champion after Mania, who is he facing afterwards? They don't have any decent heels at the moment. That's why I'm thinking they build to Roman vs Brock. If you're doing that then no way should Brock do the job for Dean. You could turn Ambrose go heel I suppose but then he definitely shouldn't beat Brock.

All the other options (Sheamus? Del Rio? Rusev? Owens?) don't really scream big matches. It either needs to be Brock or they need to do a much better job of building up some strong heels.

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Or do they capitalise on what Reigns has become, and have a "face" vs face feud. let's face it, they could treat Reigns the way they have been, and he'll still pretty much be the heel in the fans eyes, and the face in the company's eyes.

It doesn't really matter who goes up against him at this stage from the top of the card, they're going to get cheered. Brock, Ambrose, Kevin Owens...there isn't one person on the roster that would get booed.

Have him win at Wrestlemania fair enough, but spend the night after doing the smug face routine - talk about how you're the best, and have the fans turn further. That'd be a smart decision in their current situation, which could have been completely avoided if they'd just done the sensible thing and treated Reigns like the silent badass he was in the Shield from the start.

Or, you know, go absolutely mental and have Reigns spear the Rock after he wins the title and turn heel.

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Didn't watch all of Raw but it's weird to see Dean Ambrose being positioned as a contender for the strap at WrestleMania. He was the guy pinned clean at the end of Fastlane, so surely that means he no longer has a claim on the title and should just look forward to his match with Brock Lesnar?

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HHH fighting Shane at WM in the HIAC match would've made more sense with what's at stake. Obviously HHH would've had to lose the belt before then.

Yup. Then you could do Reigns vs Ambrose for the title.

edit- Thinking about it, you could even have done Shane vs Brock. It's more believable that Brock would be willing to do Vince's bidding if he was paid handsomely. They really didn't explain why the f**k Taker even agreed to the match.

Edited by Poet of the Macabre
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I reckon there will be some sanctioned blood at WM. Always makes a HIAC match more believable. Especially in wrestling's biggest PPV.

It's a good thing when used sparingly IMO.

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Yup. Then you could do Reigns vs Ambrose for the title.

edit- Thinking about it, you could even have done Shane vs Brock. It's more believable that Brock would be willing to do Vince's bidding if he was paid handsomely. They really didn't explain why the f**k Taker even agreed to the match.

Yep and if Brock lost it wouldn't really matter as it wouldn't affect him and then Shane takes over Raw the next night. Everyone's a winner.

On the other hand we get the Undertaker losing at a Wrestlemania (which went down so well the last time) in his home state to a middle aged non wrestling McMahon. Or we don't get Shane running Raw and he hands over the 'super lame lockbox of dreaded secrets'.

Not sure where they are going with this. Which will hopefully in turn make it interesting to watch.

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